  • 一个放牛的人骑马把那头牛从牛群里赶了出来。
    The cowherd rode the bull out.
  • 牧场里有一头公牛。
    There's a bull in the field.
  • 牛是危险的,它们追逐人。
    Bull is dangerous and they chase people.
  • 牛在围栏里响声很大地走动。
    The bull crashed about in the fence.
  • 金色中心叫黄心(牛)。
    The gold center is called the "bull".
  • 牛看见人时,它们会干什么?
    What do bull do when they see people?
  • 我们的牛在农业展览会上夺得头奖。
    Our bull took first prize at the agricultural show.
  • 他本不应该走近那条牛。
    This should not walk near that bull to him.
  • 早期斗牛中用矛刺戳牛来刺激牛并且让它低头的人。
    the horseman who pricks the bull with a lance early in the bullfight to goad the bull and to make it keep its head low.
  • 牛头上伸出两只长角。
    Two long horns project from the bull's head.
  • 大牲畜大的牲畜,尤指马或
    A large domestic animal, especially a horse or bull.
  • 从19―年11月2日《日本贸易报》看到贵司有关钢笔和铅笔等广告。
    In the November2, 19- issue of the Japan trade bulletin, you advertise fountain pen, pencil, etc.
  • 以此,特此依据这条法令、政令、告或文件;以此种方法
    By virtue of this act, decree, bulletin, or document; by this means.
  • 总统健康状况的最新
    the latest bulletin about the President's health
  • 用公告通知
    To inform by bulletin.
  • 含有最新信息的告。
    a bulletin containing the latest information.
  • 他把公告贴在墙上。
    He pasted the bulletin on the wall.
  • vb100测试奖是由《病毒告》(virusbulletin)杂志颁发的。
    VB100 award is given by Virus Bulletin magazine.
  • 因特网的另一个有趣的应用是电子告板,又称告服务,简称bbs。
    Another interesting application for Internet is the electronic bulletin board which is also called bulletin board service, BBS for short.
  • 我要在告牌上贴海报来宣布这条消息。
    I'll post the news on the bulletin board.
  • 这是关于总统健康情况的最新告。
    Here is the latest bulletin about the President's health.
  • 我不知道,但那边的告栏有一幅校园地图。
    No, but there's a map of the campus on that bulletin board.
  • 我经过镇长办室的时候,看见许多人站在小布告牌前边。
    Passing the mayor's office, I saw people standing before the little bulletin board.
  • 一个人在学校告栏上贴了广告,我从他那儿买的二手货。
    I bought it second - hand from a man who put up a notice on the university bulletin board.
  • 一个人在学校告栏上贴了广告,我从他那儿买的二手货。
    I buy it second hand from a man who put up a notice on the university bulletin board.
  • 新闻报每日会上存到互联网上的政府网页,让众人士直接参阅政府新闻稿。
    The bulletin is uploaded onto the government Home Page on the Internet daily to give the public direct access to government press releases.
  • 牛全然不顾斗牛士,向斗牛场中央的醉汉冲去,他是在斗牛比赛中糊里糊涂走进去的。
    The bull forgot all about the matador and ran at the drunk who had wandered into the middle of the ring during a bullfight.
  • 本港的两个黄金市场买卖活跃,参与者主要是银行、各大国际及本地金行和黄金交易司。
    Hong Kong has two active gold markets, in which the main participants are banks, major international and local bullion houses and gold trading companies.
  • 如果没有股价指数期货可供买卖,投资者对一个股市的全盘平均走势看涨时,他就得进一步决定应该买哪些股票。这会产生至少两个问题:第一、股市平均涨10%的话,他买入的股票大概不会凑巧也涨10%。如果涨得更多,他自然开心;但也很可能涨幅较小,甚或不涨反跌。此时,除了顿足捶胸,就只能叹:“如果有股价指数期货就好了!”第二个问题是,如果想十足跟进股市涨潮,他得买进足够家数司的股票,所需的资本不是三、五万元就能摆平的。
    Without an SIF futures contract, an investor who is bullish about the overall market movement and wishes to take a position accordingly will have to pick the counters to invest in. To form a portfolio broad enough to represent the overall market would definitely require millions of dollars, quite possibly beyond his budget. If he selects just a few counters, his choices may not move in tandem with the broad market.
  • 一岁的小母牛或小牛。
    yearling heifer or bullock.
  • 在力气和力量上似小牛的。
    resembling a bullock in strength and power.
  • 欺负小孩子是不平的。
    It's not cricket to bully little children.