  • 对有些同志在有些问题上的错误意见,要硬头皮顶祝
    As for the erroneous opinions of some of our comrades on a number of questions, you should brace yourselves and resist them.
  • 出于礼貌赫鲁晓夫硬头皮小心谨慎的咬了一小口。
    Being a good guest he braced himself and gingerly took a small nibble.
  • 我看它朝猫举起前爪,不禁倒吸了口气,随时准备看那猫挨上致命的一巴掌。
    I cringed as I watched him raise his forepaw toward the cat and braced myself for the fatal blow.
  • 她手腕上戴大手镯。
    She wears a huge bracelet on her wrists.
  • 她戴个冕状头饰、一条钻石项链还有一个金手镯--全套首饰!
    She was wearing a tiara, a diamond necklace and a gold bracelet the works!
  • 她却赞叹说,多漂亮的手链啊,说把手链戴上,并在另一只手腕上搽了些科龙香水。这止住了孩子们的笑声。
    She stifled the children's laughter when she exclaimed how pretty the bracelet was, putting it on, and dabbing some of the perfume behind the other wrist.
  • 赛跑开始时支撑运动员的脚的支架。
    braces for a runner's feet at start of a race.
  • 的确,他们这儿一定是随时都流通振奋精神的纯洁空气。
    Pure, bracing ventilation they must have up there at all times, indeed;
  • 开放地带,通常带有泥媒,覆盖石南花和欧洲厥以及苔藓等。
    open land usually with peaty soil covered with heather and bracken and moss.
  • 不再清澈的湖水告诉你南大湖已经不再风光,但它在南大时代却曾经有过一段黄金时期。对许多人来说,它象征南大的心脏地带。
    Although its brackish waters suggest it's now yesterday's flavour of the month, the lakelet had its heyday during Nantah days when it symbolised for many the heart of the university then.
  • 教堂者,乃从未去过天堂的君子对永无希望登上天堂的凡夫俗子大吹其法螺的地方也。
    A church is a place in which gentlemen who have never been to heaven brag about it to persons who will never get there.
  • 连那些把维也纳称作自己家乡的伟大作曲家,如贝多芬、舒伯特乃至勃拉姆斯和马勒,都要到回荡施特劳斯乐曲声的咖啡馆和露天花园享用咖啡、啤酒和香肠。
    Even the great composers who called Vienna their home from Beethoven and Schubert to Brahms and Mahler took their coffee, beer, and sausages at cafes or outdoor gardens where the Strauss rnusic held sway.
  • 她戴着一根蓝发带。
    She wore a blue braid.
  • 这姑娘穿一件镶相称穗状花边的衣服。
    The girl wore a dress trimmed with braid to match.
  • “他们是我的孩子,我不让任何人把他们关进精神病院,”科太太一边说一边用手抚摸尚特头上杭成“玉米拢”发式的一排排辫子,那是请理发师每周一次给她梳的。
    "They're my babies and I'm not going to let anyone lock them away," Mrs.Coe said, stroking Shante's corn rows, which are braided each week by a hairdresser.
  • 成龙前来接见记者时还没有卸装--长长的辫子垂至臀部,身穿一件棕色方格夹克和棕色护腿皮套裤,脖子上系皱皱巴巴的头巾--一个便携式加热器尾随其后。
    When Chan arrived to meet the press, still in wardrobe-long, braided hair down to his behind, a brown plaid jacket, brown chaps and wrinkly kerchief tied around his neck---a portable heater arrived with him.
  • 她无时无刻不想这件事。
    She had the affair on the brain.
  • 教练一心想取得胜利
    The coach has winning on the brain.
  •  眼下,有头脑的毕业生都争参加一项年薪高达15万英镑的职业培训--水管工人。
    Brainy graduates are training to be plumbers -to earn up to £150,000a year.
  • 加衬里的制动闸被移动对鼓状闸来使其停止转动。
    the linings of the brake shoes are moved hydraulically against the brake drum to stop its rotation.
  • 别突然刹车,后面的那辆车可能会撞你车的。
    Don't brake suddenly, the car behind might crash into you.
  • 别突然刹车,后面的那辆车可能会撞你车的。
    Do not brake suddenly, the car behind may crash into you.
  • 这条大路走,在路的分岔口向右拐。
    Follow the main road until it branches, and then turn to the right.
  • 这条路直走到岔路口。
    Follow the road until it branches.
  • 高的枝杈不多的圆锥形的树,有大的芬芳的带白色内心的黄色的花。
    tall sparingly branched conical tree having large fragrant yellow flowers with white centers.
  • 他总不能专心于正题而尽想愚蠢的事情。
    His mind kept branching off into the contemplation of silly things.
  • 他系着名牌腰带。
    He wore a girdle of famous brand.
  • 为自己树立品牌意味展示你的专业实力和深层次价值。
    Branding yourself means you're projecting your professional strengths and deep values.
  • 示威者挥舞旗帜,呼喊口号。
    The demonstrators brandished banners and shouted slogans.
  • 约翰对那瓶白兰地酒大口地喝个不停。
    John kept swigging at the bottle of brandy.
  • 他摇晃高脚大玻璃杯使里面的白兰地酒旋动起来。
    He swirled the brandy around in the huge goblet.
  • 史密斯对那瓶白兰地酒大口地喝个不停。
    Smith kept swigging away at the bottle of brandy.