  • 二零零至零二财政年度,教育方面经核准的政府经常开支和总开支分别达476亿元和553亿元,占政府经常开支总额的23.4%和政府开支总额的21.9%。
    Approved government recurrent and total spending on education in the 2001-02 financial year amounted to $47.6 billion and $55.3 billion respectively, representing 23.4 per cent of the Government's total recurrent expenditure and 21.9 per cent of the total government expenditure.
  • 九九九至二零零零财政年度,教育方面经核准的经常和总公共开支分别达440亿元和551.9亿元,占政府经常开支总额的21.3%和公共开支总额的19%,而高等教育的开支,约占教育开支的三分之
    Approved public recurrent and total spending on education in the 1999-2000 financial year amounted to $44 billion and $55.19 billion respectively, representing 21.3 per cent of the Government's total recurrent expenditure and 19 per cent of the total public expenditure. Tertiary education accounts for about one-third of the education budget.
  • 每所资助学校均获政府提供经常资助,并由办学团体根据份协议书营办。
    Each aided school receives recurrent financial assistance from the Government and is operated under a letter of agreement with a sponsoring body that contributes the full cost of furnishing and equipping the premises.
  • 在英语教学方面,采用母语教学的中学均获提供额外支援,包括平均每校增加两名英文科教师、学校可选择多聘用名以英语为母语的英文科教师,以及获发用以添置设备和图书的经常津贴。
    Secondary schools teaching in Chinese are provided with additional support in the teaching and learning of English, including an average of two additional English Language teachers for each school, the choice of an additional native-speaking English teacher and additional recurrent grants for equipment and library books.
  • 在母语教学政策之下,政府依然十分重视学校的英语教学,并为采用母语教学的中学提供额外支援:包括为这类学校平均每校增加两名英文科教师、让学校可选择多聘用名以英语为母语的英文科教师、发放用以聘请文书人员和购买设备的笔过津贴,以及用以添置设备和图书馆书籍的经常津贴。
    Heavy emphasis continued to be given to the teaching of English in all schools. Secondary schools teaching in Chinese were provided with additional support: an average of two additional English Language teachers for each school, the choice of an additional native-speaking English teacher, a one-off grant for employing clerical staff and purchasing equipment and additional recurrent grants for equipment and library books.
  • 算法,规则系统种循序渐进解决问题的过程,尤指种为在有限步骤内解决问题而建立的可重复应用的计算过程
    A step-by-step problem-solving procedure, especially an established, recursive computational procedure for solving a problem in a finite number of steps.
  • 能行性和一般递归
    effectiveness and general recursiveness
  • 澳大利亚的马特·格雷瞄准个黄圆圈(即黄心)——在70米开外看上去只有个拇指印儿那么大——然后用他那反曲弓把箭射了出去。
    Australian Matt Gray took aim at a yellow circle from 70m away no bigger than a thumbprint-and released an arrow from his recurve bow.
  • 3.前述之参议员及众议员,各州州议会议员,合众国政府及各州政府之切行政及司法官员,均应宣誓或誓愿拥护本宪法;
    Clause 3:The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Legislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution;
  • 北美中部的种百合花,具有反曲的桔红色的、带有深红色斑点的花。
    lily of central North America having recurved orange-red flowers with deep crimson spots.
  • 美国东南部的种百合,具有杯形的花和深红色或猩红色卷曲的花瓣。
    lily of southeastern United States having cup-shaped flowers with deep yellow to scarlet recurved petals.
  • 由于偏见或利益冲突被法官或陪审团剥夺资格;被拒绝的方都可以要求撤换法官或者他们自动放弃资格。
    the disqualification of a judge or jury by reason of prejudice or conflict of interest; a judge can be recused by objections of either party or they can disqualify themselves.
  • 耐克公司的发言人李·温斯坦呼吁说:"如果找到的鞋子不能凑成双,请还给公司,公司将负责回收。"
    Nike spokesman Lee Weinstein said, "If you can't find a match, send the shoe back to us and we'll recycle it."
  • 据美国垃圾管理委员会——家收集。处理和回收垃圾的商业组织透露,大约有83%的美国垃圾都埋入了地下。
    According to the US National Solid Wastes Management Association, an organization of businesses that collect, dispose of, and recycle trash, about 83 percent of US solid waste goes into landfill dumps.
