Chinese English Sentence:
  • 铁铝土一种在湿润的地区可找到并以此为特征的含丰富铝和铁但缺少碳盐的土壤
    Soil rich in alumina and iron and deficient in carbonates, found in and characteristic of humid regions.
  • 一种铝的双硫盐:铝铵双硫盐,白色晶状。
    a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the ammonium double sulfate of aluminum.
  • 一种铝的双硫盐:铝钾双硫盐,白色晶状。
    a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the potassium double sulfate of aluminum.
  • 一种深红色的石榴石,由铁铝硅盐矿物组成。
    a deep red garnet consisting of iron aluminum silicate.
  • 霞岩硅铝钠或硅铝钾矿石,见于全世界范围内的火成岩中,用于生产陶瓷和搪瓷制品
    A mineral of sodium-aluminum or potassium-aluminum silicate, occurring worldwide in igneous rocks and used in the manufacture of ceramics and enamels.
  • 一种绿灰色或黑色的铁和铝的硅盐矿物。
    a greenish gray or black silicate of iron and aluminum.
  • 一种含硅铝的矿物,是高岭土的主要来源。
    a mineral consisting of aluminum silicate; main source of kaolin.
  • 白榴石一种白色或灰色的钾铝硅盐矿物,kalsi2o6
    A white or gray mineral of potassium aluminum silicate, KAlSi2O6.
  • 水铝英石一种不定形的半透明的多色矿物,主要成份是水合硅
    An amorphous, translucent, variously colored mineral, essentially hydrous aluminum silicate.
  • 盐一种化合物,铝作为负离子部分包含于其中
    A chemical compound containing aluminum as part of a negative ion.
  • 一种白色或灰色的矿石,含锂、铝、磷盐,是锂的重要来源。
    a white or gray mineral consisting of lithium aluminum phosphate; a source of lithium.
  • 褐色云母,由含水的钾、镁、铝的硅盐矿物组成。
    a brown form of mica consisting of hydrous silicate of potassium and magnesium and aluminum.
  • 堇青石一种呈介于紫蓝于灰色的二色性矿物,是含镁、铝、有的也含铁的硅
    A dichroic violet-blue to gray mineral silicate of magnesium, aluminum, and sometimes iron.
  • 汽油与铝脂肪盐混合成胶状,极易燃烧,用于燃烧弹和喷火器中。
    gasoline jelled with aluminum soaps; highly incendiary liquid used in fire bombs and flame throwers.
  • 尿,小便哺乳动物由肾脏排泄出的排泄物,颜色为黄色到琥珀色之间,为略含性的液体,通过尿道排出体外
    The waste product secreted by the kidneys that in mammals is a yellow to amber-colored, slightly acid fluid discharged from the body through the urethra.
  • 的氨化物(chconh)。
    the amide of propionic acid (C2H5CONH2).
  • 利多卡因一种合成氨化物,c14h22n2o,主要用它的盐盐作局部麻醉剂和抗心律失常剂
    A synthetic amide, C14H22N2O, used chiefly in the form of its hydrochloride as a local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic agent.
  • 茶氨是谷氨的乙酰胺,它是鲜茶叶中的主要氨基,占干茶叶重量的1~2%,其它氨基则是在加工早期出现的。
    Theanine, the ethyl amide of glutamic acid, is the main amino acid in the fresh leaf and contributes 1 to 2 percent of the dried weight, but other amino acids arise during the early part of the processing.
  • 胺基的关于含有与一个非性有机基化合的nh2基的胺或其它化合物的
    Relating to an amine or other chemical compound containing an NH2 group combined with a nonacid organic radical.
  • 他已经把氨基分解出来。
    He has isolated an amino acid.
  • 半乳糖胺半乳糖的一种氨基衍生物
    An amino-acid derivative of galactose.
  • 一种必需氨基,为亮氨的同分异构体。
    an essential amino acid; isomeric with leucine.
  • 甘蔗中主要的氨基
    the principal amino acid in sugar cane.
  • 从凝胶或胶原质中获得的晶状氨基
    a crystalline amino acid obtained from gelatin or collagen.
  • 许多蛋白质中含有的晶状氨基
    a crystalline amino acid that occurs in many proteins.
  • 一种对尿素形成有重要作用的氨基
    an amino acid important in the formation of urea.
  • 变质密码子的为作为另一个密码子的同样的氨基编密码的
    Coding for the same amino acid as another codon.
  • 肽一种自然或人工的合成物,包括二个或二个以上氨基,通过一个氨基基和另一个的羧基结合而成
    Any of various natural or synthetic compounds containing two or more amino acids linked by the carboxyl group of one amino acid and the amino group of another.
  • 二肽水解时产生两个分子氨基的肽
    A peptide that, on hydrolysis, yields two amino acid molecules.
  • 一种苯酚氨基,其中甲状腺素是一种衍生物。
    a phenolic amino acid of which thyroxine is a derivative.
  • 一种必需氨基,尤其见于凝胶和酪蛋白中。
    an essential amino acid; occurs especially in gelatin and casein.
  • 蛋白质中的一种晶状氨基,对蛋白质的新陈代谢有重要作用。
    a crystalline amino acid occurring in proteins; important in protein metabolism.