Chinese English Sentence:
  • 请给我一块南派和一杯咖啡。
    A piece of pumpkin pie and coffee, please.
  • 当我在美国的时候,我喜欢吃南馅饼。
    When I visited America I loved eating pumpkin pie.
  • 他是个爱哭鼻子的傻!
    He's a snivelling idiot!
  • 霍尼亚拉所罗门群岛的首都,位于达尔卡纳尔西北海岸。人口16,125
    The capital of the Solomon Islands, on the northwest coast of Guadalcanal. Population,16, 125.
  • 我不想和这一肮脏勾当有任何葛。
    I want no part in this sordid business.
  • "种,种豆得豆。"
    "As you sow, so will you reap."
  • 藤一种有卷须的、一年生攀缘或蔓生植物(香属葫芦科黄或胡),因其结有可食用的圆柱形果实而被广泛培植,该果皮呈绿色且有松脆的白色果肉
    A tendril-bearing, climbing or sprawling annual plant(Cucumis sativus) widely cultivated for its edible cylindrical fruit that has a green rind and crisp white flesh.
  • 植物的可食用的果实;当作蔬菜食用。
    edible fruit of a squash plant; eaten as a vegetable.
  • 皮有疣的、细长颈的黄色南
    yellow squash with a thin curved neck and somewhat warty skin.
  • 者不说他的苦。
    No man cries stinking fish.
  • 他还惊奇地发现,自己非但不是上帝赐予女性的礼物,而且他所交往的女人们个个都把他看作一个大傻
    He's also stunned to find out that not only is he not God's gift to women,but every woman in his life thinks he's pretty much of a jerk.
  • 傻瓜和笨蛋
    A foolish or stupid person.
  • 傻瓜被认为愚蠢的人
    A person regarded as stupid.
  • 你这个大傻瓜!
    You sublime idiot!
  • 你居然相信他的说法,真是大傻
    You are a sucker to believe his stories.
  • 约翰把那个人当作傻
    John played the man for a sucker.
  • 除此以外,塞斯顿对人有纯厚的兴趣,他告诉我,许多魔术家,看着观众而对他自己说:这些傻、乡巴佬,我要好好的骗他们一下。
    But, in addition to that, Thurston had a genuine interest in people. He told me that many magicians would look at the audience and say to themselves,“Well, there is a bunch of suckers out there, a bunch of hicks; I’ll fool them all right.
  • 农村改革初期,安徽出了个“傻子子”问题。
    In the initial stage of the rural reform, there emerged in Anhui Province the issue of the "Fool's Sunflower Seeds".
  • 你解决了一个“傻子子”,会牵动人心不安,没有益处。
    If you put the man who makes ``Fool's Sunflower Seeds'' out of business, it will make many people anxious, and that won't do anybody any good.
  • 我不擅长数字运算而我妹妹却天生有一个精于数字的脑袋
    I have no head for figures…whereas my sister is blessed with a superb head for figures.
  • 我们私下说,我认为新来的主管人是一个傻
    Between you and me I think that new supervisor is a twit.
  • 容易上当受骗的人;易被愚弄的人
    One who is easily swindled; a dupe.
  • 邻近的红磡、土湾、马头角及九龙城区共260公顷的现有市区,则可进行市区重建。
    The adjoining 260 hectares of existing urban areas at Hung Hom, To Kwa Wan, Ma Tau Kok and Kowloon City offer opportunities for urban renewal.
  • 任何南属一年生蔓生植物,由于其肉质可食果实而种植。
    any of numerous annual tendril-bearing trailing plants of the genus Cucurbita grown for their fleshy edible fruits.
  • 药西一种卷须状旧大陆藤本植物(药西西属),结有黄色有绿色斑点小柠檬大小的果实
    A tendril-bearing Old World vine(Citrullus colocynthis) bearing yellowish, green-mottled fruits the size of small lemons.
  • 无触手的栉水母;包含一个种类;水母属。
    ctenophores lacking tentacles; comprises one genus: Beroe.
  • 领土被侵占者瓜分.
    The territory was carved up by the occupying powers.
  • 他们人很聪明,办事很有头脑,不是傻
    They are very intelligent people. They know what they’re doing. They’re not fools.
  • 戴尔,弗洛伊德1887-1969美国作家,其小说傻《月亮牛犊》(1920年)代表了美国一次世界大战后那代人的幻想破灭及其放荡不羁的生活方式
    American writer whose novel Moon Calf(1920) typified the disillusionment and bohemianism among a generation of post-World War I Americans.
  • 我认为约翰的行为出奇地愚蠢,于是把他当傻
    I thought John was being uncommonly stupid, and wrote his down as a fool.
  • 斯卡连特斯墨西哥中部城市,位于达拉哈拉东北部。该城由至今不明身份的古代居民建立在复杂的隧道系统上。人口293,152
    A city of central Mexico northeast of Guadalajara. It was built over an intricate system of tunnels constructed by ancient, still unidentified inhabitants. Population,293, 152.
  • 萨哈冈曾竞选墨西哥中部城市赛拉雅市(位于福克斯家乡所在的那加托州)市长,但没有成功。
    Sahagun ran unsuccessfully for mayor of Celaya, a central Mexican city in Fox's home state of Guanajuato.