  • 儿子七月四日降生,取汤姆。
    Boy bear July fourth named Tom
  • 她只得了第四名。
    She was but just the fourth.
  • 此结果集里包含的是使用findbusiness所匹配到的businessentity的概要信息(包括键、和描述等)。
    This result is overview information (keys, names and descriptions) derived from the registered businessEntity information, matching on the name fragment that you provided.
  • 讲到人们对于梅树的芬芳和轮廓的欣赏,这位诗人在下述这句诗里表现得最为恰切:
    Now the appreciation of the plum tree, of its type of fragrance and its outline, is best expressed by this poet in his famous line of seven words:
  • 为满足长者在家安享晚年的意愿,并为照顾他们的家人提供支援,社署四月起推行新的“改善家居及社区照顾服务”,首批共有1453体弱长者获提供服务。
    To meet the preference of elders to age at home and to support their families in taking care of them, a new initiative providing enhanced home and community care services was introduced in April. The first batch of enhanced home and community care services provided a total capacity for serving 1453 frail elders.
  • “精装书一册,装订考究,书边烫金,书《玛侬·莱斯科》,扉页上写着几个字,十法郎。”
    'A book fully bound, gilt-edges, entitled: Manon Lescaut. There's something written on the first page: ten francs.'
  • 过了些时候,省务委员会审查了那申请,通过每年给他一笔三千法郎的款子,义是“主教先生的轿车、邮车和教务巡视津贴”。
    Some time afterwards the General Council took this demand under consideration, and voted him an annual sum of three thousand francs, under this heading: Allowance to M. the Bishop for expenses of carriage, expenses of posting, and expenses of pastoral visits.
  • 学生联谊会会员以希腊字母命的大学生男生或女生联谊会的成员
    A member of a fraternity or sorority that has its name composed of Greek letters.
  • 希波克拉底希腊医,通过把医学研究从学推断和迷信中解放出来来奠定了科学的医学的基础,传统上认为他是《希波克拉底誓言》的作者,但这一说法不准确
    Greek physician who laid the foundations of scientific medicine by freeing medical study from the constraints of philosophical speculation and superstition. He is traditionally but inaccurately considered the author of the Hippocratic oath.
  • 词经常用作形容词。
    nouns are frequently used adjectively.
  • 在练习簿的封面上写上你的字。
    Write your name on the front cover of the exercise book.
  • 在中国文学史上李白与杜甫齐
    In the history of Chinese literature the name of Li Bai belongs with that of Du Fu.
  • 她一举成并上了美国《时代》杂志的封面,其标题为“奥运顶峰——中国的金牌得主伏明霞”。
    Her success became a cover story in "Time" magazine titled "Olympic Height-China's gold medalist Fu Mingxia."
  • 但是这种朋友,只能属于唐朝的李林甫⑴一类。李林甫是唐朝的宰相,是一个有的被称为“口蜜腹剑”的人。
    But such friends can only be classed with Li Lin-fu[1], the prime minister in the Tang Dynasty who was notorious as a man with "honey on his lips and murder in his heart".
  • 语法;实现某个组成成分的语法角色,例如用作词的“threeblindmice(三只瞎老鼠)”。
    grammar; fulfilling the grammatical role of one of its constituents--as three blind mice--which serves as a noun.
  • 他没能完全康复,于是不得不成了一残疾者度过余生。
    He never fully recovered, and had to spend the rest of his life as an invalid.
  • 它与xml命空间的功能相似。
    It is similar to the namespace functionality used for XML.
  • 软件层程序包称软件功能应用程序无线群集服务器(rcs)rcs应用程序软件驻留在ap上。
    Software LayerPackage NameSoftware Functionality ApplicationRadio Cluster Server (RCS)The RCS application software resides on the AP.
  • 联合国秘书处在经常预算下雇用了大约7500工作人员,在特别供资方案下雇用了几乎同样数目的工作人员。
    The UN Secretariat employs some 7,500 staff members under the regular budget and a nearly equal number under special funding.
  • 这个男孩想在将来成为一哲学家。
    The boy wants to become a philosopher in the future.
  • 早期加保扮演角色有ridridell,patchgallagher,及blackiegallagher还有giovanniseveri.盖博在“sanfrancisco”一片中扮演的最著的角色是blackienorton.。
    Early parts had Gable playing characters named Rid Ridell, Patch Gallagher, and Blackie Gallagher and even Giovanni Severi. His most famous Blackie was Blackie Norton, one of my favorite Gable roles, in San Francisco.
  • 她派遣了一只牛虻去折磨伊俄。伊俄四处躲藏,游过了大海,这海从些就以她命叫伊奥尼亚海。
    She sent a gadfly to torment Io, who, in her flight, swam through the sea, named after her, Ionian.
  • 小玩意叫不出目的小器件或小玩意儿
    An unnamed gadget or trinket.
  • 小玩意叫不出目或没有目的小装置或小玩意儿
    An unnamed or nameless gadget or trinket.
  • 机械装置,小物件忘记了字或不知道称的机械装置或零件;新玩意儿
    A mechanical device or part whose name is forgotten or unknown; a gadget.
  • 未指明的人一种未指明的诡计或其它的小家伙,尤其指不知道或忘记其字的人
    An unspecified gadget or other small article, especially one whose name is unknown or forgotten.
  • 他在澳大利亚呆了一年后回到爱尔兰,报上了配乐表演学校。一年后,当法雷尔的演艺事业开始起步时,他又退学了。
    After spending a year in Australia,he returned to Ireland and enrolled at the Gaiety School of Acting but left after a year when his career began to take off.
  • 透过历史的烟云,这里有过多少西风古道,胡笳羌笛,金戈铁马,商队驼铃。举世闻的莫高窟是公元366年前秦时期开始兴建的。
    Through the mists and clouds of history, it had witnessed numerous golden spears and armored horses of gallant warriors and trade caravans moving along ancient trails in the autumn wind amid the tinkling of camel bells mingled with the wailing of reed flutes of the northern tribes. The world-famous Mogao Grotto was first built in 366 AD.
  • 那个年轻人以向女人献殷勤而闻
    The young man was noted for gallantry.
  • 这个镇子引以为荣的是有个闻於世的美术馆.
    The town boasts a world-famous art gallery.
  • 从艰难挣扎的社区学院到常春藤牌大学,各种层次的大学都在飞速提高分数。
    Grade inflation is in full gallop at every level, from struggling community institutions to the elites of the Ivy League.
  • 官方说,涉嫌曾设计暗杀前总理甘地的斯里兰卡泰米尔人,被警方追捕三个月,由于主犯及6共犯在警方包围他们在南部城市班加罗尔的藏匿处所时自杀,追捕行动突然停止。
    A three-month police hunt to capture the Sri Lankan Tamils who are believed to have planned the assassination of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi ended abruptly when the chief suspect and six confederates committed suicide as the police closed in on their hideout in the southern city of Bangalore, officials said.