Chinese English Sentence:
  • 他们叫他耶稣;武力…安培多克称之为‘爱’与‘恨’;一个名叫哈里德.劳埃德的演员;一个在加的夫的建筑被人们称为和平的神殿。
    they called his name Jesus; forces...which Empedocles called `love' and `hate'; an actor named Harold Lloyd; a building in Cardiff named the Temple of Peace.
  • 巴兰基利亚哥伦比亚北部城市,在马格达纳河沿岸,濒临加勒比海。1629年建立,现在是哥伦比亚的主要港口。人口891,545
    A city of northern Colombia on the Magdalena River near the Caribbean Sea. Founded in1629, it is Colombia's chief port. Population,891, 545.
  • 夫和卡罗尔两人交往甚密。
    Clive and carol chase around a lot together.
  • 北卡罗纳州被划为农业州?
    North Carolina is classed as an agriculture state.
  • 产于南卡罗纳州到佛罗里达州和墨西哥海湾东部。
    N Carolina to Florida and eastern Gulf of Mexico.
  • 北卡罗那州的首府;位于北卡罗那州的中东部。
    capital of the state of North Carolina; located in the east central part of the North Carolina.
  • 维吉尼亚和卡罗纳州的苏族人。
    a member of the Siouan people of Virginia and North Carolina.
  • 卡罗纳州南部的一条河流,向东南流入大西洋。
    a river in South Carolina that flows southeast to the Atlantic.
  • 这也正是人们在北卡罗纳的马克斯顿——他的故乡一做生意时遵循的原则。
    That was how they did buiness in Maxton, North Carolina, where he was brought up.
  • 卡罗纳州边上的大西洋中的一组岛屿;英国殖民地;一个胜地。
    a group of islands in the Atlantic off the Carolina coast; British colony; a popular resort.
  • 美国革命战争,在南卡罗纳考伯战役中挫败英国的美国士兵。
    soldier in the American Revolutionary War who defeated the British in the Battle of Cowpens, South Carolina (1736-1802).
  • 北卡罗纳大学公路安全研究中心的简·斯塔茨指出:"开车时,每个人都应该全神贯注。
    "Everybody should focus entirely on driving," says Jane Stutts of the University of North Carolina's Highway Safety Research Center.
  • 佛罗伦萨美国南卡罗纳州东北部一城市,位于哥伦比亚东北偏东。自内战以来成为一个交通中心。人口29,813
    A city of northeast South Carolina east-northeast of Columbia. It has been a transportation center since the Civil War. Population,29, 813.
  • 彬格的妹妹卡罗琳本身对达西颇感兴趣。
    Bingley's sister Caroline is interested in Darcy herself.
  • 不要强迫瓦里做任何事情-对她来说胡萝卜要比大棒更有效。
    Valerie won't be forced to do anything – a carrot is much more effective than a stick in her case.
  • 正当他们热闹的时候,本·普斯侦探走进了银行,支着肘部从围栏的缝隙中不经意地朝里看。
    While they were thus engaged, Ben Price, the detective, walked into the bank and leaned on his elbow, looking casually inside between the railings.
  • 哈罗!布克先生,你来得正是时候,我们刚把本公司的最新产品,印制在这份漂亮的新目录上呢!
    Hello, Mr. black. You've come at a good time. We've just got our latest products all nicely set out in this new catalog.
  • 生命不止,奋斗不息。--卡
    Cease to struggle and you cease to live.-- Thomas Carlyle
  • 生命不止,奋斗不息。--卡
    Cease to struggle and you cease to live. -- Thomas Carlyle
  • 贝尔塔维亚区英国以贝尔格夫广场为中心的上流住宅区,位于伦敦西南。它设立于19世纪20年代
    A fashionable residential district of southwest London, England, centered on Belgrave Square. It was laid out in the1820's.
  • “噢,彬格先生的马车要送他的朋友到麦里屯去,赫斯脱夫妇又是有车无马。”
    "Oh! but the gentlemen will have Mr. Bingley's chaise to go to Meryton; and the Hursts have no horses to theirs."
  • 彬格小姐要她乘着马车回去,她正打算稍许推辞一下就接受主人的盛意,不料吉英说是舍不得让她走,于是彬格小姐便不得不改变了请她坐马车回去的主意,请她在尼日斐花园小住一阵。
    Miss Bingley offered her the carriage, and she only wanted a little pressing to accept it, when Jane testified such concern in parting with her that Miss Bingley was obliged to convert the offer of the chaise into an invitation to remain at Netherfield for the present.
  • 12月1日各法院开始试验在法官认可下,准许在法庭内使用摄影机。可是在钱伯斯因谋杀18岁的文而受审时,贝尔拒不同意。
    On Dec.1, the courts began an experimental program allowing cameras in courtrooms with judges' approval, but Bell refused to go along in the trial of Robert Chambers for the murder of Jennifer Levin,18.
  • 12月1日各法院开始试验在法官认可下,准许在法庭内使用摄影机。可是在钱伯斯因谋杀18岁的文而受审时,贝尔拒不同意。
    On Dec. 1, the courts began an experimental program allowing cameras in courtrooms with judges' approval, but Bell refused to go along in the trial of Robert Chambers for the murder of Jennifer Levin, 18.
  • 帕里什,塞斯蒂娅·苏姗娜1853-1918美国教育家,因其对增加妇女受大学教育的机会和提高质量所作出的努力而闻名
    American philanthropist who founded(1795) the Philadelphia House of Industry, the first charitable institution for women in the United States.
  • 麦考把查理二世描写为无信义的狂热者。
    Macaulay represents Charles II as a faithless fanatic.
  • 盖斯凯尔,伊丽莎白·克·史蒂文斯1810-1865英国作家,因其夏洛蒂·勃朗特的一生(1857年)和描述英格兰工人19世纪的反抗运动的小说而闻名
    British writer noted for her Life of Charlotte Bront?1857) and her novels depicting the oppression of workers in19th-century England.
  • 班纳特太太一看见卢卡斯小姐,便客客气气,从容不迫地说:“那天晚上全靠你开场开得好,你做了彬格先生的第一个意中人。”
    "You began the evening well, Charlotte," said Mrs. Bennet with civil self-command to Miss Lucas. "You were Mr. Bingley's first choice."
  • 在星期四晚上的全国女子联赛决赛的第一场比赛中,被普遍看好的洛杉矶“火花”队在向第一个全国女子联赛冠军途中迈出了一大步,队员丽沙·斯莉独得了24分和8个篮板球,结果她和队员以75比66大胜夏洛特“毒刺”队。
    The heavily favored Los Angeles Sparks got a jump on their bid for their first WNBA title, getting 24 points and eight rebounds from Lisa Leslie in a 75-66 victory over the Charlotte Sting in Game 1 of League finals Thursday night.
  • 特尔博罗美国佛蒙特州东南部城市,位于新罕布什尔州边界康涅狄格河上,于1753年获得特许权,现在是冬日旅游胜地。人口11,886
    A town of southeast Vermont on the Connecticut River and the New Hampshire border. It was chartered in1753 and is now a winter resort center. Population,11, 886.
  • 昂内尔很会与陌生姑娘搭讪,并邀她们一起外出。
    Lionel is very good at chatting up strange girls and getting them go out with him.
  • 特先生星期一在旅馆办理登记,星期二晚付账离开。
    Mr Light checked in at the hotel on Monday, and checked out on Tuesday.