  • 随着香港多个主要公共交通机构联合发行八达通明卡,轻铁于一九九七年九月实施新的收费计算方法。
    A new fare structure was introduced in September 1997 following the launch of the smart card Octopus by major public transport companies.
  • 一九九七年九月,多个主要公共交通机构联合推出一个无须接触机器的储值车票系统──"八达通",利用明卡技术,令乘客缴付费用时更感方便。
    In September 1997, the major public transport operators launched a contact less card system, the Octopus, which uses smart card technology for fare payment.
  • 你那样做真聪明。
    It is clever of you to do so.
  • 她比班上其他任何女孩子都明。
    She is more clever than the other girls in her class.
  • 她并不明,但在其他方面,她倒是个好姑娘。
    She is not very clever, but otherwise she's a nice girl.
  • 明的女性是否应该懂得收敛、适可而止?
    Do intelligent women need to understand that there is a limit to how far they can outdo and outshine their husbands?
  • 明的女性是否应该懂得收敛、适可而止?
    Or do intelligent women need to understand that there is a limit to how far they can outdo and outshine their husbands?
  • 撒切尔首相在第三任期即将结束挂冠而去才算明,否则,她将冒不再受欢迎之险。如此,她将给她那连政敌都承认出色的政绩染上污点。
    Prime Minister Thatcher would be wise to call it a day toward the end of her third term. If not, she runs the risk of outstaying her welcome, and, by so doing, tarnishes a political career that even her enemies must admit go being remarkale.
  • 明人则宁愿吃点亏而给嫉妒者一点实惠,有时故意在某些与己关系不大的事情上让对手占占上风。
    Whereas wise men will rather do sacrifice to envy, in suffering themselves sometimes of purpose to be crossed, and overborne in things that do not much concern them.
  • 你用二方块盖叫对方很明。
    You're clever to overcall with two diamonds.
  • 你用二方块盖叫对方很明。
    You are clever to overcall with two diamonds.
  • 你用二方块盖叫对方很明。
    You is clever to overcall with two diamond.
  • 说真的我们这每个人都觉得您“太出色”了,而您的资历表明您如果能到一家可以尽展您明才智的公司去任职,将会更加愉快。
    Frankly it is the feeling of everyone here that you are "overqualified", and your experience indicates you would be much happier with a company that could make full use of your talents.
  • 就他那种年龄的孩子而言,他是太明了。
    He is overwise for a child of his age.
  • 这个孩子比他的同龄人明。
    The child is bright than his peer.
  • 他是个明人,但缺少毅力。
    He is a clever man , but fails in perseverance.
  • 她是个明的姑娘,但缺少毅力。
    She is a clever girl, but fails I perseverance.
  • 眼光敏锐,知道什么问题该注意;混乱只有眼光敏锐的领导者才能制止;眼光敏,不会轻信如此荒谬的论点。
    too clear-eyed not to see what problems would follow; chaos could be prevented only by clear-sighted leadership; much too perspicacious to be taken in by so spurious an argument.
  • 他是当饥荒之际,只会建议供应牙签的那一类明的慈善家之一。
    He is one of those wise philanthropists who, in a time of famine, will vote for nothing but a supply of toothpick.
  • 他是当饥荒之际,只会建议供应牙签的那一类明的慈善家之一。
    He is one of those wise philanthropists who, in a time of famine, would vote for nothing but a supply of toothpicks.
  • 有人让约翰和完全像他一样明的对手进行较量。
    John was pitted against an opponent just as smart as he was.
  • 最后,正如劳伦斯·玛舍尔在《行星勘探卜书中所说,一个搜寻恒星光谱周期变化的明计划证实在太阳系之外有无数个大行星围绕着恒星在做轨道运行。
    Finally, as Laurence A.Marschall reports in Planetary Prospecting, a clever program to hunt for periodic changes in the spectra of stars has confirmed the existence of numerous giant planets orbiting stars beyond our solar system.
  • 你外表明;我求你,纠正这个错误吧。
    You look wise; pray, correct that error.
  • 以谨慎、虚心和明的自制力为特点。
    marked by prudence or modesty and wise self-restraint.
  • 一个可靠的政治家比一个明的政治家更好。
    A safe statesman is better than a clever one.
  • 明智和明不同, 通常是随着年龄增长的。
    Sagacity , unlike cleverness, usually increases with age.
  • 希拉很明, 然而在表达思想时却有些腼腆.
    Sheila is very clever but rather backward in expressing her ideas.
  • 他是一个明的男孩。
    He is a smart boy.
  • 明伶俐的学生很轻松。
    It is easy to teach smart students.
  • 明,可能明到了於已有害的地步。
    He's clever, probably too much so for his own good.
  • 人人都希望被大家看做是敏人。
    Every mother's son wishes to be considered Solomon.
  • 人人都希望被大家看做是敏人。
    Every mother's son wish to is consider solomon.