  • 例如,当时长江流域各省被划为英国的势力范围,云、广西、广东被划为法国的势力范围,山东被划为德国的势力范围,福建被划为日本的势力范围,东三省原划为沙俄的势力范围,一九○五年日俄战争后,东三省部又成为日本的势力范围。
    Thus, the provinces in the lower and middle Yangtse valley were specified as the British sphere of influence; Yunnan, Kwangtung and Kwangsi as the French; Shantung as the German sphere; Fukien as the Japanese; and the three northeastern provinces (the present provinces of Liaoning, Kirin and Heilungkiang) as the tsarist Russian sphere. After the Russo-Japanese War of 1905 the southern part of the three northeastern provinces came under Japanese influence.
  • 美国热带天星科植物,其块茎可以食用。
    tropical American aroid having edible tubers that are cooked and eaten like yams or potatoes.
  • 多年生草本植物的一个属,具块茎根,花美丽;产于北温带和温带地区。
    perennial herbs with tuberous roots and beautiful flowers; of north and south temperate regions.
  • 星科的模式属;欧亚产的一个多年生草本属,块茎,通常具心形叶。
    type genus of the Araceae: tuberous perennial herbs of Europe and Asia with usually heart-shaped leaves.
  • 美国西部和墨西哥北部的长有粘质树枝的多年生植物,具有块状根茎和深红色花朵。
    viscid branched perennial of the southwestern United States and northern Mexico having tuberous roots and deep red flowers.
  • 墨西哥刺木,蔓仙人掌似仙人掌的树(奥寇梯罗)生长在墨西哥及美国东部,有管形深红色花簇
    A cactuslike tree(Fouquieria splendens) of Mexico and the southwest United States, having clusters of scarlet tubular flowers.
  • 诺加莱斯图林部的阿里索纳部一城市,位于墨西哥边境与墨西哥的诺加莱斯相邻,两城市都是河口港和旅游中心。阿里索纳的诺加莱斯有19,489人;墨西哥的诺加莱斯有14,254居民
    A city of southern Arizona south of Tucson on the Mexican border adjacent to Nogales, Mexico. Both cities are ports of entry and tourist centers. Nogales, Arizona, has a population of19, 489; Nogales, Mexico, has14, 254 inhabitants.
  • 僧帽猴一种悬猴属长尾猴,原产于中美洲和美洲,头上有类似风帽的一簇毛发
    Any of several long-tailed monkeys of the genus Cebus, native to Central and South America and often having a hoodlike tuft of hair on the head.
  • 在这场长达十余年的惨烈的战争期间,由于故宫博物院的工作人员不畏艰难险阻,尽职尽责,迁文物数量虽巨,却没有一件丢失和损伤,故宫人员的精神、事迹,可歌可泣。
    During this tumultuous decade of war and revolution, not one item of the treasures was lost or damaged even though the sheer volume involved was so enormous. This was largely due to the dedicated energy of the Palace Museum staff, whose achievement in preserving these treasures was nothing short of heroic.
  • 阿杰利亚苏联欧洲东部一区域,毗邻黑海和土耳其。公元前4,5世纪为希腊殖民地,后被罗马人和土耳其人统治,1878年后被俄罗斯占领
    A region of southeast European U.S.S.R. bordering on the Black Sea and Turkey. Colonized by the Greeks in the fourth and fifth centuries b.c., it was ruled by the Romans and the Turks before its acquisition by Russia in1878.
  • 阿杰利亚苏联欧洲东部一区域,毗邻黑海和土耳其。公元前4,5世纪为希腊殖民地,后被罗马人和土耳其人统治,1878年后被俄罗斯占领
    A region of southeast European U.S.S.R. bordering on the Black Sea and Turkey. Colonized by the Greeks in the fourth and fifth centuries b.c., it was ruled by the Romans and the Turks before its acquisition by Russia in1878.
  • 唐朝打败西突厥后,统一了西域各地,于公元702年在庭州设置北庭都护府,后又升为北庭大都护府,管理天山北麓及新疆东部地区的军政事务,而安西大都护府管理天山部和葱岭以西的广大地区。
    After defeating the Western Turks, the Tang Dynasty unified all parts of the Western Regions, and in 702 established the Beiting Frontier Command in Tingzhou (later upgraded to Grand Beiting Frontier Command) to take charge of military and administrative affairs in the north of the Tianshan Mountains and the east of Xinjiang, while the Grand Anxi Frontier Command supervised military and administrative affairs in the vast areas south of the Tianshan Mountains and west of the Congling Mountain Range.
  • 美中部和北部的野火鸡。
    wild turkey of Central and northern South America.
  • 美中部和北部的野火鸡。
    wild turkey of Central and northern South America.
