  • 变得黑暗或者更黑暗,就像逐渐减的光亮或者被云朵遮住一样。
    becoming dark or darker as from waning light or clouding over.
  • 我们的年轻人都知道法律;认识到了他的点。
    our youth are cognizant of the law; aware of his limitations.
  • 随著炉火逐渐减,房间越来越冷。
    The room grew colder as the fire burnt down.
  • 疲惫,虚脱完全精疲力尽或虚;崩溃
    Total exhaustion or weakness; collapse.
  • 筋疲力尽因费力而变或垮掉
    To weaken or collapse from exertion.
  • 衰竭典型的身体或精神健康的突然衰
    A typically sudden collapse in physical or mental health.
  • 他的懦的行为遭到了同事们的嘲笑。
    His cowardly behavior was laughed at by his colleagues.
  • 毫无疑问的,很多公司希望对手越少越好,也越越好。
    Without doubt, many companies wish that there are fewer and weaker com-petitors around.
  • 成功快乐的夫妻关系是友谊、激情和性的交融,此强彼,循环往复。
    Successful and happy relationships blend friendship and companionship with passion and sex in a cycle of ever-changing intensities.
  • 美国是个庞然大物,力量对比起来,中国很,特别是装备差得多。
    The United States was a big power, and China was comparatively weak, especially in equipment.
  • 弥补由某人实行偿还(小的一员或合作者)
    To compensate for(a weaker member or partner) by one's performance.
  • 通过自己的行动向者的一方或成员赔偿。
    compensate for a weaker partner or member by one's own performance.
  • 他知道什么是自己的长项,并知道如何弥补自己的项。
    He learned to recognize his strengths and compensate for his weaknesses.
  • 维持或支持小的或能力差的人。
    maintain or support somebody who is weaker or less competent.
  • 竞争力的工业会因而无所遁形。
    There will emerge some industries with reduced competitiveness.
  •  第三,导致不团结的迷惑、猜疑,也会削企业的竞争力。
    Thirdly, confusion and suspicion which create disunity,will erode the competitiveness of the organisation.
  • 第三,导致不团结的迷惑、猜疑,也会削企业的竞争力。
    Thirdly, confusion and suspicion which create disunity, will erode the competitiveness of the organization.
  • 在贸易和服务方面,我们面对强大的竞争对手,而香港的通胀亦削了我们的竞争能力。
    We face keen competition in trade and services, and our competitiveness is threatened by inflation.
  • 在贸易和服务业方面,我们面对强大的竞争对手,而香港通胀持续,削了我们的竞争能力。
    We face keen competition in trade and services, and our competitiveness is being threatened by inflation.
  • 在贸易和服务业方面,我们面对强大的竞争对手,而经营成本持续上涨,也削了我们的竞争力。
    We face keen competition in trade and services, and our competitiveness is threatened by the soaring operation costs.
  • 物业价格过高,工资急剧上涨,不断削香港的竞争力。
    Property prices were too high, wage increases were too rapid and Hong Kong's competitiveness was being eroded.
  • 哀怨、微弱的抱怨
    A whining, feeble complaint.
  • 长时期来耳濡目染的都是荒淫无耻的堕落生活,而且是从早年就开始了的堕落生活,加上这个女孩子长期来孱多病,抑制了她脑子里分辨是非的才智,这种才智天主可能也曾赋予她,但是从来没有人想到过要去让它得到施展。
    The continual spectacle of debauchery, at so tender an age, compounded by her continuing ill- health, had extinguished in the girl the knowledge of good and evil which God had perhaps given her but which no one had ever thought to nurture.
  • 全球生态环境的恶化,使西藏脆的生态首当其冲,泥石流、山体滑坡、水土流失、雪灾等自然灾害时有发生,土地沙化正在威胁着西藏的生态环境,经济发展中一些人为破坏生态环境的行为也时有发生。
    As the whole global ecosystem is deteriorating, the fragile ecology in Tibet is particularly affected. Mud-rock flows, landslides, soil erosion, snowstorms and other natural calamities occur frequently in Tibet and desertification is threatening the region’s eco-environment, compounded by man-made damage to the ecological environment as Tibet’s economy develops.
  • 理解书写文字的能力减,通常伴随有神经失常。
    having impaired ability to comprehend written words usually associated with a neurologic disorder.
  • 冲淡使变或冲淡的过程
    The process of making weaker or less concentrated.
  • 在强度、浓度、质量或者纯度上有所减
    reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity.
  • 贷款收缩主要因为银行忧虑信贷风险及贷款需求疲所致,而不是流动资金紧绌的问题。
    The contraction in loans was mainly driven by banks' concerns over credit risk and subdued loan demand rather than by liquidity concerns.
  • 由于中国的特殊条件(资产阶级的软和妥协性,无产阶级的强大和革命彻底性),中国从来也没有过土耳其的那种便宜事情。
    In the specific conditions of China (the flabbiness of the bourgeoisie with its proneness to conciliation and the strength of the proletariat with its revolutionary thoroughness), things just never work out so easily as in Turkey.
  • 但同时,也即是由于他们是殖民地半殖民地的资产阶级,他们在经济上和政治上是异常软的,他们又保存了另一种性质,即对于革命敌人的妥协性。
    At the same time, however, being a bourgeois class in a colonial and semi-colonial country and so being extremely flabby economically and politically, the Chinese national bourgeoisie also has another quality, namely, a proneness to conciliation with the enemies of the revolution.
  • 他们通过研究得出结论:男子的身体比较
    Studies lead them to conclude that men are weaker.
  • 前期阶细胞减数分裂的第一个阶段,其间染色体浓缩且能被看见,核细胞膜衰,纺锤体在细胞的相对纺锤极形成
    The first stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes condense and become visible, the nuclear membrane breaks down, and the spindle apparatus forms at opposite poles of the cell.