  • 暴风雨期,老师的镇静使孩子们的心安定了。
    The teacher 's calmness during the storm reassured the children.
  • 你们两人的激情会重新燃起,突然你看你的伴侣就客观起来了,当作异性来看了。”
    The passion between you can be reawakened and suddenly you can start to se e your partner objectively, as a sexual being.
  • 它给《现代启示录》的拍摄带来了困难,导演弗朗西斯·福特·科波勒被迫使用菲律宾军队的直升飞机和飞行员,拍摄期,这些飞机常常起飞去进攻真正的反叛游击队。
    This created difficulties for Apocalypse Now, as director Francis Ford Coppola was forced to use helicopters and pilots from the Philippine army, who flew off regularly during filming to attack real-life rebel insurgents.
  • 护士们强烈反对延长工作时
    Nurses rebelled against an increase in their hours of work.
  • 志趣不同的室友之总是有矛盾;这个任务不适合对受拒绝敏感的人。
    the uncongenial roommates were always fighting; the task was uncongenial to one sensitive to rebuffs.
  • 汉诺威德国西北部、不莱梅东南部的一个城市。1241年获得自治地许可证,于1386年成为汉萨同盟的一部分。在第二次世界大战期汉诺威受重创,但得到了广泛的重建。人口514,010
    A city of northwest Germany southeast of Bremen. Chartered in1241, it became part of the Hanseatic League in1386. Hanover was badly damaged during World War II but has been extensively rebuilt. Population,514, 010.
  • 供教徒日常祷告的主要清真寺共有4,其中以港岛些利街清真寺历史最悠久。该寺建于十九世纪末,并于一九一五年重建,可容纳会众400人。
    Four principal masajid are used daily for prayers. The oldest is the Jamia Masjidin Shelley Street on Hong Kong Island, which was established before the turn of the century and rebuilt in 1915. It can accommodate a congregation of 400.
  • 瓦杜兹列支教士登首都,位于该国家西部地区,菜茵河畔,在瑞士与神圣罗马帝国之的一次冲突中(1499年)被毁,并于16世纪20年代重建,现在成为旅游中心。人口4,927
    The capital of Liechtenstein, in the western part of the country on the Rhine River. Destroyed during a conflict between Switzerland and the Holy Roman Empire(1499), it was rebuilt in the1520's and is now a tourist center. Population,4, 927.
  • 愤怒并长时地批评或指责
    To rebuke or scold angrily and at length.
  • 在作家的思路中断重新构思的时候,在安排时、揉和内容、重新开始的时候,逐步领悟到自己素材中的内容,而这些东西在他动笔时心中并不清楚。
    In the breaking and remarking, in the timing, interweaving, beginning afresh, the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began.
  • 在作家的思路中断重新构思的时候,在安排时、揉和内容、重新开始的时候,逐步领悟到自己素材中的内容,而这些东西在他动笔时心中并不清楚。
    In the breaking and remarking,in the timing,interweaving,beginning afresh,the writer comes to discern things in his material which were not consciously in his mind when he began.
  • 我回忆不起来多长时了。
    I can't recall how long it's been.
  • 我回忆不起来多长时了。
    I can't recall how long it has been.
  • 希腊与顾拜旦男爵都希望再度弘扬1896年奥林匹克精神。他们达成谅解,在两届奥运会之,每4年加一次奥运会,由希腊主办。
    The mutual desire of Greece and Baron de Coubertin to recapture the spirit of the 1896 Games led to an understanding that the Greeks would host an interim games every four years between Olympics.
  • 如你所知,八路军曾经取得了多次的胜利,例如平型关的战斗,井坪、平鲁、宁武的夺回,涞源、广灵的克复,紫荆关的占领,大同雁门关、蔚县平型关、朔县宁武日军的三条主要运输道路的截断,对雁门关以南日军后方的攻击,平型关、雁门关的两次夺回,以及近日的曲阳、唐县的克复等。
    As you know, it has won many victories. Examples are the battle of Pinghsingkuan, the recapture of Chingping, Pinglu and Ningwu, the recovery of Laiyuan and Kuangling, the capture of Tzechingkuan, the cutting of the three main supply routes of the Japanese troops (between Tatung and Yenmenkuan, between Weihsien and Pinghsingkuan, and between Shuohsien and Ningwu), the assault on the rear of the Japanese forces south of Yenmenkuan, the recapture twice over of Pinghsingkuan and Yenmenkuan, and the recent recovery of Chuyang and Tanghsien.