  • 奥西耶克斯拉夫北部城市,位于札格勒布东偏东,濒德拉瓦河。由一处古罗马殖民地兼要塞发展而来,1526至1687年间处于土耳其人统治下。人口103,600
    A city of northern Yugoslavia on the Drava River east-southeast of Zagreb. The city grew on the site of a Roman colony and fortress and was under Turkish rule from1526 to1687. Population,103, 600.
  • 举办校友联欢会或嘉年华会可以说是新马华校生的传统,槟城钟灵中学校友举办嘉年华会的历史比大校友联欢会更加悠久,钟灵校友嘉年华会每年轮流在世界各地举行,参加人数众多,声势浩大。
    It is a tradition for Chinese-educated students in Singapore and Malaysia to meet up regularly after graduating from school. For instance, the Chung Ling High School in Penang has a longer history than Nantah of organising such reunions. Held every year at a different place in the world, it is a grand event with a big turnout to boot.
  • 美国部和墨西哥北部河水中的大型龟。
    large river turtle of the southern United States and northern Mexico.
  • 美国部和墨西哥北部河水中的大型龟。
    large river turtle of the southern United States and northern Mexico.
  • 许多程序还提供辅导性的渐进指,引导你掌握程序的基本用法。
    Many also come with a tutorial step by step guide that walks you through the basic use of the programs.
  • [台风]2001年西北太平洋和海上共有25个台风生成。其中有9个台风先后在中国登陆,登陆个数较常年偏多,其中7月份接连有5个台风登陆,是近50年来同期之最。
    Typhoon: There were 25 typhoons in northwest pacific and South china Sea, among which, nine landed in China, with more ones than the conventional year. In July, there were five typhoons landed in China, the maximum figure in recent fifty years.
  • 在北太平洋西部、东海及海上,每年平均约有31个热带气旋形成,其中半数达到台风强度,最高风速为每小时118公里或以上。
    On average, about 31 tropical cyclones form over the western North Pacific and the China Seas every year, and about half of them reach typhoon strength with maximum winds of 118kilometres per hour or more.
  • 美洲霸鹟,大部分分布于中美洲,但也生活于美国和加拿大。
    New World tyrant flycatchers most numerous in Central and South America but also in the United States and Canada.
  • 意大利中西部一古国,位于罗马东部,毗邻第勒尼安海。
    an ancient region of west central Italy (southeast of Rome) on the Tyrrhenian Sea.
  • 坎帕拉乌干达首都及最大城市,位于该国部维多利亚湖上。该市在1890年建立的一座城堡周围发展起来。人口458,503
    The capital and largest city of Uganda, in the southern part of the country on Lake Victoria. It grew around a fort established in1890. Population,458, 503.
  • 坎帕拉乌干达首都及最大城市,位于该国部维多利亚湖上。该市在1890年建立的一座城堡周围发展起来。人口458,503
    The capital and largest city of Uganda, in the southern part of the country on Lake Victoria. It grew around a fort established in1890. Population,458, 503.
  • 乌克兰部位于黑海边的城市。
    a city in S Ukraine on the Black Sea.
  • 布格河西欧的一条河流,位于苏联乌克兰西部,全长853公里(约530英里),主干向东流入黑海
    A river of western European U.S.S.R. rising in the southwest Ukraine and flowing about853 km(530 mi) generally southeast to the Black Sea.
  • 巴西西方的一个超现代化的城市。
    an ultramodern city in southeastern Brazil; the largest city in South America.
  • 美洲六出花属中众多植物的任何一种,具有漂亮的花组成的伞状花序。
    any of various South American plants of the genus Alstroemeria valued for their handsome umbels of beautiful flowers.
  • 但如果你能实践你对我的许诺而由于你生性持重胆怯不愿单身前往英国,就来信告诉我,那我就会设法回非来迎接我的新娘。
    If, however, you feel you can keep your promise to me, but are of too timid and modest a journey to England unaccompanied, then write to me, and I will, by some means, return to fetch my bride."
  • 居住在这个国家部的人们没有受到石油短缺的影响。
    People in the south of the country were unaffected by the lack of petrol.
  • 第二,中国红色政权首先发生和能够长期地存在的地方,不是那种并未经过民主革命影响的地方,例如四川、贵州、云及北方各省,而是在一九二六和一九二七两年资产阶级民主革命过程中工农兵士群众曾经大大地起来过的地方,例如湖、广东、湖北、江西等剩
    Second, the regions where China's Red political power has first emerged and is able to last for a long time have not been those unaffected by the democratic revolution, such as Szechuan, Kweichow, Yunnan and the northern provinces, but regions such as the provinces of Hunan, Kwangtung, Hupeh and Kiangsi, where the masses of workers, peasants and soldiers rose in great numbers in the course of the bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1926 and 1927.