  • 全國民意研究中心的一位析傢說:“希拉裏站在總統一邊這件事本身對於解釋人們的疑問大有幫助。”
    The point that Hillary is standing by the president... goes a long way toward answering people's questions," says Tom Smith, an analyst at the NORC.
  • 一般來說,每一位析傢都會被問及同一個問題:“如果讓您選擇一至兩位ceo,您會選擇誰呢?
    Essentially, each analyst was asked: "If you had to entrust your personal nest egg to just one or two CEOs, whom would you give it to?
  • idc的另一位析傢阿勃那·格瑪諾說:“如果ibm在其網絡軟件升級方面很順利,那麽很快就有其他的服務供應商效仿。”
    If IBM has an easy time with their network software upgrade, then other service providers will follow suit very quickly," says Abner Germanow, an analyst at IDC.
  • 這種趨勢發展得很快,假如按這種速度發展下去,高等教育析傢湯姆·莫膝森說:“到2068年高校畢業生行列中將全是女生了。”
    The trend is moving quickly; if it continues at this pace, "the graduation line in the year 2068 will be all females," says Tom Mortenson, a higher-education policy analyst.
  • 有消息稱,這位前任美國總統剋林頓的千金已經得到了麥肯錫公司提供的一份"初級職位"的商業析師工作,但她還沒有接受。
    Sources confirmed that the daughter of Bill Clinton, the former President, had been offered an "entry level" position as a business analyst but had not yet accepted the job.
  • “剋萊斯勒處境艱難,”西爾森·理曼[財務公司]的一位汽車析師菲利比說。“今後四年該公司推出的每一種新車都必須成功。”
    "Chrysler is walking a tightrope," says Joe Phillippi, an auto analyst with Shearson Lehman. "Every one of its new products introduced over the next for years has to be successful."
  • 另外一位析傢表示,梅西(百貨公司)的策略不僅顯示它需要爭取額外的生意,而且顯示很多零售業者深恐即將到來的假日季節的市況將奇慘無比。
    Another analyst noted that Macy's tactic reflected not only its need to drum up extra business, but the fear among many retailers that the upcoming holiday season will be a disaster.
  • meta集團的工業析師mikekennedy認為,“如果最終目標是建立商業應用,那麽必須有一定義每個部件的公共基礎框架。
    "If the ultimate goal is to build business applications, there has to be a common framework that defines the scope of each component," said Mike Kennedy, an industry analyst Meta Group Inc..
  • 國際數據公司(idc)的析師jillhouse列出了wap的三個強項:它得到了整個業界的支持、它不是專有的以及它很適合要移植到的設備。
    Jill House, an analyst at International Data Corp. (IDC), lists three of WAP's strong points:"It's got industry wide support, it's nonproprietary and it's well suited to the devices it's being ported to."
  • meta集團的研究析員alexisdeqlangue說:“去年人們對這些工具的興趣在增加,我預計今年將會繼續增加,到1997年這些工具的購買量可能有一爆炸性的增長。”
    "There was an increasing interest in these tools last year, which I foresee continuing into this year, with a possible explosion of buying in '97," said Alexis dePanque, a research analyst at Meta Group.
  • gartner集團的析傢rayvaldes說:"cgi就像一把榔頭,大型網站可能已經變成了強有力的工具,但他們仍需一把榔頭做快速而又吃力不討好的工作。"
    "CGI is like a hammer," says Ray Valdes, an analyst at Gartner Group Inc. in San Jose, "Large sites may have switched to power tools, but they still need a hammer for quick-and-dirty jobs."
  • 波士頓yankee集團的高級析師gregrunyan說:“大多數公司不會構建倉庫或者搞專有的庫存和倉庫管理軟件。所以我們正在看到的是把訂單的實現外包出去。
    "Most companies don't build warehouses or come up with proprietary inventory and warehouse-management software," says Greg Runvan, a senior analyst at The Yankee Group in Boston, "so what we're seeing is outsourced order fulfillment.
