  • 天鹅划着红色的蹼掌向前游去。
    The white swans were oaring their way with rosy feet.
  • 欧洲灌木,色或玫瑰红色花冠,黑色浆果。
    European shrub with white or rosy flowers followed by black berries.
  • 长有孢子菌环和长有蓝汁液的可食用的属;有些是可食用的;有些造成根部腐烂。
    genus of edible mushrooms having white spores an annulus and blue juice; some are edible; some cause root rot.
  • 艺术馆内展示当代香港艺术、中国古代文物、历史绘画和中国书画的长期展览厅,以及虚斋藏中国书画馆,继续轮流展出精选的艺术馆藏品。
    The permanent galleries of contemporary Hong Kong art,Chinese antiquities, historical pictures, Chinese fine art and the Xubaizhai collection of Chinese painting and calligraphy continued to feature selected works from the museum's collection on a rotational basis.
  • 木本藤蔓植物,有亮绿色叶子和带玫瑰色的花组成的总状花序;膨大的根中包含鱼藤酮。
    woody vine having bright green leaves and racemes of rose-tinted white flowers; the swollen roots contain rotenone.
  • 胃中产生的一种酶,被酸激活后能将蛋质分解成蛋胨。
    an enzyme produced in the stomach; when activated by acid it splits proteins into peptones.
  • 大的、色的、圆形的亚洲豆荚;通常晒干。
    large white roundish Asiatic legume; usually dried.
  • 欧洲的一种水生飘浮草本植物,叶心形略圆,花色。
    European floating plant with roundish heart-shaped leaves and white flowers.
  • 色恐怖一到,投机分子反水,带领反动派捉拿同志,区党的组织大半塌台。
    As soon as the White terror struck, the careerists defected and acted as guides for the counter-revolutionaries in rounding up our comrades, and the Party organizations in the White areas mostly collapsed.
  • 一种一年生的缠绕菜豆,原产于美国西南和墨西哥,因它的抗旱和抗热力而被栽培,种子略圆,色,黄色,棕色,或蓝黑色,可食。
    twining plant of southwestern United States and Mexico having roundish white or yellow or brown or black beans.
  • (编按:原信毁损缺文)尤其是你的母亲,她在这个星期中,饭也不吃,晚上也不睡,累到我精神大感不安,天学校回来,一到家,她就要提出问题,晚上要改课,她也要吵,睡中亦被唤醒。
    (words lost due to damage in original document) , especially your mother.In this whole week, she could not eat, and at night she could not sleep, straining even my own mental frame causing me great anxiety. I taught during the day and as soon as I returned home from school, she would raise the subject with me. When I was engaged in marking the students' scripts in the evening, she would pester me.she would even rouse me from my sleep.
  • 新生霉素抗生素,c31h36n2o11,由放线菌产生雪链霉菌,并可用于治疗革兰氏阳性菌引起的传染病
    An antibiotic, C31H36N2O11, produced by the actinomycete Streptomyces nivens and used to treat infections by gram-positive bacteria.
  • 它可以使受咒诅的人得福,使害着灰色的癞病的人为众人所敬爱;……来,该死的土块,你这人尽可夫的娼妇,你惯会在乱七八糟的列国之间挑起纷争。
    bless the accursed; Make the hoar leprosy adored... Come, damned earth, Thou common whore of mankind, that putt'st odds among the rout of nations.
  • 微丝,微纤丝任何一种存在于细胞质内的微小纤维,由肌纤蛋组成,其基本功能是保持一个细胞的结构的完整
    Any of the minute fibers located throughout the cytoplasm of cells, composed of actin and functioning primarily in maintaining the structural integrity of a cell.
  • 肌球蛋在肌肉细胞中最普通的蛋质,对肌肉的弹性和收缩性的特性很重要,它与肌动朊结合形成肌动球朊
    The commonest protein in muscle cells, responsible for the elastic and contractile properties of muscle. It combines with actin to form actomyosin.
  • 肌动球蛋由肌动朊与球蛋组成的系统,并与其他物质一起再组成肌肉纤维并导致肌肉收缩
    The system of actin and myosin that, with other substances, constitutes muscle fiber and is responsible for muscular contraction.
  • 肌丝一种极微小的细丝,由肌动朊和肌球蛋组成,是肌原纤维的结构单位
    Any of the ultramicroscopic filaments, made up of actin and myosin, that are the structural units of a myofibril.
