  • 似是而非的推理;这个似是而非的推论来自模糊的因果关系-埃尔艾伯特。
    specious reasoning; the spurious inferences from obsolescent notions of causality- Ethel Albert.
  • 相片太多,相册得满满的。
    There were so many photos that the album was bursting at the seams.
  • 帕拉尔苏斯,菲利浦斯·欧雷奥卢斯1493-1541德国瑞士籍炼金术士和医生,他把疾病这一概念引进医学,认为疾病是分割身体的外用药剂的结果,而不是体内失调,并主张使用药物抵抗致病药剂
    German-Swiss alchemist and physician who introduced the concept of disease to medicine. He held that illness was the result of external agents attacking the body rather than imbalances within the body and advocated the use of chemicals against disease-causing agents.
  • 伟大的亚历山大继承者之间的战役(公元前301年);莱西马克斯和琉古一世打败了安提柯一世和德米特里厄斯。
    a battle between the successors of Alexander the Great (301 BC); Lysimachus and Seleucus defeated Antigonus and Demetrius.
  • 苏联的艾里娜·容德娜和亚里山大·夫在该项比赛中夺冠,领先于同胞玛里娜·契卡淑娃和盖·夏克雷。
    Irina Rodnina and Alexander zaitsev(the Soviet Union) won the pairs title ahead of compatriots Marina Cherkassova and Sergei Shakhray.
  • 拜疆伊朗西北部地区,在公元前8世纪前米提亚人拓殖,并在亚历山大大帝死后成为一个独立王国
    A region of northwest Iran. It was settled by the Medes before the eighth century b.c. and was a separate kingdom after the death of Alexander the Great.
  • 坎努帕斯埃及北部一座古老城市,位于亚历山大东部。是一座纪念地狱之神拉皮斯的宏伟寺庙的所在地
    An ancient city of northern Egypt east of Alexandria. It was the site of a great temple honoring Serapis.
  • 六位身着泳装的姑娘在埃及地中海城市亚历山大滨海公路上招摇过市,滨海公路上车辆排起了长龙,引起了严重交通阻。据周日出版的埃及alwafd报报道,当时这些穿着泳装的姑娘们正沿滨江大道行走,而开车人纷纷减慢车速,伸长了脖子大饱眼福。
    Six scantily-clad girls caused a massive tail-back on the beach-side road in Egypt's Mediterranean city of Alexandria as drivers slowed down to gawp as they strolled along in their bathing costumes, Al Wafd newspaper reported Sunday.
  • 马其顿欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛上一地区,包括今天的希腊、保加利亚和南斯拉夫的部分地区。亚历山大帝国灭亡后,罗马人、拜占庭人、保加利亚人、尔维亚人和土耳其人先后统治过该地区。现今的划分基本上是在第二次巴尔干战争(1913年)后划定的
    A region of southeast Europe on the Balkan Peninsula including parts of modern-day Greece, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia. After the fall of the Alexandrian empire, it was held by Romans, Byzantines, Bulgars, Serbs, and Turks. The present division was largely determined after the Second Balkan War(1913).
  • 马萨诸人说的阿尔冈昆语。
    the Algonquian language of the Massachuset people.
  • 瓦帕诺亚格语瓦帕诺亚格人使用的亚尔港京语,为马萨诸语的变语之一
    The Algonquian language of the Wampanoag, a variety of Massachusett.
  • 以前住在麻萨诸州海湾的属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。
    a member of the Algonquian people who formerly lived around Massachusetts Bay.
  • 一个生活在罗德艾兰州和麻萨诸州,属于阿尔冈琴语系且对待圣地朝拜者态度和蔼的民族的人。
    a member of the Algonquian people of Rhode Island and Massachusetts who greeted the Pilgrims.
  • 九号干线长沙湾至沙田段全长5.6公里,预计建成后可大大纾缓狮子山隧道、大老山隧道及大埔道的交通挤情况。
    Route 9 (section between Cheung Sha Wan and Sha Tin) will be a new 5.6-kilometre highway running from Sha Tin to West Kowloon. It will significantly alleviate traffic congestion at the Lion Rock Tunnel, Tate's Cairn Tunnel and Tai Po Road.
  • 胡同被人群堵塞。
    The alley was blocked with crowds.
  • 霞飞,约瑟夫·雅克·泽尔1852-1931法国野战军团元帅,在第一次世界大战中他指挥在法国的盟军
    French field marshal who commanded the Allied armies in France during World War I.
