  • 垒上的鲍勃·艾里森击了他们的第二个本垒打。
    Their second homer with Bob Allison aboard.
  • 游击手方向的快速直线球
    Lined out to shortstop.
  • 落向游记手的高飞球
    Popped out to shortstop.
  • 他被游击手接杀出局
    He grounded out to the shortstop.
  • 泰勒朝游击手击一滚地球。
    Taylor hit a ground ball to the shortstop.
  • 击球手击一记离本垒不远的高飞球,被二三垒间的游击手接住。
    The batter hit a pop fly to the shortstop.
  • 他以令人眩晕的速度疾步向前,抓住机会饰演了客串监制人(《矮子当道》)、轰炸机飞行员(《断箭》)、机修工身的天才(《现象》,又译《第三类奇迹》)和一个没了脸的联邦调查局探员(《变脸》)。
    He hurtled forward at a dizzying pace,snapping up roles as a loan producer (Get Shorty),a bomber pilot (Broken Arrow),a mechanic turned genius (Phenomenon),and an F.B.I.agent who literally loses his face (Face/Off).
  • 大炮射出炮弹。
    A cannon projects shot.
  • 它的舌头突然伸出。
    Its tongue shot out.
  • 反常带血的柏油便(通常由胃肠血引起)。
    abnormally dark tarry feces containing blood (usually from gastrointestinal bleeding).
  • 枪射出的子弹
    Shot fired from a gun.
  • 在现代来复枪或鸟枪中的机件;来回运动的滑行杠杆喷射空壳翘起火器进行新的一轮。
    a mechanism in a modern rifle or shotgun; a back and forward motion of a sliding lever ejects the empty shell case and cocks the firearm and loads a new round.
  • 小职员迪克很快就被排挤了这家店铺。
    Dick, the junior clerk, was soon shouldered out of the shop.
  • 她过去曾肩负着教学与监督的重任,现在这效果在一群优秀的学生的日益增长的成就中反映来。
    She shouldered a heavy burden of teaching and supervision, now reflected in the growing achievements of a brilliant galaxy of pupils.
  • 那个小偷从商店冲来,将每个挡着他路的人都推到一边去了。
    The thief rushed from the store, shouldering aside anyone who got in his way.
  • 这时一个没穿外衣的年轻人,扛着一根草耙,在后面院子里现了。
    when a young man without coat, and shouldering a pitchfork, appeared in the yard behind.
  • 一个大个子从商店里冲来,用肩膀把挡他进的人都给挤开。
    A big fellow the low rushed from the store, shouldering aside anyone who got in his way.
  • 他发了狂欢的喊叫。
    He gave an exultant shout.
  • 他发出狂欢的呼喊。
    He give an exultant shout.
  • 突然发欢快的叫声。
    A shout of joy broke forth.
  • 一声大声的叫喊。
    to utter a loud clamourous shout.
  • 当然可以,我会把那站报来的。
    Certainly, I'll shout it out.
  • 喊出(词组或短语)
    To shout out(words or phrases).
  • 人群中发一阵吼声。
    A shout arose out of the crowd.
  • (对一辆巡驶的租车喊)租车!
    (Shouting at a cruising taxi) Taxi!
  • 了什么事?为什么大家都在喊叫?
    What's up? Why is everyone shouting?
  • 他难以控制自己大声喊了来。
    He could hardly restrain himself from shouting alound.
  • 我听见很多喊声--什麽事了?
    I heard a lot of shouting what's up?
  • 验票员登上火车高叫:“把票拿来。”
    The ticket checker walked up the train shouting "tickets please."
  • 突眼眼球不正常突出
    Abnormal protrusion of the eyeball.
  • 朋友,挪过去点儿,给我留点地方。
    Shove over, friend, and make room for me.
  • 我们用力把汽车推泥淖。
    We gave the car a good shove and moved it out of the mud.