  • 她正在把衣服在晒衣绳上晾干。
    She was pegging the clothes out on the line to dry.
  • 把衣服在晒衣绳上晾干。
    Peg the clothes out on the line to dry.
  • 今天天气不错,帮我将衣服在绳上晾晾。
    It's a fine day. Please help me to peg out the clothes.
  • 她把洗的衣物在凉衣绳上。
    She pegged the washing on the line.
  • 根据他们的描述,这2万件黄金制成的文物包括雕像、项链、服饰、发和带扣,还有镶嵌着宝石的徽章和一顶嵌满珍珠和绿宝石的皇冠。
    The team recounted how the 20,000 gold pieces included statues, necklaces, dress ornaments, pendants, hairpins and buckles decorated with precious stones.There were also plaques studded with jewels and a crown covered in pearls and turquoise.
  • 意大利辣香肠的番茄和干酪比萨饼。
    tomato and cheese pizza with pepperoni.
  • 照片之间杂着新闻兴评论的文章。
    The photographs are intermingled with news and articles.
  • 越桔和食糖的馅饼。
    pie containing blueberries and sugar.
  • 苹果切片和碎果糖的馅饼。
    pie containing sliced apples and sugar.
  • 我腻烦了总是在争吵双方的中间。
    I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time.
  • 我的手指让汽车门给住了。
    I shut my finger in the car door, ie between the door and the door-pillar.
  • 她用发将头发向后住。
    She held her hair back with a pin.
  • 该军在华中及苏南一带者尚有九万余人,虽受日寇和反共军击,必能艰苦奋斗,尽忠民族国家到底。
    With more than 90,000 troops remaining in central China and the southern part of Kiangsu, the New Fourth Army, though subjected to pincer attacks by the Japanese aggressors and the anti-Communist troops, will certainly fight on despite all hardships and will never cease to render loyal service to the nation.
  • 各个游击区都以自己为内线,而以其他各区为外线,又形成了很多攻敌人的火线。
    From its own viewpoint each guerrilla area is on interior lines and the other areas are on exterior lines; Together they form many battle fronts, which hold the enemy in pincers.
  • 但是主力军和游击队的关系,则是主力军在内线,游击队在外线,形成攻敌人的奇观。
    But as far as the relation between the main forces and the guerrilla units is concerned, the former are on the interior lines while the latter are on the exterior lines, presenting a remarkable spectacle of pincers around the enemy.
  • 这双新鞋紧得脚趾。
    The new shoes pinched my toes.
  • 门关上时了我的手指。
    The door pinched my finger as it shut.
  • 这双新鞋夹脚吗?
    Do the new shoes pinch you?
  • 如果鞋子痛脚,就不要买了。
    Don't buy the shoes if they pinch.
  • 因为这双鞋脚,所以他们一定是太小。
    These shoes must be too small because they pinch.
  • 关闭某物时住、卡住、挤住某物
    Shut sth in sthbtrap or pinch sth by closing sth
  • 他的手指给门住了。
    He pinched his finger in the door.
  • 我的小指头被窗子住了。
    I pinched my little finger in the window.
  • 钳子一种有各种形状的手工工具,它有一对置于枢轴上的鄂,用来折叠、弯曲或切割
    A variously shaped hand tool having a pair of pivoted jaws, used for holding, bending, or cutting.
  • 凤尾鱼的番茄和干酪比萨饼。
    tomato and cheese pizza with anchovies.
  • 香肠的番茄和干酪比萨饼。
    tomato and cheese pizza with sausage.
  • 那秋人身穿皮克,把过耳的头发梳得油光水亮。
    The gang wore leather jackets and had long hair plastered down over their ears.
  • 在多道数字记录/读出磁头中,测量间隙变化的平行线与磁带在磁头组合件上运动的标定方向之间的角。
    In multi-channel digital magnetic record/playback heads, the angle between the parallel lines measuring gap scatter and the nominal direction of tape motion over the head assembly.
  • 那个姑娘挨我那样近,他想——他立马明白了,是她偷了他的钱
    The girl who was so near to me, he thinks-and all at once he understands that she has picked his pocked.
  • 为避免寻找名片时在衣兜或钱包里乱摸一气,你应总把它们放在固定的位置,西服或克上衣的内兜就是好地方。
    To avoid fumbling in pockets or purses,always keep the cards in the same place.A good location is the inside pocket of your suit or jacket.
  • 此液晶显示器使用两层极化材料,中间着一层液晶溶液。
    The LCD uses two sheets of polarizing material with a liquid crystal solution between them.
  • 在失重的情况下自由的飘浮;刚出生的蝙蝠……长着绒毛、轻得像飞蛾;用轻聚酯布制成的克。
    floating freely in a weightless condition; a baby bat...fluffy and weightless as a moth; jackets made of a weightless polyester fabric.