  • 通过标准治很难治愈的一种严重气喘。
    a prolonged and severe asthma attack that does not respond to standard treatment.
  • 一种用来治哮喘、支气管炎和肺气肿的支气管扩张剂(商标是slobid)。
    a bronchodilator (trade name Slo-Bid) used to treat asthma and bronchitis and emphysema.
  • 然而,在1959年前,西藏的医机构仅有拉萨“门孜康”(即藏医星算学院)和药王山医学利众院两所,门诊建筑面积总共才500平方米,从业人员不足50人,条件十分简陋,日门诊量30-50人次,主要是为贵族、领主和上层喇嘛服务的。
    However, there were only two medical organs in Tibet before 1959--the "Mantsikhang" (Institute of Tibetan Medicine and Astrology) and the "Chakpori Zhopanling" (Medicine King Hill Institute for Saving All Living Beings) in Lhasa, the conditions at which were very simple and crude. They had a combined floor space of only 500 square meters for the outpatient clinics and a total staff of fewer than 50. They handled 30-50 outpatients a day, and mainly served the nobles, feudal lords and upper-strata lamas.
  • 辅助队是根据《医辅助队条例》成立的政府资助志愿组织,主要职务是在发生紧急事故时协助正规医护人员,以及在平日提供非紧急医护服务。
    The Auxiliary Medical Service (AMS) is a government financed volunteer organisation established under the Auxiliary Medical Service Ordinance. Its main role is to augment the regular medical, health and ambulance services during emergencies and to supplement such services in non-emergency situations.
  •  封建农奴制度下的旧西藏,只有三所医设备极其简陋、规模有限的官办藏医机构和少量私人诊所,从业人员近百人,加上民间藏医也只有400余人,平均每千人口只有不到0.4名医务人员。
    Old Tibet, under the feudal serf system, had only three officially operated, small traditional Tibetan medical establishments, having simple and rough medical equipment, and a few private clinics. There were close to 100 practitioners. Even adding folk doctors of Tibetan medicine, the number totalled only about 400, averaging less than 0.4 per 1,000 people.
  • 过去一年,我们在处理若干危机方面,例如禽流感、红潮和医事故,以及新机场启用后出现的问题,受到不少批评。
    There has been criticism of the way in which we have responded to certain crises that have occurred in the past year, such as the avian influenza outbreak, the red tides and mis-haps in the medical sector as well as the opening of the airport.
  • 表示厌恶的如行为法中所用的技巧,使之避开不愉悦的或打击性的刺激
    Causing avoidance of an unpleasant or punishing stimulus, as in techniques of behavior modification.
  • 短杆菌肽,短杆菌抗生素由一种土壤杆菌短杆菌产生的,用于治由革兰氏阳性菌引起的感染
    An antibiotic produced by the soil bacterium Bacillus brevis and used to treat infections caused by certain gram-positive bacteria.
  • 多粘菌素一种大部分为有毒的抗生素,从土壤中的多粘菌菌株中提取,用来治由革兰氏阴性细菌引起的各种感染
    Any of various mainly toxic antibiotics derived from strains of the soil bacterium Bacillus polymyxa and used to treat various infections with gram-negative bacteria.
  • 枯草杆菌素一种从菌系(枯草芽孢杆菌属)中获得的多肽抗菌素,在对某种细菌传染病,尤指那些由球菌引起的传染病的治中用作局部软膏
    A polypeptide antibiotic obtained from a strain of a bacterium(Bacillus subtilis) and used as a topical ointment in the treatment of certain bacterial infections, especially those caused by cocci.
  • 背痛的唯一办法是休息。
    The only way to cure backache is to rest.
  • 病史病人医情况的记录
    A record of a patient's medical background.
  • 硝基呋喃妥英一种硝基呋喃的衍生物,c8h6n4o5,用来治尿道细菌感染
    A derivative of nitrofuran, C8H6N4O5, used in the treatment of bacterial infections of the urinary tract.
  • 野口,英世1876-1928日本裔美籍细菌学家,发现梅毒和黄热病的病因和治该病的方法
    Japanese-born American bacteriologist who discovered the cause and worked toward a treatment of syphilis and yellow fever.
  • 一种用能够杀死微生物和治传染病的细菌制成的化学药物。
    a chemical substance derivable from a mold or bacterium that kills microorganisms and cures infections.
