  • 对美国文学的合评述
    A panorama of American literature.
  • 身上向的条纹上散布着亮色的斑点;产于美国西南部和墨西哥的丘陵地带的蜥蜴。
    having longitudinal stripes overlaid with light spots; upland lizard of United States southwest and Mexico.
  • 新中国成立以来,中国政府把以防治洪涝为重点的大江大河和主要湖泊的合开发与整治列为水利建设的重要任务。
    Since the foundation of New China in 1949 the Chinese government has taken comprehensive exploitation and control of major rivers and lakes, with emphasis on the prevention and control of flood and water logging, as an important task of water conservancy construction.
  • 合推理,演绎推理从一般到特殊的推理;逻辑上的演绎推理
    Reasoning from the general to the particular; logical deduction.
  • 合症状合症状,包括发烧、皮质淋巴病、血液异常及对可能感染的易感性。最初这种合症被视作爱滋病的前兆,但现在认为是这种病的较温和的一种形式
    A combination of symptoms, including fever, lymphadenopathy, blood abnormalities, and susceptibility to opportunistic infections. The complex was first considered to be a precursor to AIDS, but it is now thought of as a milder form of the disease.
  • 严打"整治斗争和社会治安合治理取得初步成效,依法铲除一批黑恶势力犯罪团伙,惩治了一批严重刑事犯罪分子。
    Initial results were achieved in the nationwide crackdown on crime, and as a result all facets of public security improved. Some Mafia-like gangs were crushed, and many who had committed grave crimes were punished in accordance with the law.
  • 然而,我喜欢的东西却和cheenahs一样——听华语流行歌曲、到民谣餐厅听现场华语流行歌曲演唱、收看台湾艺节目、阅读华文书籍……
    Yet, I loved the things the cheenahs loved - listening to Mandarin songs, frequenting lounges where Mandarin songs were performed live, watching Taiwanese variety programmes, reading Chinese books.
  • 我们将加速推行强制性公积金计划,要深入检讨社会保障合援助金计划,为有需要的长者,提供协助及改善他们的生活,令我们的长者「老有所养」。
    We will set up the Mandatory Provident Fund Scheme as soon as possible. We will also carry out an in-depth review of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance Scheme which aims to assist the needy among our senior citizens and improve their living.
  • 太阳综合图
    synoptic map of the Sun
  •  海洋合管理的基本目的是保证海洋环境的健康和资源的可持续利用。
    The basic objective of comprehensive marine management is to ensure a healthy marine environment and the sustainable utilization of marine resources.
  • 中国还承担了帮助发展中国家培训海洋专业和合管理人才的国际义务,并多次举办海洋方面的国际会议。
    China is also committed to helping developing countries train people for marine development and comprehensive management work, and has hosted many international maritime conferences.
  • 为了达到这个目标,海事处推行多种措施,计有:合海上交通管理、海港巡逻、船只航行监察服务、设置系泊浮标,以及严格执行主要国际海事公约。
    This is achieved by comprehensive traffic management, harbour patrol, vessel traffic services, provision of mooring buoys and rigorous enforcement of major international maritime conventions.
  • 我们建立了独立的和比较完整的国民经济体系,经济实力和合国力显著增强。
    We have built an independent and relatively complete national economic system, with our economic power and comprehensive national strength enhanced markedly.
  • 伦敦发展成为欧洲的合市场。
    London developed into the general mart of Europe.
  • 为了从根本上全面解决中国的人口问题,必须采取合措施,包括大力发展经济,消除贫困,保护生态环境,合理开发利用资源,普及文化教育,发展医疗卫生和妇幼保健事业,完善社会保障制度,特别是养老保险制度,稳步推进城市化的进程,提高妇女地位、保障妇女的合法权益等。
    In order to fundamentally and comprehensively solve China's population problem, comprehensive measures have to be adopted. Such measures include vigorously developing the economy, getting rid of poverty, protecting the ecological environment, rationally developing and utilizing resources, popularizing education, developing medical service and maternal and child health care, improving the social security system --especially the insurance system for the aged, steadily advancing urbanization, improving women's status, and guaranteeing the legal rights and interests of women.
  • 毫无疑问,荷尔蒙替代疗法能缓解急性绝经期合症,而且关于增强骨骼强度的说法也经住了考验。
    There's no question that HRT can ease the acute symptoms of menopause,and the claim about bone strength had held up to scrutiny.
  • 重金属冶金资源的合回收
    comprehensive recovery of raw materials in extractive metallurgy of heavy metals
  • 在事物起源和最原因上强调可见的事实,排除纯粹哲学的思索。
    someone who emphasizes observable facts and excludes metaphysical speculation about origins or ultimate causes.
  • 近年来,周密组织实施了兰州、济南、南京、广州等战区诸军兵种联合军事演习,全面提高了官兵合素质和高技术条件下部队的整体作战能力。
    In recent years, joint and combined arms exercises have been meticulously organized in the Lanzhou, Jinan, Nanjing and Guangzhou military area commands, greatly raising the comprehensive quality of officers and men and the overall fighting capability of the troops under high-tech conditions.