  • 據新澤西州費那市的一傢咨詢公司——telechoice公司的析傢約翰·享特稱,56k位/秒的modem有幾種可替代的産品,如數字用戶綫(dsl)和電纜modem服務——但它們可能不是更好的選擇。
    According to John Hunter, an analyst at Tele-Choice, Inc., a consultancy in Verona, N.J., there are some alternatives to 56K bit/sec. modems, such as Digital Subscriber Line(DSL)and cable modem service -- but they may not be better choices.
  • 麻省坎布裏奇市的forrester研究公司預測,數據挖掘項目今後兩年將有爆炸性的發展,forrester公司的析師frankgillett稱,幾乎達到目前已有數量的四倍。
    After all, Forrester Research Inc. in Cambridge, Mass., predicts that the next two years will see an explosion of data mining projects, with almost four times the number that currently exist, says Frank Gillett, a Forrester analyst.
  • 析師諾布爾說,股東方面可能有些阻力。蘭姆薩斯公司的魯賓告訴路透社說“優先股股東吃虧了”-該公司擁有哈考特債券和優先股票。
    Mr. Noble, the analyst, said there would probably be some resistance from stockholders, and Jim Rubin of Lamle Sass & Rubin, whose firm owns Harcourt bonds and preferred stock, told Reuters that "preferred shareholders are getting a raw deal."
  • 但對技術析員來說,他並不需要知道那好消息是什麽,走勢圖將告訴他股價會起還是落。
    For the technical analyst, he does not need to know what the good news or other information that is affecting the stock price is; the chart will tell him whether the stock price is going to move up or down.
  • 股市周斯並不總會出現拋售高潮比裏尼同仁公司美國股市析傢莉薩·卡默特說,二戰以來共出現過10次熊市,其中8次最終在抱怨聲中結束,股市仍繼續朝着跌勢發展,沒有出現拋售高潮。
    Capitulations don't occur in every market cycle. Of the ten bear markets since World War II, eight ended in a whimper, with the market steadily trending lower and no selling crescendo, says Lisa Kammert, U.S. equity market analyst at Birinyi Associates.
  • “1989年,邁剋爾的公司正在從pc'slimited成長為戴爾計算機公司。”當時是一名記者,現在是技嘉信息集團析員的patrickdryden回憶,“我采訪了康柏的創始人之一rodcanion有關增長計劃和目標的情況;
    "In 1989, Michael's company was growing from PC's Limited to Dell Computer," recalls Patrick Dryden, who was then a reporter and is now an analyst for the Giga Information Group. "I interviewed Rod Canion, one of the Compaq founders, about growth plans and targets;
  • 善於析的頭腦;析方法
    An analytic mind; an analytic approach.
  • 語言分析哲學
    analytic philosophy of language
  • 析性實驗;析的方法;析敏銳的人;析性推理;析性的頭腦。
    an analytic experiment; an analytic approach; a keenly analytic man; analytical reasoning; an analytical mind.
  • 一種析性的或解釋性的文學作品。
    an analytic or interpretive literary composition.
  • 拉丁文是一種綜合性語言,而英語是一種析性語言。
    Latin is a synthetic language, while English is analytic.
  • 他們或許不具備與衆不同的析才能,但他們具有創造性和腳踏實地的精神。
    They may not have great analytic intelligence, but they are creative and practical.
  • 心理表演治療法一種精神治療和析方法病人在醫師設計的一個戲劇性場景中扮演角色,並自然地表演
    A psychotherapeutic and analytic technique in which people are assigned roles to be played spontaneously within a dramatic context devised by a therapist.
  • 分析判斷與綜合判斷
    analytical and synthetical judgments
  • 分析法學派
    Analytical school of law
  • 分析實驗設計
    design of analytical experiments
  • 有較強的分析能力。
    With good analytical capability.
  • 新分析法學派
    New analytical school of law
  • 分析數據的統計處理
    statistical treatment of analytical data
  • 成不同部或成份的;析的
    Separating into distinct parts or components; analytical.