  • 对于制药公司来说,如今这些所谓的治秃头、阳痿的药品是他们的主要生意来源,但是一些医生认为其实这样的药物正在被用来治越来越多"不是病"的病。
    So-called lifestyle drugs for baldness, erectile dysfunction are big business for pharmaceutical companies, but some doctors believe they are being coerced into treating a growing number of "non-diseases."
  • 用来治严重高血压的血管扩张神经药物(商标是loniten);此药物的副作用是多毛症,因此也被作为治秃头(商标是rogaine)。
    a vasodilator (trade name Loniten) used to treat severe hypertension; one side effect is hirsutism so it is also sold (trade name Rogaine) as a treatment for male-patterned baldness.
  • 取自秘鲁香脂树的深褐色糖浆状香液,尤其用于处理伤口和治某些皮肤病。
    dark brown syrupy balsam from the Peruvian balsam tree used especially in dressing wounds and treating certain skin diseases.
  • 约翰.霍普金斯大学的一个研究小组围绕这一课题,分别用松鼠猴和狒狒为对象进行了实验。研究人员每三小时让研究对象服用一份低剂量的摇头丸,共服用三份。结果发现两种动物脑部一种能治脑神经病的多巴胺细胞都遭到了永久性的破坏,而这种细胞的缺乏正是"帕金森氏症"的主要症状。
    A study by a team at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, involving squirrel monkeys and baboons found that both species of primate suffered irreversible damage to key cells called dopamine neurons, which are lost in Parkinson's, after receiving three low doses of Ecstasy at three-hour intervals.
  • 敷药,将绷带、药物或其它治用材料敷于伤口。
    apply a bandage or medication to, as of wounds and injuries.
  • 有迅速效的巴比妥酸盐是一种吸温的粉(贸易名字pentothal);当被作为一种全身麻醉剂注入时会产生轻松的感觉。
    a hygroscopic powder (trade name Pentothal) that is a strong fast-acting barbiturate; induces a relaxed state when injected as a general anesthetic.
  • 这些伤痛都是训练和比赛造成的。她在达巴赛罗那之后就没有停止过治
    The injuries were the result of hard training and competition and she said she had been receiving medical treatment continually since coming to Barcelona.
  • 第一,中国人大抵把这些祖先的灵魂视为人类,而不视为神灵;中国人是视他们为老人家,而由子孙继续供奉着他们的,他们并不向祖先祈求物品或疾病的治,完全没有崇拜者和受崇拜者之间普通那种讨价还价的事情。
    In the first place, these ancestral spirits are conceived less as gods than as human beings, continuing to be served as they were in their old age by their descendants. There is no prayer for gifts and no prayer for cure of sickness, and none of the usual bargaining between the worshiper and the worshiped.
  • 这种“疾病”的法是多和其他族群正面交往。可惜一些马来人却选择呆在家里,加深马来人自身的认同感。
    It is sad that although the prescription of this “disease” is to bask in the sunshine of positive interaction with other ethnic groups, some Malays chose to stay indoors and self-indulge in their Malay-ness.
  • 他正在巴斯进行喝矿泉水养。
    He's taking the waters at Bath.
  • 我改变工作计划,找运输公司,联系肿瘤病医生、心脏病医生、晚期病人收容机构,联系购买医设备,物色能帮助洗澡的护理人员。
    I changed my work schedule,found transportation,an oncologist,cardiologist,hospice care,medical equipment,a caregiver and bather.
  • 通过沐浴治病已经流行了几个世纪。
    Treating disease by bathing has been popular for centuries.
  • 长期以来,人们认为洗澡和沐浴对人体有医作用。
    Bath and bathing have long been considered of medical importance to man.
  • 现代沐浴法和水法首先开始在美国流行。
    Modern medicinal bathing or hydrotherapy first became popular in the United States.
  • 学关于沐浴的科学,尤指对矿泉水浴治作用的研究
    The science of baths or bathing, especially the study of the therapeutic use of mineral baths.
  • 旋涡浴一种浴缸或浴池可喷出一股热水,喷向身体的一个部位以达到治目的
    A bathtub or pool having jets of warm water that can be directed toward a body part as for therapeutic purposes.
  • 他们把他送进医室里。
    they put him in the sick bay.