  • 后我们要到大同乐园看海豚表演。
    Then we are going to the Tatung Recreation Center to see a dolphin performance.
  • 目前,我国的经济发展已上了轨道,人民的生活比起从前更为富裕,在这种情况下,自希望能够进一步提高生活素质,而体育在这方面,绝对能够作出贡献。
    With the economy on track and Singaporeans enjoying more affluence, the desire to have a better quality of life is understandable. Sports no doubt will have a role to play in this aspect.
  • 首先是在沿海城市兴起了休闲娱乐热潮,后是大的内陆中心城市,建立起了各种各样的群众娱乐活动项目。
    The cities along the seacoast first rose the recreation fever and then the big center cities in hinterland. Various sorts of items for mass recreation activities were set up.
  • 香港虽大部分属市区范围,但市民仍有很多机会参与户外康乐活动。
    Despite Hong Kong's dense urban environment, opportunities for outdoor recreation are not lacking.
  • 痛风很显是神经系统的问题。”
    gout is manifestly an affliction of the nervous system."
  • 跳房子一种儿童游戏,其玩法是:游戏者将一小物体投入画于地上的标有数字的矩形格子内,后单足或双足跳过格子去取回物体
    A children's game in which players toss a small object into the numbered spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve the object.
  • 整风既这样重要,为什么一年半的时间,我们还没有整起来呢?
    Since the rectification movement is so important, why have we failed to practise it over the past year and a half?
  • 毛泽东同志号召整风当不是无的放矢,而正是针对着我们的弱点提出来的,是一针见血的指示。
    Comrade Mao Zedong's call for rectification is, of course, not a shot in the dark; it is precisely directed against our weaknesses.
  • ,真正建立秩序,不理顺价格不行。
    Of course, to rectify the economic order, we must straighten out the price system.
  • 谁不听他的话,他就想整一下,但是整到什么程度,他还是有考虑的。
    Despite the fact that Comrade Mao wanted to "rectify" anyone who disobeyed him, he still gave some consideration to how far he should go.
  • 它当很“现代”,却是一种富于表现力的现代主义,与同时代的垂直式的“国际风格”相去甚远。
    It is "modern", certainly, but it is an expressive modernism that was quite at odds with the rectilinear "international style" of its time.
  • 实质董事虽没有正式受委,却承担董事的职责,公司对外人宣称他为董事,而他自己也以董事自居。
    A de facto director is a per-son who assumes the functions of a di-rector. He is held out by the relevant company as its director, and personally claims and purports to act as such, although never formally appointed.
  • 实质和影子董事都没有正式受委进入董事会,但概念上两者还是有区别的。
    In the present context, whilst both ''de facto directors ''and ''shadow directors'' are persons who have not been formally appointed to the relevant board of di-rectors, they are conceptually different and distinct.
  • (六)我军人数较上次战役时虽略减(三万余),有四个月的养精蓄锐。
    Though our army (numbering over 30,000 men) was somewhat smaller than in the first campaign, it had had four months in which to recuperate and build up energy.
  • 怕字当头,不干工作,小病大养,无病呻吟,这样的领导干部,索性请他好好休息,不占着茅坑不拉屎怎么行?
    As for those leading cadres who "put fear first", do not work, take long recuperation leaves for minor illnesses or moan and groan about imaginary illnesses, we may as well ask them to take a good long rest. How can we let them hang on to their posts without doing any work?
  • 最肯定地。做为对肯定性回答的加强语气
    Most certainly. Used as an emphatic affirmative reply.
  • 疾病的突发作或复发。
    a sudden occurrence (or recurrence) of a disease.
  • 发作突的发作、复发或疾病的加剧
    A sudden attack, recurrence, or intensification of a disease.
  • 看来风暴已静止,即使不是这样,起码市场暂时已稳定下来,但重要的是,我们必须研究这次危机的成因和源头,以防日后风暴重现。
    Although the storm has seemingly come to a halt or at least temporarily stabilized, it is important that we look into the causes and the origin of this crisis to prevent future recurrences.
