  • 文化与经济上的功能,就如讲华语运动的两腿,走起路来互相配合。
    The two functions, the cultural and the economical, are like the two legs of the campaign, and they reinforce each other.
  • 詹森派信的鼓吹者。
    an advocate of Jansenism.
  • 在边上或沿着边缝上的起加固或装饰作用的布
    strip sewn over or along an edge for reinforcement or decoration.
  • ,叠边缝在褶中用来加强厚度或装饰的线带或包起来的线;革
    A tape or covered cord sewn into a seam as reinforcement or trimming; welting.
  • (心理学)指一种件反应;因为强化作用的消失或者减弱而导致件反应的渐渐消失。
    (psychology) of a conditioned response; caused to die out because of the absence or withdrawal of reinforcement.
  • 件反射减弱当非件的刺激或强化停止时,件反应的速度或力度的减少或丧失
    A reduction or a loss in the strength or rate of a conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus or reinforcement is withheld.
  • 第二十 已经建成的下列建筑物、构筑物,未采取抗震设防措施的,应当按照国家有关规定进行抗震性能鉴定,并采取必要的抗震加固措施:
    Article 20 The following buildings and structures without the necessary fortifications against earthquakes shall be appraised for their earthquake-resistance capability in accordance with relevant State regulations, and the necessary measures of reinforcement shall be taken:
  • 但在兵力优裕的件下,使用次要力量(例如县和区的游击队,以至从主力中分出一部分)于外线,在那里破坏敌之交通,钳制敌之增援部队,是必要的。
    But when we have the strength to spare, we should use our secondary forces (such as the county or the district guerrilla units, or even detachments of the main force) on exterior lines to disrupt the enemy's communications and pin down his reinforcements.
  • 第二十四进出口商品的报验人对商检机构作出的检验结果有异议的,可以向原商检机构或者其上级商检机构以至国家商检部门申请复验,由受理复验的商检机构或者国家商检部门作出复验结论。
    Article 24 In case an applicant for the inspection of import and export commodities disagrees with the results of inspection presented by the commodityinspection authorities, he may apply for reinspection to the same authorities, to those at the next higher level or to the State Administration for Commodity Inspection. The conclusion on reinspection shall be made by the commodity inspection authorities or the State Administration for Commodity Inspection which has accepted the application for reinspection.
  • 目前,政府正重新检讨这例草案,以便再次提交立法会审议。
    The Administration is reviewing the bill before reintroducing it into the Legislative Council.
  • 将调整并适当扩大《中西部地区吸收外资优势产业目录》,适当放宽中西部地区服务业吸收外资的件,放宽对西部地区外商投资项目的国内融资件,促进沿海地区外商投资企业向中西部地区再投资,鼓励外商投资参与西气东输、西电东送及其配套项目等基础设施建设。
    The Catalogue of Advantageous Industries of the Middle and Western Regions for Foreign Investment will be modified. Limitations on foreign investment in service sector of the middle and western regions will be appropriately relaxed. Requirements on domestic financing of foreign-invested projects in the western regions will be eased. FIEs in the coastal regions are encouraged to reinvest in the middle and western regions; and foreign investors are encouraged to play a role in infrastructure construction projects such as the project of transmitting power and natural gas produced in West China to East China and other supporting projects.
  • 2.完善《外商投资企业境内投资的暂行规定》,创造件,促进沿海的外商投资企业到西部地区再投资,实现产业的梯度转移。
    2. To improve the Provisional Regulations on Investment By Foreign-funded Enterprises in China to create conditions for the reinvestment in the west by foreign invested enterprises along the coast and realize the grads transfer of industries.
  • 同时,也将为我国科技兴贸、技工贸相结合探索出一新的路子,为优化出口商品结构,促进我国对外贸易的可持续发展作出新的贡献。
    In the meantime, it may open a new avenue for China to reinvigorate trade with science and technology and combine technology, industry with trade, thus making new contributions to the optimization of China's export mix and sustainable development of foreign trade.
  • 上诉法院驳回了对法律文特别解释问题的上诉。
    The appeal court reject the appeal on a technicality.
