  • 长有串状色四瓣花朵的低矮草本植物。
    low-growing herb having clusters of small white-flowers 4-petaled flowers.
  • 皮特就站在柜台后面,他年纪不到30,而头发却已花
    Behind the counter stood Pete himself, a man not more than thirty but with hair already turning gray.
  • 皮特拉开帏帐,把项链拿了出来,摊在自己的手掌上给她看。蓝绿色的宝石在他苍的手掌中熠熠发光。
    Pete parted the draperies and lifted out a necklace. The turquoise stones gleamed brightly against the pallor of his palm as he spread the ornament before her.
  • 人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会浪费。(彼得斯)
    Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted.( R. Peters)
  • 人生应该树立目标,否则你的精力会浪费。(彼得斯)
    Have an aim in life, or your energies will all be wasted. ( R. Peters)
  • 有将近五十万人签名的请愿书被送到
    Petition bearing nearly a half - million signatures is sent to the white house
  • 有将近五十万人签名的请愿书被送到宫。
    Petition bearing nearly a half- million signature were sent to the White House.
  • 乌黑并有色斑纹的海鸥;产于大西洋北部和地中海地区。
    sooty black petrel with white markings; of the north Atlantic and Mediterranean.
  • 南海大型黑色的海燕,下颚上有色斑点。
    large black petrel of southern seas having a white mark on the chin.
  • 海燕属鹱形目中的一种黑色、灰色或色的海鸟,尤指海燕
    Any of numerous black, gray, or white sea birds of the order Procellariiformes, especially the storm petrel.
  • 多种黑色羽毛、苍色腹部的小型海鸥。
    any of various small petrels having dark plumage with paler underparts.
  • 矮牵牛一种广泛种植于南美的矮牵牛属植物,有边缘光滑的互生叶和喇叭状、颜色从色到紫色的花朵
    Any of various widely cultivated South American plants of the genus Petunia, having alternate, entire leaves and funnel-shaped flowers in colors from white to purple.
  • 埃文摊开手脚躺在草地上,望着海教帕沿着月牙形边缘栽种的色紫心牵牛花。
    Evan sprawled on the grass and watched Hesper plant white, purplethroated petunias along the concave border.
  • 锡镴器皿被认为镴制品的总称
    Pewter articles considered as a group.
  • 铅是鑞的组成部分。
    Lead enters into the composition of pewter.
  • 锡是白的成分之一。
    Tin enters into the composition of pewter.
  • 镴器皿用这种镴制成的器皿
    Utensils made from this variety of pewter.
  • 餐具,银的,镀银金属的,蜡的或不锈钢的。
    tableware made of silver, silver_plate, pewter, stainless_steel.
  • 鼬鼠的色外表阶段:蝗虫的群居期
    The white color phase of a weasel; the swarming phase of locusts.
  • 山上出一种纯色的雉鸡。
    A pure white pheasant grows up there in the mountains.
  • 普通的雉鸡,羽毛亮丽,颈部有环。
    common pheasant having bright plumage and a white neck ring.
  • 我弄不明他是怎样记住他所做的一切的。他的记忆力一定是超常的。
    It licks me how he manages to remember all he does. His memory must be phenomenal.
  • 因为这种奇怪现象必定伴着另外一件奇怪现象,那就是色政权之间的战争。
    For this unusual phenomenon can occur only in conjunction with another unusual phenomenon, namely, war within the White regime.
  • 特纳是位拥有数十亿家财的63岁富翁、美国有线新闻电视公司(cnn)的创始人、从前的出色水手、面容酷似瑞德而且还是一个打破捐资记录的慈善家。
    Turner is the 63-year-old multibillionaire founder of CNN,former champion sailor,Rhett Butler lookalike and record-breaking philanthropist.
  • 色纤细的菲律宾纤维,取自伞干顶榈未张开的树叶的茎,用于制帽。
    fine white Philippine fiber from stalks of unopened leaves of talipot palms; used in making hats.
  • 弗赖依,伊丽莎·格尼1780-1845英国慈善家。曾提出监狱改革,尤其针对女囚监狱
    British playwright who revitalized modern verse drama with his comic and religious works, such as A Phoenix Too Frequent(1946) and Curtmantle(1962).
  • (摄影学)黑之间有鲜明的区别。
    (photography) having sharp differences between black and white.
  • 背景印相通常是线条画的照相制版印相,是在色背景上印黑色或彩色的线条
    A photomechanical copy, usually of a line drawing, in which black or colored lines appear on a white background.
  • 藻青蛋尤指在藻青菌细胞中含有的蓝色藻青素
    A blue phycobilin occurring especially in the cells of cyanobacteria.
  • 欧亚大陆翅膀有黑色条纹的苍色鸽子,它是大多数家鸽的祖先。
    pale gray Eurasian pigeon having black-striped wings from which most domestic species are descended.
  • 一种含铅的色有毒颜料。
    a poisonous lead-containing white pigment.
  • 种人外有色人种的肤色
    The skin pigmentation of a person not classed as white.