  • 也不能肯定自己的将来是什么样子。
    One can't say with any certainty about his future.
  • 谁的椅子需要修理?
    Whose chair needs fixing?
  • 谁是主席?
    Who is the chairman?
  • 他们互相挑战,看干得更好。
    They challenged one another to do better.
  • 没有人知道是干掉那个家伙的。
    Nobody knew who had cooled that chap off.
  • 这里谁管事?
    Who's in charge here?
  • 昨晚你与之谈笑风生的那个漂亮姑娘是
    Who is that pretty girl you chat up last night.
  • 她一向沉默寡言,但现在可真活了,跟都能谈得来。
    She used to be so quiet, but now she's really coming out of her shell and chatting to everyone.
  • 昨晚你与之谈笑风生的那个漂亮姑娘是
    Who was that pretty girl you were chatting up last night
  • 她丈夫可真是个大男子主义者,她该投的票,他也要左右她。
    Her husband's such a chauvinist that he tries to tell her how to vote.
  • 你在开始为中心暖气装置订购石油之前,给一些供货商打电话,看的要价最低。
    Before you start ordering oil for the central heating ring around the suppliers to see who will offer you the cheapest price.
  • 假定由于某种新发现,可以无须象现在这样依靠燃料的帮助,在任何地区用极低的代价产生热力,假使处于这样的情况,可耕种地区将扩大到多少倍,每英亩产量将增加到什么程度,能预计呢?
    Let us merely suppose that through a new discovery we were enabled to produce heat everywhere very cheaply and without the aid of the fuels at present known: what spaces of land could thus be utilised for cultivation, and in what an incalculable degree w ould the yield of a given area of land be increased?
  • 也不愿意跟他打牌,因为他是个骗子。
    No one will play card with him because he is a cheater.
  • 是谁叫你骗人的?
    Who put you up to cheating?
  • 我知道是教唆你作弊的。
    I know who put you up to cheating.
  • 干那工资很低活儿的漂亮女人是
    Who's the cheesecake in that low-cut job?
  • 能想到鲍勃竟会同切尔茜结婚呢!
    Who could've thought Bob would marry Chelsea!
  • 能想到鲍勃竟会同切尔茜结婚呢!
    Who can have think Bob will marry Chelsea!
  • 能想到鲍勃竟会同切尔茜结婚呢!
    Who can have thought Bob will marry Chelsea!
  • 在化学方面,也比不上他。
    No one can cope with him in Chemistry.
  • 谁要下棋?
    Who wants to play chess?
  • “我亲爱的唐太斯,假如我是一人说了就算数的老板,我现在就可任命你,事情也就一言为定了,但你也知道,意大利有一句俗话——有了一个合伙人,就有了一个主人。
    "If I were sole owner we'd shake hands on it now, my dear Dantès, and call it settled; but I have a partner, and you know the Italian proverb--Chi ha compagno ha padrone--'He who has a partner has a master.'
  • “那是家的孩子呢?”
    "Whose child is that?"
  • 会爱这些东西那才怪呢!”
    `A strange choice of favourites!'
  • 你选当建设委员会的新委员?
    Who did you choose as the new member of the construction committee?
  • 我们选当学校足球队长。
    Whom shall we choose for our school football teamleader?
  • 若非有意干到底,也不应写作有关基督教的事情。
    No man shall write on Christianity unless he is preparing to go the whole lamb.
  • 若非有意干到底,也不应写作有关基督教的事情。
    No man shall write on christianity unless he were prepared to go the whole lamb.
  • 若非有意干到底,也不应写作有关基督教的事情。
    No man should write on Christianity unless he is prepared to go the whole lamb.
  • 讨你做妻子一定会很幸福。”克里斯蒂娜收敛了笑容,回答说:“我终身不嫁。”“话别说得那么绝嘛,小姑娘。”
    "He will be a happy man who calls you wife." The smile passed from Christina's face, "I shall never marry," she answered, "Never is a long word, little one."
  • 无论是拿的钱,反正不是克里斯廷-她不是容置疑的。
    Whoever took the money it was not Christine – she's above suspicion.
  • 还有,我们一走进教堂的内部,不由要问:是推倒了圣克里斯朵夫巨像的呢?这座巨像在一切塑像中是有口皆碑的,如同司法宫大厅在一切大厅中、斯特拉斯堡的尖塔在一切钟楼中都是令人交口称誉的。
    And if we enter the interior of the edifice, who has overthrown that colossus of Saint Christopher, proverbial for magnitude among statues, as the grand hall of the Palais de Justice was among halls, as the spire of Strasbourg among spires?