  • 每一次你丢掉“这不公平”的想法,你都有助于维持你们关系的良好愿望。
    Each time you dismiss your “this isn't fair” thinking,you'll be contributing to the good will of your relationship.
  • 从1974年开始,大会一国的最高会费率定在25%,后来从2001年起减少为22%。
    Beginning in 1974, the Assembly fixed a maximum rate of 25 per cent for any contributor – later reduced to 22 per cent from 2001.
  • 每次出航前,船员们都保证一切准备就绪,包括制链器
    Before each voyage, the crew make sure that everything is in order including the controller
  • 每次出航前,船员们都保证一切准备就绪,包括制链器。
    Before each voyage, the crew made sure that everything was in order including the controller.
  • 而事实上,长时间的高负荷工作会导致严重的工作差错,并对管制员的身体和精神造成伤害。
    Requiring sustained high-perceived workload over long periods can result in errors and be harmful to both the controller's physical and mental health.
  • 总督就有争议的开支法案同立法机关辩论到底
    The governor will go to the mat with the legislature over the controversial spending bill.
  • 如果在表面变冷失去的热量恰好等于由局部源带来的热量,就会产生一个环形对流圈。
    If the amount of cooling at the surface exactly equals the heat delivered by the point source, a self-sustaining toroidal convection cell will be created.
  • 法庭将於明日开庭.
    The tribunal will convene tomorrow.
  • 国会於明天下午三点钟开会。
    The Diet will convene at 3 p. m. tomorrow.
  • 下次会议于本星期日在同一地点举行。
    The next meeting will convene on coming sunday at the same place.
  • 我们今年秋季召开党的十三大,更加清楚地阐明我们的现行政策,而且要进一步提出政治体制改革的任务来适应经济的发展。
    Next fall we are going to convene the Thirteenth Party Congress, and there we shall explain our current policies more clearly and further define the task of reforming the political structure to adapt it to economic development.
  • 我们为国际奥委会,各国奥委会,国际单项体育组织,转播商和赞助商提供交通便利、选择多样的酒店。
    For the IOC, NOCs, IFs, broadcasters and sponsors, there is a wide choice of conveniently located hotels.
  • 最常见的同时也是最方便的区分方法,也许是每一种只能用一次并使用一次后就损坏(至少是作为服务于眼前目的的工具来说)的生产工具看作是原料。
    Perhaps the line is most usually and most conveniently drawn, by considering as a material every instrument of production which can only be used once, being destroyed (at least as an instrument for the purpose in hand) by a single employment.
  • 对于这个定义,唯一的反对意见看来是,它留下了一个引起很多争论的问题未能予以解决,即所谓非物质产品可否视作财富,是否可工人的技能或任何其他天生的或后来获得的体力或智力称为财富。这个问题并不十分重要,因而有关这个问题的讨论,为方便起见可放在另一个地方。
    To this definition, the only objection seems to be, that it leaves in uncertainty a question which has been much debated -- whether what are called immaterial products are to be considered as wealth: whether, for example, the skill of a workman, or any other natural or acquired power of body or mind, shall be called wealth, or not: a question, not of very great importance, and which, so far as requiring discussion, will be more conveniently considered in another place.
  • 这场大会是一场政治角斗。
    The convention looms as political battle.
  • 州长发表施政方针的演说。
    The governor will keynote the convention.
  • 随着各种通信技术的汇聚,ip在单一网络上通过因特网传送视频和多媒体会议。
    As communications technologies converge, IP will carry video and multimedia conferencing over the Internet on a single network.
  • 即是说,适用汇率经过500个公历日便会调整至7.8的水平,届时这个汇率会与负债证明书的适用汇率一致,并且会一直维持在该水平。
    It will take 500 calendar days to complete the move of the rate to 7.80, where it will converge with the convertibility rate for Certificates of Indebtedness and remain at that level thereafter.
  • 我们正在看到电信、娱乐和计算业的结合,从长远看,这种结合使多媒体更加激动人心。
    We're seeing a convergence of the telecommunications, entertainment and computing industries that will make multimedia even more exciting in the long term.
  • 有了这样的态度,我有信心我们今后的共同点越来越多,而分歧则越来越少。
    With such an attitude, I am confident that we will succeed in increasing our points of convergence and reducing our points of divergence.
  • 敌军对我军的战略上的分进合击,改为我军对敌军的战役或战斗上的分进合击。
    We can change the converging attack directed by the enemy against us on the plane of strategy into converging attacks directed by us against the enemy on the plane of campaigns and battles.
  • 只有平原地带,如果在严重的围攻之下,就应根据具体情势,考虑下面的问题:留着许多小的游击部队在当地分散活动,而大的游击兵团暂时地转移到山地里去,等到敌人主力移动他去,我又再往那里活动。
    It is only in the plains that, when confronted by a heavy converging attack, the guerrilla commander should consider other measures in the light of the specific circumstances, namely, leaving many small units for scattered operations, while temporarily shifting large guerrilla formations to some mountainous region, so that they can return and resume their activities in the plains once the main forces of the enemy move away.
  • 可以肯定的是,当中国的经济实力不断扩大,更多的外国人会认识到熟悉中国语文和中国文化的明显好处。他们或许为的不是中国文化的内在价值,但至少知道它有经济价值。
    One thing seems certain. As the Chinese economy expands further, more foreigners will see the palpable benefits of being conversant with its language and culture if not for its intrinsic value, at least for economic advantage.
  • 你可以在简历中放进一些不同寻常的资料,使你显得与众不同,吸引雇主的注意力,使他你作为一个“引人关注的人”。此外,为面试提供一个可供讨论的话题也可使你的简历更有分量。
    Containing something unusual that catches the prospective employer's attention that singles you out of the pack as an "interesting person", and provides a conversational gambit for an interview might help your resume
  • 那时灵魂再不会依然故态,或在黑色的睡乡中收获梦幻---灵魂迈着坚定的步伐直上光芒万丈的山巅和不落的群星自由交谈。
    Then shall the soul return to rest no more, Nor harvest dreams in the dark field of sleep-Rather the soul shall go with great resolve To dwell at last upon the shining mountains In liberal converse with the eternal stars.
  • 相反的,声名狼藉的成员,名字从宗谱中被删掉。
    Conversely, those considered notorious would be expunged.
  • 可以液体加到粉末里,或者相反,粉末加到液体里。
    Add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.
  • 可以液体加到粉末里,或者相反,粉末加到液体里。
    You can add the fluid to the powder or, conversely, the powder to the fluid.
  • 相反,一个忧郁的、时而友好时而变得冷酷或者排斥异己的母亲会培养出一个来靠不住的恋人。
    Conversely, a mother who has a depressive personality, and is sometimes friendly but then suddenly turns cold and rejecting, may raise a man who becomes a dance-away lover.
  • 改用煤气集中供暖节省大笔开支。
    Conversion to gas central heating will save you a lot of money.
  • 化学能转为电能化学能转变为蓄电池中的电能
    Conversion of chemical energy to electric energy in a storage battery.
  • 兑换以后所得的金额中扣除0.25%的利息。
    A quarter percent interest charges will be deducted from the proceeds after conversion.