| - "摩托艇驶过时,把水搅得波浪翻滚。"
The motor boat churned the water up as it passed. - 拖拉机翻起土坡。
The tractor churn ed up the soil. - 风暴中波涛翻腾;愤怒得胃疼
Waves churning in the storm; so angry it made my stomach churn. - 当冉迪在吗啡的药效下睡着时,我便咬紧牙,握紧方向盘,感觉自己的胃都在翻动。
So while my husband slept,helped by morphine,I'd clench my teeth,grip the wheel and feel my stomach churn. - 水在螺旋桨下面打旋、翻滚。
The water is thrashing and churning about under the propeller. - 从那以后,集成电路上组件的数量就以每年翻一番的速度递增。
Since that time the number of components on IC's, integrated circuits, has approximately doubled every year. - 地主政权既被打翻,族权、神权、夫权便一概跟着动摇起来。
With that overturned, the clan authority, the religious authority and the authority of the husband all begin to totter. - 我认为这本名著在翻译过程中变得不很吸引人了。
I think the classic loses in translation. - 在新疆翻译、出版和发行了维吾尔、哈萨克、汉等多种文字和版本的《古兰经》、《卧尔兹选编》、《新编卧尔兹演讲集》等一批伊斯兰教经典和宗教书刊,以及佛教、基督教等其他宗教的经典。
A number of Islamic classics and religious books and magazines, including the Koran, Selected Works of Waez and A New Collection of Waez’s Speeches, as well as the religious classics of Buddhism, Christianity and other religions in various editions and in the Uygur, Kazak and Han languages have been translated, published and distributed in Xinjiang. - 他擅长翻译。
He is clever at translation. - 能够通过在空中翻转发出咔嚓声而从倒转的位置转过身来。
able to right itself when on its back by flipping into the air with a clicking sound. - 暴民们推翻了一辆警车,这时,动乱达到了高潮。
The rioting came to a climax when the mob overthrew a police car. - 逐字翻译不一定最接近原义。
A literal translation is not always the closest to the original meaning. - 你真笨手笨脚!把我的这杯咖啡撞翻了。
You are clumsy! You're knocked over my cup of coffee! - 那个笨手笨脚的男孩把漆罐打翻了。
The clumsy boy tipped the jar of paint over. - 帽边向上翻起
The cock of a hat. - 在排字印刷技术中,将设计者的铅字规范翻译成照相排版设备的格式、命令或代码。
In typesetting, translating the designer’s type specifications into format, or command, codes for phototypesetting equipment. - 几种叶子结合紧密的球形大头卷心菜;可以蒸、煮、翻炒,也可以凉拌。
any of several varieties of cabbage having a large compact globular head; may be steamed or boiled or stir-fried or used raw in coleslaw. - 〔3〕“劳资合作论”,是第二国际主张在资本主义国家内,无产阶级与资产阶级合作,反对用革命手段推翻资产阶级统治以建立无产阶级专政的一种反动理论。
[3] "The doctrine of collaboration between labour and capital" is the reactionary doctrine of the Second International, which advocates such collaboration in the capitalist countries and opposes the revolutionary overthrow of bourgeois rule and the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat. - 请把衣领翻下。
Please turn down your collar. - 翻下衣领;能翻下的衣领
Turn a collar down; a collar that turns down. - 最新款式的衣领是翻领。
The collar turns back in the latest fashion. - 第三次世界反驳道,这种关注只不过是殖民主义的现代翻版而已。
The Third World snaps back that such concerns are merely modern versions of colonialism. - 正是这一革命观点的体现,我们于1776年推翻了英国的殖民统治。甚至在我任欧洲盟军最高司令时,我亲眼目睹了美国革命的观点仍在改变着东欧。
With the embodiment of the idea of revolution,we threw off British colonialism in 1776 and even when I was the Supreme Allied Commander Europe I watched the ideas of American revolution still changing Eastern Europe. - 那个谐星使我们笑得人仰马翻。
The comedian kept us rolling with laughter. - (天文学)一个假定的巨大的彗星云,它远远超出冥王星的轨道围绕太阳旋转;(其他恒星引起的)混乱可以翻倒彗星的轨道,使其向着太阳。
(astronomy) a hypothetical huge collection of comets orbiting the sun far beyond the orbit of Pluto; perturbations (as by other stars) can upset a comet's orbit and may send it tumbling toward the sun. - 这一年正逢罗曼诺夫王朝(俄国封建王朝,始于1613年,1917年被俄国二月革命推翻)执政300年的周年纪念,皇室贵族之间流行互赠礼物。就在这一年的复活节,费伯奇向沙皇献上了这枚彩蛋,这枚彩蛋比他以往所献上的任何以每彩蛋都要精美的多。
It was the commemoration of three centuries of the Romanov Dynasty and all the imperial family was lavished with gifts and when Easter came up Faberge came up with a far more elaborate egg than he did in the years before." - 计算完成一项作业所需的时间。例如,汇编时间、编译期、响应时间、运行时间、翻译[变换]时间。
The time interval for computer to complete a task. e.g., assemble duration, compile duration, response duration, run duration, translate duration. - 中国学术界翻译出版了大量国外人权著作,编著了系统、全面、完整的人权研究资料。
Chinese academic circles have also translated and published a large number of foreign books on human rights and compiled systematic, comprehensive and complete research data on human rights. - 写作诗歌;翻译诗歌。
compose verses; put into verse. - 分配给我们的任务是在田里翻埋堆肥。
We were assigned the work of digging in compost in the fields. - 就是因为习惯了学语文先学音的概念,在笔者读书的时代,学英语一定先学音标。把kk音标当作注音符号一样,背得滚瓜烂熟,新单字若没有标上音标,就不知道怎么发音了,没有透过翻译,更无从了解单字的意思,这种买鞋画鞋样的教学结果,除了spelling能力奇差之外,加上没有讲英语的环境,更无法开口说英语。
During my school days, we were so used to phonetics when starting to learn a language that we marked the English words with codes and signs and then memorised them. So when we came across new English words, we were unable to pronounce them, not to mention the comprehension of those words. In the end, we had very poor ability to "spell" the words. All these, coupled with an environment that does not encourage the use of English, make it difficult for us to learn the language.