  • "最后把它弄上岸时,发现这鱼身长超过13英尺。"
    "When it was eventually brought to shore, it was found to be over thirteen feet long."
  • 沿这小径走终究会见到大路的。
    Follow the footpath and you'll eventually hit the road.
  • 你究竟走那一条路?
    Which ever way did you go?
  • 每个人都必须遵守这政府法令。
    Everyone should obey the government ordinance.
  • 最近这街上已有四宗驱逐房客事件.
    There have been four evictions from this street recently.
  • 生产财富,从物质世界索取人类生存和享受的手段,显然不是一件随心所欲的事,而是有其必要件的。
    The production of wealth; the extraction of the instruments of human subsistence and enjoyment from the materials of the globe, is evidently not an arbitrary thing.
  • 我不知道合同的正确款。
    I don't know the exact terms of the contract.
  • 法律文应该具有很高的精确性。
    he demanded exactness in all details; a man of great exactitude.
  • 在环状交叉路口,从第三出路驶出。
    At the roundabout, take the third exit.
  • 我们达到那样的水平不容易,因为地广人多,件很不一样。
    It is not easy for us to reach that level, because conditions in our country, with its vast expanse of land and huge population, are quite different.
  • 狗摇著尾巴,巴望吃肉骨头。
    The dog wags its tail in expectation of a bone.
  • (指实验动物)在无菌件下喂养的。
    (of experimental animals) raised under sterile conditions.
  • 第十一实验动物必须按照不同来源,不同品种、品系和不同的实验目的,分开饲养。
    Article 11 Experimental animals shall be fed separately in accordance with their different sources, different breeds, different strains of breeds and different experimental purposes.
  • 第二十八实验动物工作单位对直接接触实验动物的工作人员,必须定期组织体格检查。
    Article 28 Units dealing with experimental animals shall regularly organize physical check-ups for the working personnel who are in direct contact with experimental animals.
  • 请把这规律给我讲一讲。
    Pleaes explain this rule to me.
  • 你给我解释一下这规则好吗?
    Will you explain the rule tome?
  • 编译器通常会将指数作为双精度数(double)处理,所以假如没有这个尾随的f,就会收到一出错提示,告诉我们须用一个“造型”将double转换成float。
    the compiler normally takes exponential numbers as doubles, so without the trailing f it will give you an error telling you that you must use a cast to convert double to float.
  • 第一款本批准一年後,禁止在合众国及其管辖下的所有领土内酿造、出售和运送作为饮料的致醉酒类;禁止此等酒类输入或输出合众国及其管辖下的所有领土。
    Section 1.After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.
  • 在那高速公路上行驶需付通行费。
    A toll is charged for the use of the expressway.
  • 开脱使人原谅的行为或被人原谅的件;偏心的辩护
    The act of extenuating or the condition of being extenuated; partial justification.
  • 依据外部事件或件将信息从控制存储器中取出的一种线路。
    A circuit that pulls information from the control store memory based upon external events or conditions.
  • 那老人戴著单片眼镜,上面连结著一丝带。
    The old man wore an eyeglass attached to a piece of ribbon.
  • 那老人戴著单片眼镜,上面连结著一丝带。
    The old man wears an eyeglass attached to a piece of ribbon.
  • 他的头盔能使他在各种件下观察情况,能发现射来的子弹并精确地予以反击。他戴的目镜可使他在巡逻中测定敌我位置及其他人的位置。
    That soldier will have on his head a helmet that allows him to see in all conditions,to locate incoming fire and return it with deadly accuracy and an eyepiece that will provide his location,the location of the enemy and the locations of others in his patrol.
  • 第四十 各级气象主管机构及其所属气象台站的工作人员由于玩忽职守,导致重大漏报、错报公众气象预报、灾害性天气警报,以及丢失或者毁坏原始气象探测资料、伪造气象资料等事故的,依法给予行政处分;
    Article 40 Staff members working in the competent meteorological departments at different levels or meteorological offices or stations subordinate to the departments who neglect their duties and consequently fail to make important public meteorological forecast or to send out severe weather warning, or make wrong forecast or send out wrong warning, or who lose or damage the raw meteorological observation data or fabricate meteorological data shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with law.
  • 诚然,建筑师设计时把大时钟钟面遮掩起来是煞费一番苦心的,要不然,屋面的纯净优美的线就被破坏了。
    It is true that the architect was at a good deal of trouble to conceal the clock face, which would have destroyed the purity of the fine lines of the facade;
  • 他的脸上划得一的。
    His face was streaked.
  • 今后军队干部的使用、提升,一重要的原则,就是不能重用派性严重的人,不能重用坚持派性不肯改正的人。
    But one of the important principles to be observed in the future appointment and promotion of army officers is that those who are seriously involved in factional activities or who cling stubbornly to factional ways should not be given leading posts.
  • 在这一系列党的原则中,反对宗派主义,也就是反对派性,增强党性,是很重要的一
    Among them, combating sectarianism -- that is, combating factionalism and enhancing Party spirit -- is very important.
  • 河已经受到工厂排放的废料的污染。
    The river has been polluted by waste products from the factory.
  • 由研究或测量而得的一信息。
    an item of factual information derived from measurement or research.
  • [谚]没有勇气的人得不到美人的青眯;勇气为成功的必要件。
    Faint heart never won fair lady.