  • 肌肉纤维的蛋联合体,由球蛋和肌动朊构成,受刺激变短,从而造成肌肉收缩。
    a protein complex in muscle fibers; composed of myosin and actin; shortens when stimulated and causes muscle contractions.
  • 在肌肉细胞中最普通的蛋质,与肌动朊结合形成肌动球朊。
    the commonest protein in muscle; a globulin that combines with actin to form actomyosin.
  • 六,也就会明单纯的流动游击政策,不能完成促进全国革命高潮的任务,而朱德毛泽东式、方志敏⑴式之有根据地的,有计划地建设政权的,深入土地革命的,扩大人民武装的路线是经由乡赤卫队、区赤卫大队、县赤卫总队、地方红军直至正规红军这样一套办法的,政权发展是波浪式地向前扩大的,等等的政策,无疑义地是正确的。
    And sixthly, one will also understand that the policy which merely calls for roving guerrilla actions cannot accomplish the task of accelerating this nation-wide revolutionary high tide, while the kind of policy adopted by Chu Teh and Mao Tse-tung and also by Fang Chih-min[1] is undoubtedly correct -- that is, the policy of establishing base areas; of systematically setting up political power; of deepening the agrarian revolution; of expanding the people's armed forces by a comprehensive process of building up first the township Red Guards, then the district Red Guards, then the county Red Guards, then the local Red Army troops, all the way up to the regular Red Army troops, of spreading political power by advancing in a series of waves, etc., etc.
  •  参与活动的还有42年来一直为英国女王伊丽莎二世服务的lionelmann。他描述金汉宫主人的口味是经典的法国式和传统的英国式。他即将在本月退休。
    Lionel Mann, the long-time chef to Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, described the food eaten by the royals in Buckingham Palace as classical French and traditional English. Mann is retiring this month after 42 years of feeding the royal family.
  • 在伦敦,他为皇室演出过,也在宫为总统演奏过。
    He performed for royalty in London, as well as for presidents at the White House.
  • 石盐;岩盐一种无色或色的矿物质,成分为氯化钠,以立方体晶体形式出现,在酸性气候下的干枯河床上可见,开采或收集以用作食盐
    A colorless or white mineral, NaCl, occurring as cubic crystals and found in dried lakebeds in acrid climates, mined or gathered for use as table salt.
  • 茶叶花属的几种有毒的多年生草本植物的任何一种,具有辛辣的、牛奶状的汁液、钟状的色或粉红色的花和一个非常苦的根。
    any of several poisonous perennial plants of the genus Apocynum having acrid milky juice and bll-shaped white or pink flowers and a very bitter root.
  • 干酪一种味淡的、色的并有弹性的意大利奶酪,通常融化放在比萨饼上吃
    A mild, white Italian cheese that has a rubbery texture and is often eaten melted, as on pizza.
  • 本港儿童均接受防疫注射,预防结核病、喉、百日咳、脊髓灰质炎(小儿麻痹症)、破伤风、乙型肝炎、麻疹、腮腺炎和德国麻疹。
    Children in Hong Kong are immunised against tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, poliomyelitis, tetanus, hepatitis B, measles, mumps and rubella.
  • 血气旺盛的不苍或非贫血的;红润的或气色好的
    Not pale or anemic; florid or ruddy.
  • 生长于北美东部的细长,笔直的多年生植物,具有块茎状的根和粉色的花;类似于唐松草。
    slender erect perennial of eastern North America having tuberous roots and pink-tinged white flowers; resembles meadow rue.
  • 他凝视著镜中自己日见花的头发,感慨岁月不待人。
    He gaze ruefully in the mirror at his greying lock.
  • 安第斯山脉的大型秃鹫,黑色羽毛,色颈毛。
    large vulture of the high Andes having black plumage and white neck ruff.
  • 山鹑类几种类似山鹑或与山鹑有关的鸟中的任一种,如披肩榛鸡和喉鹑
    Any of several birds, such as the ruffed grouse or the bobwhite, similar or related to the partridge.
  • 我只能跟您讲些没头没脑的话,改天我再把这件事讲给您听,您就会明我为这个可怜的姑娘感到伤心不是没有道理的。
    But today my need for tears is too great, and what I said would make no sense. Some day I shall acquaint you with the story, and you shall judge whether I am right to mourn the poor girl.