  •  第六十五原由行政机关设立咨询组织的制度继续保留。
    Article 65 The previous system of establishing advisory bodies by the executive authorities shall be maintained.
  • 公务员?用委员会是一个独立法定组织,在一九五零年根据香港法例第93章《公务员?用委员会例》成立。委员会有一名全职主席,其他委员则为社会知名人士。
    The Public Service Commission is an independent statutory body set up in 1950 under the Public Service Commission Ordinance (Chapter 93 of the Laws of Hong Kong) comprising a full time chairman and prominent citizens serving as members and responsible for advising the Chief Executive on Civil Service appointment, promotion and disciplinary matters.
  • 第九与伯尔尼公约的关系
    Article 9 Relation to the Berne Convention
  • 第三十五与集成电路知识产权约的关系
    Article 35 Relation to the IPIC Treaty
  • 到达一种状态、关系或件。
    reach a state, relation, or condition.
  • 本章早些时候接触到的所有关系运算符都可拿来构造一个件语句。
    Any of the relational operators you’ve seen earlier in this chapter can be used to produce a conditional statement.
  • 和约确定和平友好关系的
    A treaty establishing peaceful relations.
  • 相对不重要或不引人注意的件或环境。
    relatively unimportant or inconspicuous accompanying situation.
  • 请惠告价格细目表及发货件。
    Please advise price breakdown and delivery term.
  • 有一个问题,你们根据自己的件,可否考虑现在不要急于搞社会主义。
    There is a problem here: perhaps, given the conditions in your country, you should consider whether a headlong rush to socialism is advisable.
  • 然而在出现了这种情形之时,不是日本进攻中国的放松,反而是它进攻中国的加紧,因为那时它只剩下了向弱者吞剥的一路。
    But in that case, so far from relaxing her aggression against China she will intensify it, because then the only way left to her will be to gobble up the weak.
  • 根据gpl发行的软件(或者类似的copyleft许可证)可以被任何人复制、修改和发行,件是他们也根据copyleft进行发行。
    Software released under the GPL (or a similar copyleft licence) can be copied, modified and distributed by anyone, as long as they, too, release it under a copyleft.
  • 假释期这种有件释放的期限
    The duration of such conditional release.
  • 根据有件释放计划,无限期刑罚的犯人,可在长期监禁刑罚覆核委员会就这些犯人的无限期刑罚是否应转为确定限期刑罚作出建议前,获有件释放,但须接受一段指定的监管期,以测试他们奉公守法的能力及决心。
    Under the 'Conditional Release Scheme', prisoners with indeterminate sentences may, before the Long-term Prison Sentences Review Board makes recommendations as to whether their indeterminate sentences should be converted to a determinate ones, be conditionally released under supervision for a specific period to test their determination and ability to lead a law-abiding life.
  • 第五十一海关当局中止放行
    Article 51 Suspension of Release by Customs Authorities
  • 在鉴定期或有件地被释放的罪犯。
    someone released on probation or on parole.
  • 他狠狠地把那狗打了一顿。
    He beat the dog relentlessly.
  • 进入八十年代以后,西藏自治区先后颁布了《西藏自治区人民政府关于加强文物保护的布告》、《西藏自治区流散文物管理暂行规定》、《西藏自治区文物保护管理例》、《布达拉宫保护管理办法》等一系列文物保护法规和规定,使西藏的文物保护工作走上了法制化、规范化的管理轨道。
    It named 11 historical sites, such as Ramoche Monastery, Radreng Monastery and Tsurpu Monastery, as important cultural relic sites under autonomous region-level protection, and repaired those that urgently needed repair. Beginning in the 1980s, the Tibet Autonomous Region has issued successively the Proclamation of the People's Government of the Tibet Autonomous Region on Improving the Preservation of Cultural Relics, the Interim Provisions of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the Administration of Scattered Cultural Relics, the Regulations of the Tibet Autonomous Region on the Protection and Administration of Cultural Relics, and the Measures for the Protection and Administration of the Potala Palace. These laws and regulations have brought the work of preserving cultural relics in Tibet within the orbit of legalization and standardization.