  • (九)上述人员的分配是党的真实的政策,不能敷衍责。
    9. The allocation of places described above represents the genuine policy of the Party, and we must on no account be half-hearted about it.
  • 这种人员分配的政策是我们党的真实政策,必须认真实行,不能敷衍责。
    This allocation of places represents the genuine policy of our Party and must be carried out conscientiously;there must be no half-heartedness about it.
  • 上尉说他宁愿派20名他认为忠实可靠的士兵去解救围困的要,也不愿派100名盟国雇佣军去。
    The captain said he would rather attempt the relief of the fort with twenty men he knew to be as true as steel than with a hundred of their ally's mercenaries.
  • 伏龙芝苏联中亚南部一城市,位于阿拉木图西南偏西的楚河岸边。1846年建于边城堡的遗址上,1862年为俄罗斯人占领,今为吉尔吉斯首府。人口604,000
    A city of southern Central Asian U.S.S.R. on the Chu River west-southwest of Alma-Ata. Built on the site of a fort established in1846, it was taken by the Russians in1862 and is now the capital of Kirghiz. Population,604, 000.
  • 一间是在亚尔卑斯山区的亚本尔制酪厂。
    The first is the Appenszell Cheese factory, located in an area at the Alps.
  • 并且使变翘线缠结、交替产生万格盘效应的编织法。
    a weave in which the filling and warp threads intertwine alternately producing a checkerboard effect.
  • 这一切使女子网坛高手需达到这样的标准:平均身高6英尺,体重158磅,发球速度121英里/小时,如维纳斯对雷娜一役中那样。
    That averages out to an Amazon of 6 ft.,158 lbs.16,with the capacity to hit a serve,as Venus did against Serena,of 121 m.
  • 城市里有的把一些不大守规矩的青年往军队里,这个问题以后征兵的时候要注意。
    Some cities may send young people who aren't amenable to discipline into the army, and this problem should be kept in mind in future conscription.
  • 作为休闲,王后喜欢开着她那辆四轮驱动的梅德斯·奔驰转一转阿曼,“我放进一盘cd唱片,就上路了,”她说。
    ) To relax, the queen likes to drive her four? wheel? drive Mercedes around Amman:" I pop in a CD and zone out," she says.
  • 自从离开巴黎后,我们参观了布鲁尔和阿姆斯特丹。
    Since leaving Paris, we've visited Brussels and Amsterdam.
  • 洛佩兹被《人物》杂志命名为1997年最有魅力的50人之一;她继《莱娜》后的新作《阿纳康达》,最终将吉姆·凯瑞的《说谎者》挤出其霸占已久的春季票房排行榜首位。
    Lopez was named one of People magazine's Fifty Most Beautiful People for 1997,and her first post Selena project,Anaconda,was the film that finally knocked Jim Carrey's Liar Liar out of its holding pattern at the top spot in the spring box office rankings.
  • 据马萨诸州弗明翰市的国际数据公司(idc)的分析家布赖德·巴威恩说:“相竞争的标准使用户大为烦恼。
    "The competing standards were incredibly annoying to users," says Brad Baldwin, an analyst at Framingham, Mass.-based International Data Corp (IDC)."
  • 伊奥勒斯萨利的国王,伊奥利亚人的始祖
    A king of Thessaly and ancestor of the Aeolians.
  • 他的弟弟约翰·斯潘(1437~1499)和儿子威廉·斯潘则分别成为布什总统、威廉王子和丘吉尔的先祖。
    His brother Sir John Spencer(1437~1499)and son William Spencer are the ancestors of President Bush,Prince William and Churchill respectively.
  • 奥说:"托莱多很好的利用了安第斯文化的象征意义,现在他的任务就是在秘鲁白人文化和本土文化间架起一座沟通的桥梁。"
    "He has learned to play very well with the symbols of Andean culture," Ossio said. "Now President Toledo has the duty to build bridges so the two cultures can come together."
  • 欧登市在菲恩岛上,位于丹麦南部的城市,其附近的欧登湾是卡特加特海峡的一部。它建立于10世纪,欧登是汉斯·克里斯坦·安德森的出生地。人口170,961
    A city of southern Denmark on Fyn Island near the Odense Fjord, an arm of the Kattegat. Founded in the tenth century, Odense is the birthplace of Hans Christian Andersen. Population,170, 961.