  • [谚]指有方,人人乐从。
    If you command wisely, you'll be obeyed cheerfully.
  • 有方,欣然从命。
    If you command wisely, you 'll be obeyed cheerfully.
  • 他高兴地向我们手。
    He waved his hand to us cheerily.
  • 领袖或指挥官;首领
    A leader or commander; a chief.
  • 非常;很。主要用于指
    Very; much. Used chiefly in directions.
  • 温柔的可爱的;柔情的。主要用于指用语
    Lovingly; tenderly. Used chiefly as a direction.
  • 合唱队演唱得很不和谐(歌唱者不听从指).
    The choir gave a ragged performance,ie The singers were not following the conductor.
  • 合唱队或管弦乐队的指
    The leader of a choir or an orchestra.
  • 在早期的比赛中,卓越的贡献和在压力下的正常发可以使我们赢得比赛。
    An early game plan, dedication for excellence and the ability not to “choke” under pressure puts us on the winning side.
  • 医生对这些患者进行了为期21个月的跟踪研究。初步迹象表明人造视网膜发了作用。周说,所有6名患者的视力都有实质性的改进。
    Doctors followed the patients for up to 21 months, and preliminary evidence hints that the device is working: All six had substantial improvement in their vision, says Chow.
  • 他总是乱挥霍摆阔。
    He is always chucking his money about.
  • 福塞在进入热气球舱时,向周围近百名的小镇居民手致意,踏上了向东环游世界的征程。这次旅行预计将花费15天的时间。
    Fossett waved to around 100 townsfolk as he entered the capsule for an eastward circumnavigation that he expects will take 15 days.
  • 面对经济全球化加速发展的趋势,我们认为,各国特别是发展中国家既要积极参与经济全球化进程,抓住机遇,发展自己;也要立足本国国情,发自身优势,扬长避短,趋利避害,迎接经济全球化的挑战。
    Facing the trend of accelerated economic globalization, we hold that all countries, in particular, developing countries should take active part in the economic globalization process, grasping the opportunities to develop ourselves, and at the same time, proceed from the actual situation of our respective countries and bring our own advantages into play, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses to welcome the challenges of economic globalization.
  • 因为现在这份景象正被无知与怀疑包围,即便是巨大的声浪、政治家的指示、将军的指棒都不能使它摧毁。
    For it is the citadel guarded by thick walls of ignorance and of mistrust which do not fall before the trumpet's blasts, or the politicians' implications, or even the general's batons.
  • 余教授亦叹息道,过去几个世纪,中华文明并未对世界发重要的影响。
    Prof Yu lamented that Chinese civilisation did not make a significant world impact in the past few centuries.
  • “只有当其他国家对某个国家的文化产生仰慕之情,愿意仿效这个文化的某些方面,软体力量才可能发其影响。”
    "Soft power is achieved only when other nations admire and want to emulate aspects of that nation's civilisation."
  • 文化的影响,尤其是通过电视、电影和一个技术上较先进的文明的一些无形的力量——软体的力量,与一个国家在国际事务上所能发的硬体力量是同样重要的。”
    Soft power, the influence of culture, especially through television, films and the intangibles of a more technically-advanced civilisation, becomes as important as hard power in international affairs.
  • 制定《文明社区建设条例》,全面启动文明社区建设,充分发社区在培育文明市民、推进文明城市建设中的基础作用;
    The “Rules for the Building of Courteous Communities” should be formulated to kick-start the development of courteous communities. Local communities will be encouraged to play the primary roles incumbent upon them in fostering courteous behavior among residents and building civility into the everyday life in the city.
  • 统一战线虽然建立了并坚持了三年之久,可是资产阶级特别是大资产阶级却时时刻刻在企图破坏我们的党,大资产阶级投降派和顽固派所指的严重的磨擦斗争在全国进行着,反共之声喧嚣不已。
    Although the united front was formed and has been maintained for three years now, the bourgeoisie, and especially the big bourgeoisie, has constantly been trying to destroy our Party, the big bourgeois capitulators and die-hards have been instigating serious friction throughout the country, and the anti-Communist clamour is incessant.
  • 我们手击掌把鸟吓跑了。
    We frightened the birds away by waving and clapping our hands.
  • 像这样地挥杆。
    Swing the club like so.
  • 他歪戴着帽子,舞着手杖。女郎们称他是个不折不扣的花花公子。
    He cocked his hat and twirled his stick. And the girls they called him quite the kick.
  • 他爬出座舱,向我们手。
    He climbed out of the cockpit and waved to us.
  • 中国在坚持和平共处五项原则的基础上,一向积极参与和推动禁毒国际合作,在世界禁毒领域发了重要作用。
    On the basis of clinging to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence [mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non-aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence], China has all along actively participated in and promoted international cooperation in drug control and played an important role in this field.
  • 中国在坚持和平共处五项原则的基础上,一向积极参与和推动禁毒国际合作,在世界禁毒领域发了重要作用。
    On the basis of clinging to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence (mutual respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual non- aggression, non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence), China has all along actively participated in and promoted international cooperation in drug control and played an important role in this field.
  • 坚持"长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共"的方针,加强同民主党派合作共事,更好地发我国社会主义政党制度的特点和优势。
    We should uphold the principle of "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe", step up our cooperation with the democratic parties and better display the features and advantages of the Chinese socialist system of political parties.
  • 加强青少年体育、城市体育、农村体育工作,充分发学校、社区、乡镇的聚集效应、辐射功能和带动作用,增加体育锻炼的吸引力和凝聚力,推动全民健身活动的广泛开展。
    Youth sports, urban sports and rural sports shall be strengthened through full utilization of the gathering, radiating and exemplifying power of schools, communities and towns. This will increase the appeal and cohesive power of sports activities and thereby further the implementation of citizen health sports.
  • 运动强身健体,有益身心,还有助发团结精神。
    Without question, participation in sport benefits our health and helps to generate a sense of well-being and a cohesiveness in society.
  • 重视运动队训练管理,发思想政治工作优势,增强运动队的凝聚力。
    Attach great importance to the management over the training of the teams, give full play to the advantages of the ideological and political work and enhance the cohesiveness of the training teams.
  • 由科林·戴维斯爵士指、爱乐交响乐团演出的音乐会
    A concert by the Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Sir Colin Davis
  • 因为协作生产能发巨大的增效作用,所以我们很想听到一些我们能够合作生产其他产品的想法。
    There is great synergy in these collaborations, and we are interested in hearing ideas for other products which we could collaborate on together.
  • "只有组织起来,才能充分地发集体的智慧。"
    Only with organization can the wisdom of the collective be given full play.