  • 混种将导致野火鸡灭绝;对鸟类学家来说,这和北美候鸽或卡罗来纳长尾小鹦鹉大批大批地死亡同样惨。
    It was extinction by dilution, and to the ornithologists it was just as tragic as the more dramatic demise of the passenger pigeon or the Carolina parakeet.
  • 穷人真正的剧就在于除了自我克制而外更无余力顾及其他。
    The real tragedy of the poor is that they can afford nothing but self denial.
  • 穷人真正的剧就在于除了自我克制而外理无余力顾及其他。
    The real tragedy of the poor is that they can afford nothing but self-denial.
  • 是一个结局已知的戏剧性的爱情剧;
    it is a tragic love story of operatic dimension because the denouement is known;
  • 因他的朋友离去而
    Unhappy over his friend's departure.
  • 不幸的引发或值得哀痛或后悔的;惨的或可
    Inspiring or deserving of lament or regret; deplorable or pitiable.
  • 我们希望并且相信这些变化将会对我们可的境况产生影响。
    We hope and trust that these changes will affect our own deplorable state.
  • 我的经济状况很惨;可的决定;她的衣服样子非常不好;令人遗憾的事态。
    my finances were in a deplorable state; a lamentable decision; her clothes were in sad shape; a sorry state of affairs.
  • 她的行为十分可悲。
    She behaved deplorably.
  • 我对于由那些人来编写所谓的军事史表示叹,他们只顾仓促付印,以求赶上市场还很兴旺的时机。
    I deplore the writings of so-called military history by people concerned with rushing into print so as to catch a market that is still fresh.
  • 表达强烈的不同意;表示痛。
    express strong disapproval of; deplore.
  • 沮丧、凄凉的灵魂;伤的哀号。
    depressed and desolate of soul; a low desolate wail.
  • 他的观情绪感染得大家情绪低落.
    His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone.
  • 绝境惨或可的处境或境遇
    A miserable or depressing place or situation.
  • 因失去或被剥夺而伤的。
    sorrowful through loss or deprivation.
  • 虽然我们不知道分离和丧失亲人的长期后果,但我们知道它们能立即引起剧烈的痛。
    Although we do not know the long-term consequences of separation or deprivation , we do know that they can produce acute immediate distress.
  • 儿子阵亡后,她陷入了极度的伤之中。
    When her son was killed in the war she plumbed the depths of unhappiness.
  • 皮特从橱窗中目送她离去,心中一片凉。珍·格雷斯身上的某些东西和她的那串珠子搅动了他心中无法掩藏的深深的伤。
    Through the window he watched her go, while desolation flooded his thoughts something about Jean Grace and her string of beads had stirred him to the depths of a grief that would not stay buried.
  • 她听到那坏消息时极度
    Her utter desolation when she heard the bad news
  • 我们决不观失望,我们是乐观的。
    We are optimistic, we shall never become pessimistic or despairing.
  • 他总设法去慰藉失望的人,使他们能退一步着想,使俯视墓穴的痛转为仰望星光的痛。
    He sought to counsel and calm the despairing man, by pointing out to him the resigned man, and to transform the grief which gazes upon a grave by showing him the grief which fixes its gaze upon a star.
  • 使忧伤,沮丧;使
    To make despondent; sadden.
  • 忧郁,沮丧,伤,忧伤
    To feel, appear, or act despondent, sad, or mournful.
  • 一种观和沮丧的心理状态。
    a mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity.
  • 我能察觉欢笑、伤和其它许多明显的感情。
    I can detect laughter, sorrow, and many other obvious emotions.
  • 她因他去世而痛欲绝。
    She was devastated by his death.
  • 唐娜和这位朋友玛丽及其弟弟有着多年的交情,可以算是一辈子的朋友,这一消息令唐娜痛万分。
    Donna had known this friend,Mary,and her brother nearly her entire life,and the news was devastating.
  • 但据因特网的主要创立者和开发者christianhuitama称,依据路由的低效性和其他多种因素的观估计,地球每平方米上允许有1564个地址。
    However, even a pessimistic estimate based on routing inefficiencies and a host of other factors still would allow 1,564 addresses per square meter of earth, said Christian Huitama, a key founder and developer of the Internet.
  • 预示着不幸或者惨的发展。
    threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments.
  • 日记显示了他那晚的伤。
    The diary shows his distress that evening.
  • 对他们的前景持观观点
    Took a dim view of their prospects.
  • 极度痛、伤或失望
    Overwhelming sorrow, grief, or disappointment.