  • 综合机械化采煤
    totally mechanized coal mining
  • “我们不会说这是一种合症”该发言人称,“运动,只要适度,对身体健康是大有好处的。”
    " We would not say this was a syndrome," he said." Exercise has large health benefits as long as it is done in moderation."
  • 从不同证人中得来的合证词
    A mosaic of testimony from various witnesses.
  • 矿产综合利用
    multipurpose utilization of ores
  • 大中城市不断调整工业布局,加强技术改造,开展三废合利用,对污染严重的企业限期治理或关、停、并、转、迁,还建设了一批污水处理厂,控制新污染源,减少了陆源污染物入海量。
    Large and medium-sized cities have paid constant attention to readjusting the distribution of industries, improving technical transformation, and recovering waste gas, waste water and industrial residue (the "three wastes") for multipurpose use. Enterprises creating serious pollution are required to take effective measures to control it within a definite period of time; otherwise they have to close down, suspend operations, merge with other plants, change their products or move to other places.
  • 1951年西藏和平解放之初,为了揭开青藏高原的奥秘,促进西藏的社会进步与发展,中央人民政府就组织“政务院西藏工作队”(1958年,在此基础上成立“中国科学院西藏合考察队”),对西藏的土地、森林、草场、水利和矿产资源进行考察和评价,提出了科学开发利用的意见,从而开启了科学认识、利用和保护西藏生态环境的进程。
    Shortly after the peaceful liberation of Tibet in 1951, in order to unveil the mysteries of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and promote Tibet’s social progress and development, the Central People’s Government organized the “Tibet Work Team of the Government Administration Council” (on the basis of which the “Tibet Comprehensive Exploration Team of the Chinese Academy of Sciences” was established in 1958), to explore and assess land, forest, pastureland, water conservancy and mineral resources in Tibet. The work team put forward a proposal for scientific development and utilization, which started the process of scientific understanding, utilization and protection of the ecological environment in Tibet.
  • 通过计算机、通信、光电、传感等多项技术的合应用,开发各类与奥运相关的软件,建立奥运会比赛信息管理系统;开发应用网络计算机(nc)技术,为奥运提供大容量、高速、安全、稳定的信息管理平台,并与新闻信息系统联接,为运动员、奥运会服务人员及公众提供适时、快速、便捷的信息服务。
    By comprehensive application of computer, communication, photo-electricity and sense etc. we shall develop a variety of software relative to the Olympics and build the information management system for the Olympic competition, develop and adopt the network computer (NC) technology and provide a mass, high speed, safe and steady information management platform for the Olympics, linking the press information system and provide timely, fast and convenient information service for the sportsman or sportswoman and the Olympic working personnel and the public.
  • 大力提高竞技体育水平,造就一批国家级优秀教练员和科研人员,培养一批具有国际水准的优势运动项目群体和竞技运动拔尖人才,力争北京竞技体育总体水平位居全国前列,力争北京运动员获得奥运金牌总数有新的较大的突破,合实力明显增强,使北京竞技体育在展示城市形象,和市民精神风貌方面发挥重要作用。
    Make great efforts to raise the level of the competition sports, bring up a number of national outstanding coaches and scientific research personnel, train outstanding groups and top-notch athletes in a number of sports and events with good winning chances at world class tournaments, strive to rank Beijing’ overall competition sports level among the top places in the country, strive to ensure that Beijing’s athletes will win more Olympic gold medals than ever before and its overall sports strength will increase notably so that Beijing’s competition sports will play an important role in displaying the city’s image and the citizen’s mental outlook.
  • 辽宁省本溪市通过城市环境合整治和生态建设,使全市污染严重的21条“烟龙”、17股污水、两座废渣山得到治理,建成220平方公里的环城森林公园。
    Thanks to comprehensive urban environmental improvement and ecological construction, Benxi City in Liaoning Province has cleared up 21 ``smoke dragons,'' 17 polluted springs and two mounds of industrial residue which were notorious sources of pollution. It has also constructed a round-the-city forest park with an area of 220 sq km.
  • 辽宁省本溪市通过城市环境合整治和生态建设,使全市污染严重的21条“烟龙”、17股污水、两座废渣山得到治理,建成220平方公里的环城森林公园。
    Thanks to comprehensive urban environmental improvement and ecological construction, Benxi City in Liaoning Province has cleared up 21 "smoke dragons", 17 polluted springs and two mounds of industrial residue which were notorious sources of pollution. It has also constructed a round-the-city forest park with an area of 220 sq km.
  • 由于人体需要足够的维生素,当今大多数营养学家都一致推荐平衡各种食物成分的合饮食结构。
    Most nutrition experts today would recommend a balanced diet containing elements of all foods, largely because of our need for sufficient vitamins.
  • 第二十八条 国家鼓励和支持粮食的加工和合开发利用,增加粮食的附加值,改善人民的食物营养结构。
    Article 28 The State shall encourage and support the processing and comprehensive development and utilization of grains, increase the added value of grains and improve the nutritive structure of people's food.
  • 秽语癖不加克制地、常常是过多地使用秽亵或色情语言,可能伴有某些心理紊乱,如精神分裂症或托莱氏合症等
    The uncontrolled, often excessive use of obscene or scatological language that may accompany certain mental disorders, such as schizophrenia or Tourette's syndrome.