  • 北欧的一群文化上有关联的国家;芬兰和冰岛有时被认为也包在这一地区。
    a group of culturally related countries in northern Europe; Finland and Iceland are sometimes considered part of Scandinavia.
  • 欧洲的最北端叫做拉普兰,它位于挪威北部边界,包斯堪的纳维亚半岛的北部和俄罗斯的一小部分。
    The extreme north of Europe is known as Lapland, a land that straddles the Norwegian borders to include the northern part of Scandinavia and a small portion of Russia.
  • 日耳曼语族包英语、德语、荷兰语(或佛兰芒语),以及斯堪的纳维亚的各种语言--瑞典语、丹麦语、挪威语和冰岛语。
    The Germanic languages include English, German, Dutch (or Flemish), and the Scandinavian languages- Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, and Icelandic.
  • 基金的保障范围包:申请人受雇最后一天前的四个月内累算不超过36,000元的工资;以及最多达22,500元的解雇代通知金或一个月工资,以较少者为准。
    The fund covers arrears of wages not exceeding $36,000 accrued during a period of four months preceding the applicant's last day of service and wages in lieu of notice for termination of employment up to $22,500 or one month's wages, whichever is less.
  • 裁判人员包一名主裁判,副裁判,记分员和四名司线员。
    Officials include a referee,an umpire,a scorer,and four linesmen.
  • 裁判人员包:裁判员、发球裁判、司线员和记分员。
    Officials include an umpire, service judge, line umpire and scorer.
  • 裁判人员包一名主裁判、副裁判、记分员和4名司线员。
    Officials include a referee, an umpire, a scorer, and four linesmen.
  • 乒乓球比赛的正式工作人员包:裁判员、发球裁判、司线员和记分员。
    Officials of a table tennis tournament include an umpire, service, line umpire and scorer.
  • 自增生阶段结束以来,在40亿年前,地表和地球内部的挥发性物质(包水)存在一个连续的交换过程,也就是地壳和地慢的交换。
    Since the end of the period of accretion, more than four billion years ago, there has been a continual exchange of volatile material including water between the surface of the earth and the planet抯 interior ( that is, between the crust and the mantle ).
  • 这项计划的目的,是招募更多学生加入制服团体(例如香港童军总会、香港女童军总会、香港民众安全服务队少年团、香港航空青年团和香港红十字会)、训练团队领袖,以及推广制服团体活动,包户外训练、社会服务及生活技能训练等。
    The scheme aims at recruiting more students to the rank, grooming leaders required for running uniform groups — such as the Scout Association of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Girl Guides Association, Civil Aid Service Cadet Corps, Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps and the Hong Kong Red Cross — and promoting uniform group activities, such as outdoor training, social services and life skills training.
  • 该局获得由全职人员组成的秘书处以及千多名本地与海外专家给予支援,亦与国际及地区高等教育评审当局维持紧密联系,其中包国际高等教育品质保证机构联盟。
    It is supported by a secretariat of full-time staff, plus more than 1000 local and overseas experts in a great variety of subject disciplines, and has strong links with international and regional higher education accreditation authorities, including the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education.
  • 香港学术评审局于一九九零年根据《香港学术评审局条例》成立,是独立的法定组织,有成员20人。评审局成员由行政长官委任,其中包本港、内地与海外资深学者和着名的专业人士。
    Established by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA) Ordinance in 1990, the HKCAA is an independent statutory body with 20 members appointed by the Chief Executive, comprising senior academics and renowned professionals from Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas countries.
  • 香港学术评审局是根据《香港学术评审局条例》成立的独立法定组织,成员有19人,其中包本港、内地与海外资深学者,以及本地工商界及专业人士。
    Established by the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation (HKCAA) Ordinance, the HKCAA is an independent statutory body with 19 members, comprising senior academics from Hong Kong, the Mainland and overseas countries, as well as local industrialists and professionals.
  • 六名当然成员包香港教育学院校长、香港学术评审局总干事及政府人员。
    The six ex officio members include the Director of the Hong Kong Institute of Education and the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, and government officials.
  • 当然成员包本港所有师资培训机构的代表、香港学术评审局总干事及政府人员。
    The ex officio members include representatives of all the local teacher training institutes, the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, and government officials.
  • 国际实验所认可合作组织的相互承认协议于二零零一年一月三十一日生效,该协议由包香港认可处在内的33个认可机构共同签署。
    The HKAS was among the 33 signatories of the International Laboratory Accreditation Co-operation Multilateral Arrangement which came into effect on January 31.
  • tk包按纽、菜单、滚动条和其他的图形小玩意。
    Tk includes buttons, menus, scroll bars and other graphical widgets.
  • 希伯莱圣经;托位包伯莱经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道
    A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.
  • 它像一个排列有序的大货架,windows提供了用户友好的图形接口界面,包弹出式菜单、滚动条、对话框和图标等。
    Like a huge shelf arranged orderly, Windows provides a user-friendly graphical interface including pop-up menus, scroll bars, dialogue boxes, icons and etc.
  • mswindows是一个基于图形的软件系统,它可以运行在ms-dos环境下,它像一个排列有序的大货架,windows提供了用户友好的图形接口界面,包弹出式菜单、滚动条、对话框和图标等。
    Microsoft Windows is a software system based on graphics, which can run under MS-DOS. Like a huge shelf arranged orderly, Windows provides a user-friendly graphical interface including pop-up menus, scroll bars, dialogue boxes, icons and etc.
