  • 联合国在伊拉克的重建中发挥重要作用。
    The United Nations has a vital role to play in the reconstruction of Iraq.
  • 这一机构从一开始就为伊拉克人提供参与自己国家的经济和政治重建的条件。
    It will provide a means for Iraqis to participate in the economic and political reconstruction of their country from the outset.
  • 在着手重建伊拉克之际,联盟国家与其盟国、其他双边捐助国以及联合国和其他国际机构进行合作。
    As the Coalition proceeds with the reconstruction of Iraq, it will work with its allies, other bilateral donors, and with the United Nations and other international institutions.
  • 我的助手操纵录音机。
    My assistant will operate the tape-recorder.
  • 我的助手操纵录音机.
    My assistant will operate the tape recorder.
  • 你的光临给与我们莫大的荣幸。
    Your presence will afford us great pleasure.
  • 公司已纪录存入计算机。
    The firm has computerized its records.
  • 我将补偿我的损失。
    I shall recoup my losses.
  • 在雇主那儿报销我的旅行费用。
    I shall recoup my travelling expenses from my employers.
  • 你所用掉的钱我如数付还。
    I will recoup you for any money you spend.
  • 保险公司就洪水速成的损失给农民们以补偿。
    The insurance company will recoup the farmers for the loss caused by the flood.
  • 我所以感到兴奋的是,我们国家领导人提出了要在二十一世纪,中国建设成为民富国强的、统一的和民族振兴的国家。
    I am much delighted because our Chinese leaders have expressed their determination in building China into a strong, affluent and unified country in the next century.
  • 明年,另一支研究队被派往该地,收回紫外线测量仪板。
    Another expedition will recover the UV plates next year.
  • 我预见到人民日益富裕、教育水准提升、以中国传统文化为傲,对来充满信心,并且目光远大,放眼世界。
    * I see an increasingly affluent and well-educated population, proud of our Chinese heritage, confident in our destiny and global in outlook.
  • 目前,中国已初步形成了四个卫星系列——返回式遥感卫星系列、“东方红”通信广播卫星系列、“风云”气象卫星系列和“实践”科学探测与技术试验卫星系列,“资源”地球资源卫星系列也即形成。
    Altogether, four satellite series have been initially developed in China, namely, recoverable remote-sensing satellites, "DFH Dongfanghong" telecommunications satellites, "FY Fengyun" meteorological satellites and "SJ Shijian " scientific research and technological experiment satellites. The "ZY Ziyuan" earth resource satellite series will come into being soon.
  • 然而当这座城市的领导人意识到推倒所有的古旧房屋会使旅游业受到影响时,他们便展开了一项恢复历史传统的运动。
    But when the city's hands-on leaders realized tourism would drop if they tore down all the old buildings, they launched a campaign to recreate the past.
  • 如果你一直随时保存,你可能会丢失半页或一页;如果不随时保存,你会29页都丢掉。从记忆中恢复丢失的半页、一页要比恢复29页容易得多。
    If you've been saving all along,you've lost half a page,maybe a page,both of which are a lot easier to recreate from memory than the 29 pages you would have lost if you hadn't been saving at all.
  • 在一开始时,就应该确定团员可能得到多少的报酬,如此一来,必大大地减少日后发生争执的可能性。
    Determine at the outset what rewards you are offering in return for the work of others,and there will be little room for later recriminations.
  • 鉴于赤角新机场于一九九八年启用,香港海关共召开了3次遴选委员会,为新机场招聘500名督察及关员。
    With the new airport at Chek Lap Kok opening in 1998, three selection boards were held to recruit the 500 people required.
  • 美国“自由军团”招募20多万名新的自愿者,来拓展和完善以前“美国军团”和“老年人军团”的好做法。
    USA Freedom Corps will expand and improve the good efforts of AmeriCorps and Senior Corps to recruit more than 200,000 new volunteers.
  • 美国“自由军团”招募20多万名新的自愿者,来拓展和完善以前“美国军团”和“老年人军团”的好做法。
    USA Freedom Corps will expand and improve the good efforts of American Corps and Senior Corps to recruit more than 200,000 new volunteers.
  • 灌肠液体从肛门注入直肠的方法,为了清洁、刺激大便排泄或其它治疗、诊断目的
    The injection of liquid into the rectum through the anus for cleansing, for stimulating evacuation of the bowels, or for other therapeutic or diagnostic purposes.
  • 胶水纸小块薄胶纸,专门用来邮票固定在集邮簿中
    A small folded paper rectangle gummed on one side, used especially to fasten stamps in an album.
  • 梅花形五点排列五个物体分别安排在一个长方形或正方形的四个边角和一个中心里
    An arrangement of five objects with one at each corner of a rectangle or square and one at the center.
  • 跳房子一种儿童游戏,其玩法是:游戏者一小物体投入画于地上的标有数字的矩形格子内,然后单足或双足跳过格子去取回物体
    A children's game in which players toss a small object into the numbered spaces of a pattern of rectangles outlined on the ground and then hop or jump through the spaces to retrieve the object.
  • 第七十一条 县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门在监督检查工作中发现土地违法行为构成犯罪的,应当案件移送有关机关,依法追究刑事责任;
    Article 71 Whereas the land administrative developments of the people's governments at and above the county level have found violations to have constitute a crime in their supervision and examination, they shall hand over the case to related government organs to affix criminal responsibilities.
  • 我们在今后的工作中力求做得比较正确,或者说力求少犯错误,避免大的曲折,大的错误,有了错误尽快纠正。
    In the future, we will try to do our work correctly, in other words, to make fewer mistakes and avoid major mistakes and reversals.When mistakes are made, we will rectify them as soon as possible.
  • 以后讨论到和审计委员会有关的课题时,我们对非执行董事和独立董事的法律职责,做更深入的探讨。
    We shall review in grea-ter detail the legal position of non-executive directors and independent di-rectors, and the important functions which they discharge, when the issues relating to an Audit Committee are examined.
  • 外展神经,外旋神经颅内六对神经中的一对,可以运动刺激传达到每只眼边侧的直肌
    Either of the sixth pair of cranial nerves that convey motor impulses to the rectus muscle on the lateral side of each eye.
  • 但伊林却坚持认为,女人酷爱金发纯粹是环境造成的,她当今文化中再度出现的三种主要的金发类型作了归纳:第一种是主要出现在神话故事中与性无关的、流行时间很短的纯金发,如睡美人、灰姑娘,还有戴安娜王妃。
    But Ilyin insists our fascination is purely environmental. She has defined three major blond types that recur in the culture.There's the ephemeral and asexual innocent blond who appears mostly in fairy tales: Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella??but also Princess Diana.
  • 她所在的队伍作为正方辩护
    Her team will speak for the affirmative.
  • 同时,该厂保证今后的交货绝不发生此项同类情况。
    Meanwhile, the manufacturers guarantee that there will be no recurrence of things of such a nature in future deliveries.