  • 要一杯红酒。
    A glass of red wine.
  • 博若莱葡萄酒种淡红色的餐用酒
    A light red table wine.
  • 种红色的铁的氧化物。
    a red oxide of iron.
  • 胭脂红种强烈到鲜明的红色
    A strong to vivid red.
  • 通红的天空使地平线上的行清晰可见。
    The reddening sky threw into relief a line of trees on the horizon.
  • 应当肯定,过去国家科委的工作方针是正确的,是九六三年毛泽东同志听了聂荣臻同志的汇报后批准了的。
    We should affirm that the former State Science and Technology Commission pursued a correct policy, which was approved by Comrade Mao Zedong in 1963 after he heard Comrade Nie Rongzhen's report on its work.
  • 风吹性皮肤症由于长时间暴露在风中而引起的种皮肤发红的炎症
    A reddened irritation of the skin caused by long exposure to the wind.
  • “不。”我涨红了脸说,因为这下我真有点儿不知所措了,“但是我很想认识她。”
    'No, ' I said, reddening, for I really did not know how I stood in the matter, 'but I would like to get to know her.'
  • 他在刚刚因为发怒而涨得满脸通红时,会找出些幸运的事,重新乐观起来,然后恢复常态。
    Then, just when he's getting redder in the face, he counts his blessings, finds his inner optimism and pulls back.
  • 没有丝窘迫,我用自己能找到的最大最红的玫瑰盖满他的灵柩。
    Without embarrassment, I covered his coffin with the largest, reddest roses I could find.
  • 藏红花色种从灰红紫色到淡红紫色的颜色
    A grayish to light reddish purple.
  • 金棕色,茶褐色,赤褐色种淡棕色与褐色的中间色彩
    A moderate reddish brown to brown.
  • 栗黄色种中至深色的红棕色
    A moderate to deep reddish brown.
  • 但是我们不妨更进步并且很真实地断言说,缺乏真正的朋友乃是最纯粹最可怜的孤独;没有友谊则斯世不过是片荒野;
    But we may go further, and affirm most truly, that it is a mere and miserable solitude to want true friends; without which the world is but a wilderness;
  • 种红棕色的砂岩,用于建筑。
    a reddish brown sandstone; used in buildings.
  • 黄土经过煅烧后制成的种红棕色颜料。
    a reddish-brown pigment produced by roasting sienna.
  • 鉴于张国焘严重地破坏纪律的行为,必须重申党的纪律:()个人服从组织;
    In view of Chang Kuo-tao's serious violations of discipline, we must affirm anew the discipline of the Party, namely: (1) the individual is subordinate to the organization;
  • 懒猫种红褐色的细腰猫
    The reddish-brown color phase of the jaguarundi.
  • 灯笼椒红种比深黄色更暗或比鲜橙黄稍鲜艳的颜色
    A dark to deep or vivid reddish orange.
  • 我们可以办到,而且我们还进步确定,中国进行现代化建设定要坚持自力更生为主的原则。
    We, however, shall manage to do so. Furthermore, we affirm that in its drive for modernization, China must adhere to the principle of self-reliance.
  • 种红色的蛋白石,有闪烁的变彩小斑。
    a reddish opal with small patches of brilliant color.
  • 九年公布的《巴黎航空公约》和九四四年签署的《芝加哥公约》均确认,每个国家对其领空具有完全的、排他性的主权的原则。
    The 1919 Paris Aviation Convention and the 1944 Chicago Convention affirm the principle of complete and exclusive sovereignty of each country over its airspace.
  • 我们得把楼梯重新装饰下。
    We must redecorate the staircase.
  • 今天,我们在这里重申个新的信念,即通过发扬谦恭、勇气、同情心和个性的精神来实现我们国家的理想。
    Today, we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility, courage, compassion and character.
  • 重新装饰房屋将是项很大的花费
    Redecorating the house will be a considerable expense.
  • 我们把房子重新布置番并买了新家具。
    We did the house over (ie redecorated it) and bought new furniture.
  • 我们考虑的是重新装饰起居室,然后买条新地毯。
    What we have in view is redecorating the lounge and then buying a new carpet.
  • 他们粉刷了厨房,後来又决心干到底,把其他房间也都修饰了
    They painted the kitchen and then decided to go the whole hog and redecorated the other room as well
  • 唔,这间办公室需要整理下。它确实需要重新装饰了。我想你办不了这件事吧?
    Well, the office needs tidy up. It really needs redecorating. I do not suppose you can get that do?
  • 他们对办公室重新用黄颜色还是绿颜色来装饰不能取得致意见,因此我被迫决定,如果他们今天决定不了,那就不再装饰了。
    They couldn't agree whether to have the office redecorated in yellow or green so I forced the issue by saying that if they didn't decide today it would stay as it is.
  • 拔除杂草,疏通河道,清理垃圾。50年代初,从宫内清除出去的上百年的垃圾竟达250,000立方米,自此院容焕然新。故宫博物院制定了“着重保护、重点修缮、全面规划、逐步实施”的古建维修方针,经过几十年的努力,许多残破、渗漏、瀕临倒塌的大小殿堂楼阁得到了修复和油饰,愈显金碧辉煌。
    Where previously the dirty and dilapidated halls and courts lay under weeds and piles of rubbish, some 250,000 cubic metres of accumulated debris were now cleared out, giving the place a sparkling fresh look. A policy of comprehensive rehabilitation was also launched, and in time the crumbling palace buildings, repaired and redecorated, looked resplendent once more.
  • 反对孤立政策,承认争取切可能的同盟者;
    Oppose the policy of isolation, and affirm the policy of winning over all possible allies.