  • 数学中的一种逻辑形式,其中变量被认为是在0和1之间的连续值。当逻辑规则把输入数据和判定与目标或子目标联系起来时,它可用于专家系统,但此时数据常常是用似语言而不是用确定语言表示。
    In mathematics, a form of logic in which the variable may assume a continuum of values between1 and0. It is used in expert systems when logical rules relate the input data and assertions to goals and subgoals but the data is often expressed in terms of likelihood rather than certainty.
  • 不用线条的属于、有关于或表现于没有直线条和缺乏或全没有明显轮廓,而是通过各种色彩来区别的开放形式的风格的
    Of, relating to, or being a style of painting marked by openness of form, with shapes distinguished by variations of color rather than by outline or contour.
  • 福恩·霍尔昨天离天华盛顿法院之前,发誓说在1986年诺斯被解雇以前,她应诺斯之请在他的最重要的伊朗军售文件上做了一些更改,后她出于自主地销毁了原件。
    Fawn Hall leaves Washington court yesterday after swearing that she shredded originals of Oliver North's key Iran/Contra memos on her own hook after making some changes in them at Ollie's request just before he was sacked in 1986.
  • 契约仍然有效。
    The contract still holds.
  • 脸痉挛由于眼睑肌肉偶挛缩而引起的痉挛性眨眼
    Spasmodic winking caused by the involuntary contraction of an eyelid muscle.
  • 船上产生的含油废料和化学废料,先由承判商接收,后运送到青衣岛的处理中心处理。
    Oily and chemical wastes from ships are collected by contractor and delivered to a treatment plant at Tsing Yi Island.
  • 我们把大自完全排除在我们的生活之外了,我们居住在没有屋顶的房屋,屋顶是一座建筑物中被忽略的部分;当实利的目的已经达到的时候,当建筑师有点疲倦,想快点结束工作的时候,屋顶成个什么样子,便没有人去管了。
    We have quite successfully shut nature out from our lives, and we are living in houses without roofs, the roofs being the neglected end of a building, left in any old shape after the utilitarian purposes have been served and the building contractor is a little tired and in a hurry to get through his job.
  •  英语中还充满了其他一些显具有矛盾倾向的与种族相关的词。
    The English language is full of other apparently contradictory tendencies for words relating to ethnicity.
  • 但与此相反,品质优秀者则是在他们的好运赓续不断时遭妒最甚,因此时他们的优点虽依如故,但已不如当初那样耀眼,后起之秀已使其黯失色。
    Whereas contrariwise, persons of worth and merit are most envied, when their fortune continueth long. For by that time, though their virtue is the same, yet it hath not the same lustre; for fresh men grow up that darken it.
  • 奇迹是与大自的力量相对的。
    Miracles are contrary to nature.
  • 相反,这个问题仍是开放的,可以讨论的。
    To the contrary, the issue has remained alive.
  • 我们当应该把我们的知识和技能贡献给我们的国家。
    We should certainly contribute our knowledge and skills to our country.
  • 身为香港人,我们当要尽一己本份,使中国继续蓬勃发展。
    We certainly need to do our part in Hong Kong in contributing towards China's continued successful development.
  • 他对我们工程的贡献显是微不足道的。
    His contribution to our project was obviously insignificant.
  • 一九九八年,金融、保险、地产及商用服务业占本地生产总值的比重仍最大,以价值计算,达26%;
    In 1998, financing, insurance, real estate and business services were still the largest contributor to GDP, accounting for 26 per cent of the total value.
  • 陷阱用于捕获动物的装置,如一个隐蔽的坑或似夹钳的能突弹起并夹住动物的装置
    A contrivance for catching and holding animals, as a concealed pit or a clamplike device that springs shut suddenly.
  • 人工生产而非自的。
    contrived by art rather than nature.
  • 大自,当她把她的作家们发明、制造出来并赐予专利权之后,才设法用剩下的零碎木屑把批评家造出来的。
    Nature, when she invented, manufactured, and patented her author, contrived to make critic out of the chip that was left.
  • 大自,当她把她的作家们发明、制造出来并赐予专利权之后,才设法用剩下的零碎木屑把批评家造出来的。
    Nature, when she invented, manufactured, and patented her authors, contrived to make critics out of the chips that were left.
  • 被情感或超自力所控制。
    being controlled by passion or the supernatural.
  • 怎样设法利用管制员的atc知识的自的组织?
    How can design make use of the controller's natural organization of ATC knowledge?
  • "他虽是个工程师,但他主要是受聘管理一家大企业。"
    "Although he's an engineer, he's principally employed in controlling a large business."
  • 一部有争议的电影使得娱乐界一片哗
    A controversial film that set the entertainment world on its ear.
  • 那段经历已使毕加索成为我们这个时代最为重要的画家,而人们对他有褒有贬,其说不一。
    That career has made Picasso the most important and controversial Painter of our time.
  • 而,这个实验,却引起好多争论与不满。
    This experiment, however, has its fair share of controversy and detractors.
  • 我虽不喜欢电话,但为了方便我装了一具。
    Although I don't like them, I have a phone for convenience.
  • 他这样说当是对的,但如果没有这些便利的现代化设施(也包括那些不顺心的事),他岂能上得来马丘比丘?
    And of course he is right; but without the modern conveniences and inconveniences would he be able to visit Machupicchu at all?
  • 而,这是一个极大的遗憾,在光明的世界里,视力的天赋仅仅作为一种方便之用,而没有作为增添生活美满的手段。
    But it is a great pity that in the world of light the gift of sight is used only as a mere conveniences rather than as a means of adding fullness to life.
  • 常规武器的问题仍需要注意解决。
    We should still pay attention to producing conventional weapons.
  • 有人认为绿色食物比那些通过常规方式生产和销售的食物有更多的优点,而现在却有人对此提出异议。
    The advantages claimed for such foods over conventionally grown and marketed food products are now being debated.
  • 运用艺术形式和惯例产生效果;非自或自发的。
    using artistic forms and conventions to create effects; not natural or spontaneous.
  • 第三,白军各个虽分进,但多是比较地密集,打它们中间的一个如果不能迅速地解决战斗,其余各个就都来了。
    and third, though the White armies advance separately, most of them keep fairly close to one another, and if we fail to gain a quick decision in attacking one of them, all the others will converge upon us.