  • 将军因该士兵作战骁勇而他授勋。
    The general decorated the soldier for valour.
  • 国王把勋章颁授他。
    The king invested him with a decoration.
  • 父亲特别的生日祝福;特别注意那枚勋章
    Called his father with especial birthday wishes; gave especial attention to the decorations.
  • 别再娃诞蛋糕加装饰品了,那会画蛇添足的。
    Don’t put any more decorations on the Christmas cake, that would be gilding the lily.
  • 他们装修师全权来翻修他们的房子。
    They gave the decorator a free hand in doing their apartment over.
  • 自1999年以来,年降水量连续三年持续偏少,水库蓄水严重不足,农业生产造成了严重影响。
    Since 1999, the annual precipitation has kept decreasing for three years. The reservoirs are in serious shortage of water, with serious influences on the agriculture production.
  • 据roback称,提议中的算法的效率是通过对信息加密和解密有多快、出加密密钥有多快以及能对多少信息加密等几个方面进行测量的。
    According to Roback, efficiency of the proposed algorithms is measured by how fast they can encrypt and decrypt information, how fast they can present an encryption key and how much information they can encrypt.
  • 加密/解密——允许通信双方通过他们专有的密钥对发送对方的信息进行编码/解码。
    Encryption/decryption – allows two communicating parties to scramble/unscramble information they send to each other via special keys only they possess.
  • 她把自己的第一本书献了丈夫。
    She dedicated her first book to her husband.
  • 将(所著的书)题献某人
    dedicate a book to a certain person
  • 他把第一本书献他母亲。
    He dedicated his first book to his mother.
  • 题赠献给某人
    To dedicate to someone.
  • 奉献神圣地奉献某一服务或事业
    To dedicate solemnly to a service or goal.
  • 谨以本书献我的妻子以表示爱意兴感谢。
    I dedicate this volume tomy wife in token of affection and gratitude.
  • 他把此书献了妻子。
    He dedicated the book to wife.
  • 他们将此寺奉献了上帝。
    They dedicated the temple to God.
  • 她把那本书献了她的母亲。
    She dedicated her book to her parents.
  • 他把自已的身心都贡献了国家。
    He dedicated himself to his country, body and spirit.
  • 这位作家将她的新书献支持她的家庭。
    The author dedicated her new book to her supportive family.
  • 这位作家把他第一本书题献他的亡妻。
    The writer dedicated his first novel to his diceased wife.
  • 是的,我想念他们,但是我已决定把自己献上帝。
    Yes, I do, but I have dedicated myself to God.
  • 疏怠他的他儿女提供财力支持责任的父亲。
    a father who defaults on his obligation to provide financial support for his offspring.
  • 防守予帮助和援助;防卫
    To give assistance to; defend.
  • 公司已将案件委托最好的律师进行辩护
    The company has briefed a top lawyer to defend it
  • 我将等接到家信以后再你答复。
    I shall defer replying till I hear from home.
  • 我们把问题交他决定。
    We defer red the question to him.
  • 给予总统恰当的尊重
    Accorded the President the proper deference.
  • 不要对他人的意见和感情予过分的尊重
    Don't give undue deference to the opinions and feelings of others.
  • 延期付货物和服务的款项。
    arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services.
  • 班纳特太太已经计划了好几道菜,每道菜都足以增加她的体面,说明她是个会当家的贤主妇,可是事不凑巧,彬格莱先生第二天非进城不可,他们这一番盛意叫他无法领情,因此回信他们,说是要迟一迟再说。
    and already had Mrs. Bennet planned the courses that were to do credit to her housekeeping, when an answer arrived which deferred it all. Mr. Bingley was obliged to be in town the following day, and consequently unable to accept the honour of their invitation, &c.
  • 认为不充分的东西加强。
    supplement what is thought to be deficient.
  • 例如我们遇到了这样一个问题,有些地区过去粮食能够自,后来却不行了。
    For instance, we encountered the problem that some areas which were self-sufficient in grain had become grain-deficient.