  • 二战期日军在菲律宾群岛的岛屿上包围美军;美军于1942年投降于1945年夺回领地。
    the peninsula and island in the Philippines where Japanese forces besieged American forces in World War II; US surrendered in 1942 and recaptured the area in 1945.
  • 巴丹半岛菲律宾吕宋岛西部的半岛,在马尼拉湾和南中国海之。在第二次世界大战中,经过一场持久的围攻之后,1942年4月美军和菲律宾军队向日军投降。1945年2月,美军收复了这个半岛
    A peninsula of western Luzon, Philippines, between Manila Bay and the South China Sea. After an extended siege U.S. and Philippine World War II troops surrendered to the Japanese in April1942. U.S. forces recaptured the peninsula in February1945.
  • 随着时的推移,我对那地方不愉快的记忆变得模糊了
    With the passage of time, my unhappy memories of the place receded.
  • 自七十年代以来,美国朝野许多有识之士和友好人士,曾经为促使中美之在台湾问题上的分歧的解决做了大量有益的工作,上述三个联合公报就包含着他们的努力和贡献。中国政府和人民对此十分赞赏。
    Since the 1970s many Americans of vision and goodwill in or outside the administration have contributed much by way of helping to resolve the differences between China and the U.S. on the Taiwan question. The aforesaid three joint communiqu'es testify to their effort and contribution of which the Chinese Government and people are highly appreciative.
  • 接待客人的适宜时
    an opportune time to receive guests.
  • 接收端定时信号与接收到的定时信号之具有特定相位关系时的状态。
    A state when a particular phase relation is built between the timing signal at the receiving end and the received timing signal.
  • 实际上,根据上述原则,中国政府已经同意英、德、加拿大等国的民航空公司与台湾的私营航空公司通航。
    As a matter of fact, according to the afore-said principle the Chinese Government has consented to such services between privately-operated airlines of Britain, Germany, Canada, etc. and their counterparts in Taiwan.
  • 在经济衰退期,公司设法渡过了难关。
    The firm managed to stay afloat during the recession.
  • 一种用于盖住或封住房或容器的盖子。
    a plate used to cover over or close in a chamber or receptacle.
  • 匆忙逃跑;电影票顷刻销售一空
    Ran away like a house on fire; tickets that sold like a house afire.
  • 叫接待员在会议期不要接进电话
    Asked the receptionist to hold all calls during the meeting.
  • 请记住将房的钥匙交给接待员。
    Please remember to turn in your room key to the receptionist.
  • 接待员接的电话,帮我和医生预约了一个时
    The receptionist answered my call and made an appointment with the doctor.
  • 很晚我才到了一个小镇,我向一个旅馆接待员询问:“能给我提供一个房过夜吗?”
    I arrived at a little town late at night and I asked the receptionist of hotel : "Can you give me a room for the night ?"
  • 日本一张主要的商业日报上周六报道称,日本科学家成功开发了一种可以在人多嘈杂的房里分辨人声的机器人,这种机器人适合用做前台,或在大会会场内做向导。
    Japanese researchers have developed a robot capable of recognizing human voices even in a noisy, crowded room and suited for use as a receptionist or a guide at a convention site, a Japanese major business daily said on Saturday.
  • 当那位褐发、浅黑肤色的美人儿俯身填写住店登记时,她的男性同伴伸手轻抚看她的脖子,她略微有些不好意思地冲接待员笑了笑。周六的夜晚才刚开始,很明显这一对已经迫不及待地要去他们的房了。
    As the pretty brunette leans down to sign the hotel register, her m ale companion strokes her neck. She smiles at the receptionist, only half embarr assed, it's early Saturday evening and the couple can obviously hardly wait to get to their room.
  • (雌性动物的)动情,动情周期大多数哺乳动物(包括人类)的雌性产生的周期性的性冲动,在此期内雌性具有排卵的优势,所以该期最适合性交;刺激
    The periodic state of sexual excitement in the female of most mammals, excluding human beings, that immediately precedes ovulation and during which the female is most receptive to mating; heat.