  • 循环再生是惟的好办法。
    Recycling is the only proper way.
  • 瓶装苏打;个瓶子回收项目
    Bottle soda; a bottle recycling program.
  • 这句话的意思:藉由自我暗示的再肯定,或反复对潜意识下达命令,可以创造引发信心十足的心智状态。
    namely: FAITH is a state of mind which may be induced, or created, by affirmation or repeated instructions to the subconscious mind, through the principle of auto-suggestion.
  • 现在pet可以像玻璃样被有效循环再生。
    Nowadays PET can be readily recycled, almost as easily as glass.
  • 踏板车使用标准的镍氢电池作动力,但卡门的研究部门正在研制种能再次利用其本身大部分热量的零排放发动机。
    The scooter is powered by standard nickel and metal hydride electric batteries. However, Kamen's research firm is working on an emission-free engine that recycles much of its own heat.
  • 特纳创立了动画片频道,还购买了米高梅影片公司的数百部旧影片,在另个赢利的频道--特纳经典影片回顾重复播放。
    He created the Cartoon Network,and bought hundreds of old MGM films,which he recycled on another lucrative channel,Turner Classic Movies.
  • 于是,我拿起桶多未饱和烹饪油和捆再生纸巾,皱着眉头走向收款台。
    I gather up my polyunsaturated cooking oil and my recycled paper towels and head with furrowed brow to the checkout counter.
  • 让信心自然大增的方法,已知的只有个,就是对你的潜意识发号施令,再加强正面的指令。
    Repetition of affirmation of orders to your subconscious mind is the only known method of voluntary development of the emotion of faith.
  • ,确立毛泽东同志的历史地位,坚持和发展毛泽东思想。
    First, affirmation of the historical role of Comrade Mao Zedong and explanation of the necessity to uphold and develop Mao Zedong Thought.
  • “这发现是证实古代青铜被循环使用这商业行为的确凿证据,”图斯卡尼的考古负责人弗朗斯科·尼克希亚断言道。
    "This discovery is the first tangible proof of commerce in the recycling of ancient bronzes," asserts Francesco Nicosia , archaeological superintendent of Tuscany.
  • 尽管还是个小学生,迈克却有着不般的爱好——垃圾车、垃圾堆、垃圾回收——和垃圾有关的都是他的最爱,而他的理想是:长大后成为名垃圾搬运工。
    The grade schooler is passionately interested in garbage trucks, compost and recycling -- and dreams of being a trash hauler when he grows up.
  • 次这样的机会双方都达成种共识,即我们可以通过共同推动知识的发展来拓展人类自由的疆界。
    In each occasion there is an affirmation that by together advancing knowledge we can extend the frontiers of human freedom.
  • 重点通过替代燃煤、控制次性物品使用、简化商品包装、净菜进城、倡导健康消费方式等措施,实现工业生产固体废物、商业垃圾和居民生活垃圾的源头削减,并强化回收利用。
    Such measures as substitution of coal, control of one-shot products, simplifying commodity package, provision of pretreated vegetable to the urban area and advocating healthy consumption, will be taken to cut the production of industrial solid wastes, commercial garbage and domestic refuse at source and promote recycling.
  • 第十条 国务院有关部门和地方各级人民政府应当合理规划工业布局,对造成水污染的企业进行整顿和技术改造,采取综合防治措施,提高水的重复利用率,合理利用资源,减少废水和污染物排放量。
    Article 11 Relevant departments under the State Council and local people's governments at various levels shall make rational plans for the geographical distribution of industries, subject those enterprises that cause water pollution to rectification and technological updating, adopt comprehensive prevention and control measures, increase the rate of water recycling, utilize resources rationally and reduce discharge of waste water and pollutants.
  • 深红色种由深色到亮紫色然后到亮红色的颜色
    A deep to vivid purplish red to vivid red.
  • 红玉一种红色宝石
    A red precious stone.
  • 经船主这样问,腾格拉尔的脸顿时涨红了。
    Danglars turned very red.
  • 是一辆红色的奥迪。
    It's a red Audi.