  • 这些寺院的壁画、雕刻、塑像、唐卡、工艺装饰、经卷、供品、法器、佛龛,包经堂、殿宇、寺庙、塔刹等宗教文化的载体,都尽力保护或修缮复原。
    The murals, sculptures, statues, Thangkas (scroll paintings), artistic decorations, scriptures, offerings, ritual musical instruments and shrines of Buddha of those monasteries, as well as the scripture halls, worship halls, monasteries, temples and pagodas, the carriers of religious culture, have been preserved as far as possible or have been repaired or restored to their original condition.
  • 一九九九至二零零零年度的会期内,立法会成立了31个法案委员会,审议政府向立法会提交的法案,其中包《广播条例草案》、《2000年建筑物管理(修订)条例草案》、《1999年区域法院(修订)条例草案》、《交易所及结算所(合并)条例草案》、《地下铁路条例草案》及《市区重建局条例草案》。
    During the 1999-2000 session, the Legislative Council set up 31 bills committees to scrutinise bills introduced into the council, including the Broadcasting Bill, Building Management (Amendment) Bill 2000, District Court (Amendment) Bill 1999, Exchanges and Clearing Houses (Merger) Bill, Mass Transit Railway Bill and Urban Renewal Authority Bill.
  • 二零零零至零一年度会期,立法会成立了41个法案委员会,审议政府提交的法案,其中包《2000年银行业(修订)条例草案》、《行政长官选举条例草案》、《2001年版权(暂停实施修订)条例草案》、《定额罚款(公众地方清洁罪行)条例草案》、《2000年赌博(修订)条例草案》及《证券及期货条例草案》。
    During the 2000-2001 session, the Legislative Council set up 41 bills committees to scrutinise bills introduced into the council, including the Banking (Amendment) Bill 2000, Chief Executive Election Bill, Copyright (Suspension of Amendments) Bill 2001, Fixed Penalty (Public Cleanliness Offences) Bill, Gambling (Amendment) Bill 2000, and the Securities and Futures Bill.
  • 迈克尔.依斯勒是近十年来最出色的和最受人欢迎的ceo之一,他是一名颇负责任心的经理,对公司的一切事情都要过问包动画片中的故事情节以及迪斯尼世界每一个新设计形象的推出。
    One of the best and most closely followed CEOs of the decade, Eisner is a thoroughly involved manager, scrutinizing everything from story lines in animated films to the design of new rides at Disney World.
  • 由于近年海上康乐活动的需求大增,包驾船泛舟、闲暇垂钓及水肺式潜水等,加上市民对在本港水域挖沙和倾卸废物造成明显污染的关注,有关本地海洋动物的问题已引起广泛注意。
    Increase in demands for marine recreation, including boating, sport fishing and scuba diving, coupled with concerns for the visible effects of pollution, dredging and dumping in local waters have drawn much attention to marine wildlife in recent years.
  • 拉歇兹,加斯东1882-1935法国裔美国雕塑家,以其巨型裸体雕塑闻名,作品包站立的女人
    French-born American sculptor known for his large nude figures, including Standing Woman.
  • 普莱克西泰勒斯希腊雕塑家,其现存的稀有的几部作品包1877年在奥林匹亚发现的手抱戴奥尼塞斯的赫尔墨斯
    Greek sculptor whose few surviving works include Hermes Carrying Dionysius, discovered at Olympia(1877).
  • 莫迪利亚尼,阿梅代1884-1920意大利画家和雕塑家,以其雕塑和裸体画优美、拉长的线条而著称,包斜卧的裸女(1917年)
    Italian painter and sculptor noted for the graceful, elongated lines of his portraits and nudes, including Reclining Nude(1917).
  • 对于文学、音乐、戏剧和舞蹈作品,哑剧和绘画、书写或雕刻作品,包电影和其它视听作品中的单独影像,公开展现版权所有的作品;以及。
    in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, and choreographic works, pantomimes, and pictorial, graphic, or sculptural works, including the individual images of a motion picture or other audiovisual work, to display the copyrighted work publicly;
  • 中文大学是一所综合大学,设有七个学院,计为文学院、工商管理学院、教育学院、工程学院、医学院、理学院和社会科学院,提供广泛的本科和研究院课程,包会计、建筑、中医、酒店管理、新闻与传播、护理、药剂、公共卫生和社会工作等专业课程。
    As a comprehensive university, CUHK has seven faculties: the Faculties of Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Science and Social Science which offer a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including such professional disciplines as accountancy, architecture, Chinese medicine, hotel management, journalism and communications, nursing, pharmacy, public health and social work.
  • 香港中文大学是一所综合大学,设有七所学院,计为文学院、工商管理学院、教育学院、工程学院、医学院、理学院和社会科学院,提供广泛的本科和研究院课程,包专业课程如会计、建筑、中医、新闻与传播、护理、药剂和社会工作等。
    As a comprehensive university, CUHK has seven faculties: the Faculties of Arts, Business Administration, Education, Engineering, Medicine, Science and Social Science and offers through them a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes including such professional disciplines as accountancy, architecture, Chinese medicine, journalism and communications, nursing, pharmacy and social work.
  • 二零零零年六月一日,政府为新聘员工制定一套新的附带福利条件,包修订假期赚取率、就度假旅费福利作出新安排,以及提供非实报实销的房屋福利。
    On June 1, 2000, the Government introduced a new fringe benefits package which includes revised leave earning rates, a new leave passage arrangement and non-accountable housing benefits for recruits.