  • 她快乐的天性;令人愉快的问候;令人愉快的房;像每一个在医院坐月子的人一样高兴。
    her cheerful nature; a cheerful greeting; a cheerful room; as cheerful as anyone confined to a hospital bed could be.
  • 春天到了,繁花似锦,百鸟和鸣,我朋友房里的窗户欢乐地打开了,窗户朝着花园,花园里清新的气息一阵阵向他袭来。
    Spring had dispensed its flowers, leaves, birds, and harmonies in abundance, and my friend's window cheerfully overlooked his garden which wafted its healthy draughts up to him.
  • 其次,亲戚朋友之也会兴高采烈互访。这样的欢庆方式,有助于加强亲情和友情。
    Secondly, visiting relatives and close friends was another time-honoured custom that was undertaken cheerfully, and reciprocated enthusiastically too, as a thoughtful way of affirming the ties of kinship and friendship.
  • 鲜花增加了单调的房的愉快气氛。
    flowers added a note of cheerfulness to the drab room.
  • 要一个人在他不喜欢的工作中长时地装出热情、乐观、愉快、勤奋、忠诚或积极的态度是非常难的。
    It is not easy for a person to fake enthusiasm, optimism, cheerfulness, productivity, loyalty, or motivation, over any protracted period of time in a place of employment that person does not like.
  • 人群中爆发出长时的欢呼声。
    The crowd burst into prolonged cheering.
  • 这(时)对我很合适!再见了!
    That suits me fine! Cheerio!
  • (虽然有美国美式足球世界联盟,但是联盟内部的运动队参加“超级杯赛”的机会任何时都小之又小。)
    (There is a World League of American Football, but the chances of one of its teams playing in the Superbowl any time soon are thinner than a cheerleader's panties.)
  • 这个房有些令人不快的东西;一个忧郁、不快乐的人;令人郁闷的地方。
    something cheerless about the room; a moody and uncheerful person; an uncheerful place.
  • 快乐的招呼;一个快乐的、充满阳光的房;充满阳光的微笑。
    a cheery hello; a gay sunny room; a sunny smile.
  • 里有奶酪的味儿。
    The room smells of cheese.
  • 我的朋友是这饭店的主厨。
    My friend is the chef-in-chief of this restaurant.
  • 屋子在村子的中心草地上,处于引人注目的位置。
    The house is in a prominent position on the village green.
  • 顷刻之,泪水和化疗淹没了她的生活。
    Suddenly tears and chemotherapy overtook her life.
  • 她不幸赍志而没,令我深感悲痛。但我珍惜我们那一瞬的交谈,也珍惜阅读她思绪的机会,从而窥见她的思想生活。
    I deeply lament her untimely death but I truly cherish the fleeting moments talking to her, reading her thoughts, if only a glimpse, of her life of the mind.
  • 她不幸赍志而没,令我深感悲痛。但我珍惜我们那一瞬的交谈,也珍惜阅读她思绪的机会,从而窥见她的思想生活。
    I deeply lament her untimely death but I truly cherish the fleeting moments talking to her, reading her thoughts, and experientially knowing, if only a glimpse, of her life of the mind.
  • 让我们继续努力完成正在从事的事业,包扎好国家的创伤,去做能在我们自己中和与一切国家之缔造并保持公正持久和平的一切事情。
    Let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation-s wounds, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.
  • 公爵樱桃介于甜与酸樱桃之的一种樱桃
    A type of cherry intermediate between a sweet and a sour cherry.
  • 翻石鹬两种涉禽中的任何一种,翻石鹬,是一种分布广泛的物种,身体上部是深褐色,有大片的栗色的黑色,或黑翻石鹬,羽毛黑白相,在阿拉斯加海岸线繁殖,冬季从这迁徙至下加利福尼亚
    Either of two wading birds, Arenaria interpres, a widely distributed species that is dark brown above with large areas of chestnut and black, or A. melanocephala, having black and white plumage, that breeds along the coast of Alaska and winters from there to Baja California.
  • 我给你一天时考虑考虑这问题.
    I'll give you till tomorrow to,chew it `over.
  • 你已经有够长的时仔细考虑过这件事情,我现在要你作出答复。
    You've had long enough to chew the affair over; I want my answer now.
  • 这件事你考虑的时够长了,我现在要求你给我答复。
    You have had long enough to chew the matter over , I want my answer now.
  • 为应付女犯数目不断增加,当局于一九九四年开设一属于中度设防的芝湾惩教所,收容成年及年轻女犯。
    Since 1994, the medium security Chi Ma Wan Correctional Institution has held adult and young female prisoners to cope with an increasing population of female offenders.
  • 通过多种资金渠道,解决妇女避孕、节育、生育的费用,保障妇女生育期享有必要的医疗保健和获得合理的经济补助。
    Meanwhile, efforts should be made to cover the cost of contraception, fertility regulation, and childbearing by pooling various capital resources; and insure preliminary health care and reasonable subsidy for women in their childbearing period.
  • 有关、关联或发生于分娩期或尾随分娩期后的时
    Relating to, connected with, or occurring during childbirth or the period immediately following childbirth.
  • 生育保险支付待遇主要包括:因生育发生的医疗费用和产假期按月发放的生育津贴等。
    The insurance benefits cover mainly medical treatment for childbirth and monthly childbirth allowance for employees during maternity leave.
  • (关于分娩)在分娩的正常时之前的。
    (of childbirth) before the end of the normal period of gestation.
  • 我在一瞬明白过来--这是她为妈妈做的项链,她再也见不到的妈妈,再也不能抱她、给她梳头或一起讲故事的妈妈。她的妈妈已再也不能分享她充满童稚的快乐,分担她孩子气的忧伤。
    In a flash I knew -- she had made it for her mother, a mother she would never see again, a mother who would never hold her or brush her hair or share a funny story, a mother who would never again hear her childish joys or sorrows.
  • 它是1960年沿南美洲智利的太平洋海岸发生的板块地震。
    It was an intraplate earthquake that occurred along the Pacific coast of Chile in South America in 1960.
  • 1.双边合作。1985年以来,中国先后与美国、意大利、德国、英国、法国、日本、瑞典、阿根廷、巴西、俄罗斯、乌克兰、智利等十多个国家签订了政府、政府部门科学技术及应用合作协定、议定书或备忘录,建立了长期的合作关系。
    1. Bilateral Cooperation: Since 1985, China has successively signed inter-governmental or inter-agency cooperative agreements, protocols or memorandums, and established long-term cooperative relations with a dozen countries, including the United States, Italy, Germany, Britain, France, Japan, Sweden, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine and Chile.
  • 1.双边合作。1985年以来,中国先后与美国、意大利、德国、英国、法国、日本、瑞典、阿根廷、巴西、俄罗斯、乌克兰、智利等十多个国家签订了政府、政府部门科学技术及应用合作协定、议定书或备忘录,建立了长期的合作关系。
    1. Bilateral Cooperation: Since 1985, China has successively signed inter-governmental or inter-agency cooperative agreements, protocols or memorandums, and established long-term cooperative relations with a dozen countries, including the United States, Italy, Germany, Britain, France, Japan, Sweden, Argentina, Brazil, Russia, Ukraine and Chile ,etc.
  • 我们生个火暖一暖房
    Let’s light the fire and take the chill off the room.