  • 孩子们遍了整个山洞,寻找财宝。
    The boys searched the entire cave for the hidden treasure.
  • 别把时间花在集古玩上面。
    Don't trifle away your time on corio hunting.
  • 这次寻的一个目标就是埋在地下的价值据说是多达200多吨黄金的财宝。作为地下挖掘出的财政宝,它自然将成为政府的财产。
    One object of the search this time is buried treasure amounting, it is said, to no less than 200 tons of gold. As treasure trove it would automatically become the property of the Government.
  • 集室内垃圾的一种卡车。
    a truck for collecting domestic refuse.
  • 如果在结果集中应用了这个参数或者是因为索结果超过了操作入口站点定义的限制而执行了截断操作,那么返回结果中将包含一个值为true的truncated属性。
    If a result set is truncated as a result of applying this limit, or if a result set is truncated because the search would otherwise exceed an operator-specific limit, the result will include the truncated attribute with a value of true.
  • 客户不应没完没了地要求寻一个完美的候选人。
    The client should not expect an endless search that ultimately produces the perfect candidate.
  • 只有这两步的过程完成之后,站点才能供索查询使用。
    Until this two-step process has been completed, does a site remain unavailable to search queries.
  • 她撞见他正在查她的房间.
    She came upon him unawares as he was searching her room.
  • 她撞见他正在查她的房间
    She came upon him unawares as he was searching her room
  • 猎穿过树丛或灌木寻猎物
    To hunt through woods or underbrush in search of game.
  • 假扮成艺妓、肚皮舞演员和赛车手,天使们和博斯利开始寻蛛丝马迹,并进一步混入科温的朋友和生意伙伴中。
    Undercover as geishas,belly dancers and racecar drivers,the Angels and Bosley search for clues and further infiltrate11 Corwin's circle of friends and business associates.
  • 她在一堆文件里寻,终于在底下找到了他的信。
    She search through the pile of papers and find his letter underneath.
  • 她在一堆文件里寻,终於在底下找到了他的信
    She searched through the pile of papers and found his letter underneath
  • 中国外交部和国防部代表参加了历届东盟地区论坛外长会议与高官会议,以及在东盟地区论坛框架内的建立信任措施、维和、海上救、抢险救灾、预防性外交、不扩散、指导原则等各类官方、非官方会议。
    Representatives of the Chinese ministries of foreign affairs and national defense have attended all the ARF foreign ministers and senior officials' meetings. They have also attended official or unofficial meetings on confidence-building measures, peace-keeping, maritime search and rescue, emergency rescue and disaster relief, preventive diplomacy, non-proliferation, and guiding principles within the framework of the ARF.
  • 警察将不遗余力来寻匪徒。
    The police will leave no stone unturned in their search for the robbers.
  • 警察将竭尽全力捕抢劫银行的强盗。
    The police will leave no stone unturned in their search for the bank robbers.
  • 目录服务让用户通过简单的索找到资源和其它用户。
    A directory service lets users find resources and other users through simple searches.
  • 由于人工干预对处理、验证和评价提交请求是必要的,所以在网站在基于目录的索服务中捕捉到一处之前,可望有些延迟。
    Because human intervention is necessary to process, verify, and review submission requests, expect a delay before your site secures a spot in a directory-based search service.
  • verity公司也计划到九月底让微软公司的backoffice套装软件中的几个部件,如sqlserver和windowsnt成为能够索的。
    Verity also plans to search-enable several of the components of Microsoft's BackOffice suite by the end of September, such as SQL Server and Windows NT.
  • 这个所谓的诗人索枯肠做成几句诗。
    The so - called poet ground out some verses.
  • 从另一方面来说,人脑在高速运转的时候,不只可以吸收发自他脑的思想观念,更是可以赋予一个人那种必要的感受,让他的潜意识能集这些思想的讯息,并参考吸收,转化为新成果。
    On the other hand, when the brain is vibrating at a rapid rate, it not only attracts thoughts and ideas released by other brains through the medium of the ether, but it gives to one's own thoughts that "feeling" which is essential before those thoughts will be picked up and acted upon by one's subconscious mind.
  • 警察要查一座房屋必须有查证。
    The police must have a search warrant to search a house.
  • 守卫员查他是否身带武器。
    The guard fan ned him for weapon.
  • 由于天气越来越坏,救援人员只得停止索。
    Rescuers had to call off the search due to worsening weather.
  • 包装器是由软件代码组成,其目标是利用与这些代码包装在一起的数据完成某些具体事情,如帮助索引擎定义查询。
    Wrappers are made up of software code that's targeted to do specific things with the data enclosed within them, such as helping to define queries for search engines.
  • 调查人员在飞机残骸中索,希望找出造成这一悲惨事件的原因.
    Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.
  • 警察进屋前,给他出示了查令。
    The police showed him the writ of search before entering the house.
  • 我通常只是用索引擎找一些资料。
    I'm usually just using the search engines to look up information.