  • 容量析中的催化反应
    catalyzed reaction in volumetric analysis
  • 算法设计与分析
    design and analysis of algorithms
  • 水利工程经济分析
    economic analysis of water project
  • 水利工程财务分析
    financial analysis of water project
  • 最高最优使用分析
    Highest and Best Use Analysis
  • 用电分析
    industrial products energy consumption analysis
  • 我们花钱请财务析家不是让他们当事後诸葛亮!
    We don't pay our financial analysts to be wise after the event!
  • 掌上型个人电子助理制造商palm周一公布财政年度第一季的财务报告,营运收入与获利均超越华尔街析师的预估一倍以上。
    Palm Inc, the No1 maker of hand-held electronic organizers, on Monday reported fiscal first-quarter operating results that topped analyst forecasts as sales more than doubled.
  • 不过,析家们对该公司的前景表示悲观。他们怀疑债权人是否允许该公司完完整整继续存在。
    Analysts, however, took a dim view of the company's prospects, questioning whether creditors would allow the company to survive intact.
  • 国际商业机器有限公司昨天又在华尔街宣布了一项骇人听闻的消息,警告析家说他们可以预期第二季度盈利至少下降百之八十。
    IBM dropped yet another bombshell on Wall Street yesterday, warning analysts to expect at least an80% slide in second-quarter earnings.
  • 一位潮流析家说:“这是整代人的激进变化。
    A trend analyst says:" It's a radical generational change.
  • 析敌人或潜在敌人的信息的政府析专家。
    a government analyst of information about an enemy or potential enemy.
  • 析影响市场(特别是股票市场)因素的析专家。
    an analyst of conditions affecting a market (especially the stock market).
  • 一个当地股票析家评论说:“只有这样20多岁的人才有如此的勇气。”
    A local stock analyst remarked: " Only twentysomethings like Huang have such courage."
  • 很多析家认为第一夫人简直就是一个难解之谜。
    At least one political analyst finds the First Lady something of a cipher.
  • 当地一股票析员对我笑指黄川说:“只有这样20多岁的人才有如此的勇气。”
    A local stock analyst remarked: " Only twenty some things like Huang have such courage."
  • 康柏的首席执行官近日提到了一位析家称他们的微机运行不尽人意;
    Compaq's CEO recently mentioned to an analyst that demand for its PCs was running below expectations;
  • 旧金山的zona研究公司析师jimhalberston称:“数字包装器基本上是多功能的警卫。”
    "Digital wrappers are basically multifunction gatekeepers," says Jim Halberston, an analyst at Zona Research Inc. in San Francisco.
  • cnn的析家杰夫·格林菲尔德说,辩论是对候选人的实力和能力的"严峻考验"。
    The debates are a “ key test” of the strength and abilities of the candidates,says CNN analyst Jeff Greenfield.
  • 另据康狄涅格州斯坦福市的meta集团公司析师craigroth称,应用服务器的应用仍是很少。
    Craig Roth, an analyst at Meta Group Inc. in Stamford Conn., says use of application servers is still few.
  • 但美国联邦调查局负责人菲利普-b-摩尔(phillpbmoore)析中国情报机构20年的发展情况更为切乎实际:?
    But Phillip B. Moore. the FBI's chief analyst for Chinese intelligence for more than 20 years probably describes it more succinctly;
  • 弱点:“许多人说他没有罗卜拖的锐气”,一位饮料析家如是说。
    Weak spot: "A lot of people say that he doesn't have the elan of Roberto," according to one beverage analyst.
  • idc的高级析师kevinhause预测,pc机(厂商)到今年年底将仿效苹果公司的做法。
    But Kevin Hause, senior analyst for IDC, predicted that PCs will start to follow Apple's lead by the end of the year."
  • giga信息集团的对象技术析师johnrymer说:“omg需要把精力更多地集中在建立协议上,而不是集中在可移植性上。
    "OMG needs to focus more on establishing protocols and stop focusing on portability", said John Rymer, object technology analyst Giga Information Group.
  • 但是据gartner集团的析师davidsmith称,在今后几个月中可以看到(javabeans)向服务器上转移。
    But David Smith, an analyst at Gartner Group, Inc., says he expects to see a shift toward the server in the coming months.
  • 任职于瑞银华宝香港部的中国析员张乔对路透社说有"不少鼓吹成"在驱动股市上扬。
    Joe Zhang, China analyst at UBS Warburg in Hong Kong, told Reuters that "a lot of hot air" was causing stocks to rise.
  •  但对技术析员来说,他并不需要知道那好消息是什么,走势图将告诉他股价会起还是落。
    For the technical analyst, he does not need to know what the good news or any other information that is affecting the stock price is;
  • 据马萨诸塞州弗明翰市的国际数据公司(idc)的析家布赖德·巴威恩说:“相竞争的标准使用户大为烦恼。
    "The competing standards were incredibly annoying to users," says Brad Baldwin, an analyst at Framingham, Mass.-based International Data Corp (IDC)."
  • 据美国麻省弗莱明翰市的国际数据公司析师sallycusack称,应用服务器的目标“非常简单”,“使瘦客户机无处不在”。
    The goal of application servers "is very simple," says Sally Cusack, an analyst at International Data Corp. in Framingham, Mass.: "Thin clients everywhere."
  • 中西研究所析师克里斯蒂娜·麦克拉肯表示,对于亨氏又推出一种新的彩色番茄酱,她一点都不惊讶,因为现有的彩色酱销量都非常好。
    Christine McCracken, an analyst with Midwest Research, said she is not surprised Heinz would introduce a new color, based on the other colors' incremental success.
  • 鞋类析家珍尼弗·布莱克认为乔丹对耐克公司整体形象的影响--这影响到消费者对他们生产的产品感觉如何--几乎是无法计算的。
    Footwear analyst Jennifer Black believes Jordan's impact on Nike's overall image -- and thus on how consumers feel about the stuff they produce -- is almost incalculable.
  • forrester研究公司析家特德·施考德勒说:“互用性将处在最底层,我们不谈论对象桥接,而是谈论服务桥接。”
    "Interoperability will be at the lowest level," said Ted Schadler, an analyst at Forrester Research."We're not talking about object bridges, we're talking about service bridges."