  • 词"buoyant"与介词"with"连用。
    The adjective "buoyant" is construed with the preposition "with".
  • 面相,相貌面特点,尤被认为揭示性格特征时
    Facial features, especially when regarded as revealing character.
  • ‘red(红)’在‘aredapple(一个红苹果)’中是一个作定语的形词。
    `red' is an attributive adjective in `a red apple'.
  • 上帝。通常与定冠词the或与所有格形词连用
    God. Often used with the or a possessive adjective.
  • 词的形词的,与形词有关的或用作形词的
    Of, relating to, or functioning as an adjective.
  • 具有或者表现出极少的情感或者敏感;不易唤起或者兴奋。
    having or revealing little emotion or sensibility; not easily aroused or excited.
  • 词的,与形词有关的或用作形词的。
    of or relating to or functioning as an adjective.
  • 怎样把这个形词改为中性形式?
    How do you put this adjective into the neuter?
  • 原级形词或副词的非比较级
    The uncompared degree of an adjective or adverb.
  • 这一词常与所有格的形词连用。
    It is often used with a possessive adjective.
  • 比较级形词,比较级副词表达比较级的形词或副词
    An adjective or adverb expressing the comparative degree.
  • 名词构成的,形词构成的
    Formed from a noun or an adjective.
  • 不要用那个字眼来形我。
    Do not apply that adjective to me.
  • 词的最高级形式。
    the superlative form of an adjective.
  • 词的比较级形式。
    the comparative form of an adjective.
  • 一个形词能易地作为名词用。
    An adjective can easily be substantivizeed.
  • 运输业工会一发言人称:"我们的成员不能被装扮成展示性感的工具。有些机上女服务人员已经表示,过于暴露的制服是不合适的,会增加骚扰事件的发生,易造成乘客情绪冲动。"该工会包括民航系统的44,000名成员,
    "Our members should not be dressed as sex objects," says a spokesman from the Transport and General Workers' Union, which has 44,000 members in the civil air transport section. "Some female stewards have voiced concern that a too-revealing uniform would be inappropriate and could lead to an increase in cases of harassment and 'air-rage' incidents."
  • 这个形词用作同位格。
    this adjective is used appositively.
  • 动词性单词动词性名词或形
    A verbal noun or adjective.
  • 指示代词或指示形
    A demonstrative pronoun or adjective.
  • 在`黑猫'这一词组中, 形词`黑'修饰名词`猫'.
    In `the black cat' the adjective `black' modifies the noun `cat'.
  • 法语中形词必须在数和性上与名词一致。
    In French the adjective must agree with the noun in number and gender.
  • 词的作用就是修饰名词。
    The function of an adjective is to describe or add to the meaning of a noun.
  • 这是个形容词短语。
    This is an adjective phrase.
  • 动词的非限定形式;在英语中它被用作形词并且构成复合时态。
    a non-finite form of the verb; in English it is used adjectivally and to form compound tenses.
  • 多用作形词性的修饰成分
    ShavenbandBprovenbare mostly used adjectivally
  • 和名词或代词名词短语结合形成前置词短语同其他单词有形词或副词的关系。
    a function word that combines with a noun or pronoun or noun phrase to form a prepositional phrase that can have an adverbial or adjectival relation to some other word.
  • 在英式英语和美式英语中,过去分词的不规则形式作形词用
    In both British and US English the irregular form of the past participle is found in adjectival uses
  • 这一词还可用以构成复合形词。
    It is also used in adjectival compounds.
  • 像形词一样;以形词的方式。
    as an adjective; in an adjectival manner.
  • 没有防火墙,入侵者可以修改内、窃取数据、甚至留驻在网站服务器上建立私人网站。
    Without a firewall, an intruder could rework content, steal data or even take up residence and establish a private site on the Web server.
  • (表面的,尤指烹饪用具)不粘锅的,可以很易地移开粘着的食物颗粒。
    (of surfaces especially of cooking utensils) permitting easy removal of adherent food particles.