  • 在母语教学政策之下,政府依十分重视学校的英语教学,并为采用母语教学的中学提供额外支援:包括为这类学校平均每校增加两名英文科教师、让学校可选择多聘用一名以英语为母语的英文科教师、发放用以聘请文书人员和购买设备的一笔过津贴,以及用以添置设备和图书馆书籍的经常津贴。
    Heavy emphasis continued to be given to the teaching of English in all schools. Secondary schools teaching in Chinese were provided with additional support: an average of two additional English Language teachers for each school, the choice of an additional native-speaking English teacher, a one-off grant for employing clerical staff and purchasing equipment and additional recurrent grants for equipment and library books.
  • 澳大利亚的马特·格雷瞄准一个黄圆圈(即黄心)——在70米开外看上去只有个拇指印儿那么大——后用他那反曲弓把箭射了出去。
    Australian Matt Gray took aim at a yellow circle from 70m away no bigger than a thumbprint-and released an arrow from his recurve bow.
  • 这个模型有助决定后海湾自循环污染物的限度,得出结果后,双方便可联手制订管制计划,确保排放到后海湾的污染物,不会超出这限度。
    The model will help to determine how much waste the bay can naturally recycle. Once this is known the two sides will work together to develop a management plan to ensure this limit is not exceeded.
  • ,越多空罐回收再生,对环境越有利。
    And the more empty cans that can be collected for recycling, the better.
  • 让信心自大增的方法,已知的只有一个,就是对你的潜意识发号施令,一再加强正面的指令。
    Repetition of affirmation of orders to your subconscious mind is the only known method of voluntary development of the emotion of faith.
  • 调查覆盖了除台湾省、香港和澳门特别行政区外的31个省、自治区、直辖市专业或兼业从事环保产品生产、洁净产品生产、环保服务、废物循环利用和自生态保护的企事业单位。
    The investigation covered the enterprises and institutions engaged in environmental protection product production, cleaner product production, environmental services, recycling of wastes and nature conservation in 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly governed by the Central Government except Taiwan Province, Hong Kong and Macao Special Administration Regions.
  • 深红色一种由深色到亮紫色后到亮红色的颜色
    A deep to vivid purplish red to vivid red.
  • 他在刚刚因为发怒而涨得满脸通红时,会找出一些幸运的事,重新乐观起来,后恢复常态。
    Then, just when he's getting redder in the face, he counts his blessings, finds his inner optimism and pulls back.
  • 这篇报导为官方人士所断否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内容纯属凭空捏造。
    This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occurred, but that the story is made out of whole cloth.
  • 这篇报导为官方人士断否认,他们断言根本没有这回事,其内容线性凭空捏造。
    This report is positively denied in official circles, who affirm that nothing of the kind occured, but that the story is made of whole cloth.
  • 我们考虑的是重新装饰起居室,后买一条新地毯。
    What we have in view is redecorating the lounge and then buying a new carpet.
  • 拔除杂草,疏通河道,清理垃圾。50年代初,从宫内清除出去的上百年的垃圾竟达250,000立方米,自此院容焕一新。故宫博物院制定了“着重保护、重点修缮、全面规划、逐步实施”的古建维修方针,经过几十年的努力,许多残破、渗漏、瀕临倒塌的大小殿堂楼阁得到了修复和油饰,愈显金碧辉煌。
    Where previously the dirty and dilapidated halls and courts lay under weeds and piles of rubbish, some 250,000 cubic metres of accumulated debris were now cleared out, giving the place a sparkling fresh look. A policy of comprehensive rehabilitation was also launched, and in time the crumbling palace buildings, repaired and redecorated, looked resplendent once more.
  • 发行机构通常会在利率下降的时候这么做,后它可再发行利率较低的债券,以省下一笔利息开支。
    Suppose interest rates have fallen substantially since the bond was issued, then it would pay the issuer to redeem the bonds early and, at the same time, sell a new issue with a lower coupon rate.The end result, interest savings for the issuer.