Chinese English Sentence:
  • 培养军地两用人才
    training officers and soldiers suited for both military and civilian jobs
  • 要维系一个优雅的社会,需要的是纪律和秩序。实行严格法治,对人的行为进行调整和规范,并由此养出人们讲秩序,守纪律的习惯无疑是最有效的途径。
    It is true that discipline and order are essential to a gracious society, and strict rules are needed to ensure that people behave well. Yet the best guarantee for civilised conduct lies rather in good habits of the population.
  • 制定《文明社区建设条例》,全面启动文明社区建设,充分发挥社区在育文明市民、推进文明城市建设中的基础作用;
    The “Rules for the Building of Courteous Communities” should be formulated to kick-start the development of courteous communities. Local communities will be encouraged to play the primary roles incumbent upon them in fostering courteous behavior among residents and building civility into the everyday life in the city.
  • 此外,还需要具备一些关键技能,例如,思路清晰的书写能力、对数字应付自如、善于利用资讯科技(使用它们也能养逻辑思维和伸缩性)和应变的能力。
    .......Then I'll work on a few core competencies - eg ability to write with exceptional clarity; a disciplined mind that works well with numbers; IT skills and the attendant traits they develop such as logical flow or flexibility; capacity to cope with changes.
  • 克拉花一种钩瓣属的一年生植物,主要分布于北美西部,其中几种因其艳丽的红色、紫色、粉红或白色花而被栽
    Any of various annual, chiefly western North American plants of the genus Clarkia, several of which are cultivated for their showy red, purple, pink, or white flowers.
  • 最高水平的教练员能养出世界水平的运动员。
    Top class coaches can produce world class athletes.
  • 养、选拔一批年轻干部到各级领导岗位上来,老干部对他们要传帮带,要给他们树立一个好的作风,要使他们能够继承和发扬党的艰苦朴素、密切联系群众等优良作风。
    Younger cadres should be selected and promoted to leading positions at different levels.The veteran cadres should pass on their experience to them, help and guide them and set a good example for them so that they will inherit and develop the Party's fine traditions of hard work and plain living and closeness to the masses.
  • 我们相信,在新的历史条件下,在实现四化的新长征道路上,大家一定会积极响应党的号召,模范地带头发扬党的艰苦朴素、密切联系群众的优良传统,自觉地遵守有关规定,坚决反对特殊化,纠正一切不正之风,一定会认真选拔、养好接班人,逐步地做好交班工作,完成自己的光荣使命。
    We are confident that under the new historical conditions and in the course of the new Long March towards the four modernizations, you will all respond eagerly to the Party's call, set an example for others and take the lead in further developing the Party's fine traditions of hard work and plain living and of closeness to the masses.We are confident that you will conscientiously follow the regulations, oppose the pursuit of personal privileges and check all unhealthy trends, and that you will strive to seek out and train successors, gradually handing over your responsibilities and thus completing your glorious mission.
  • 在苏格兰育的白色长毛小猎犬。
    small white long-coated terrier developed in Scotland.
  • 完成训计划后,飞行员就可以在驾驶舱内携带一支手枪。
    After completing it, the pilot would be allowed to take a gun into the cockpit.
  • 与此同时,许多飞行员都对允许在驾驶舱内带枪的规定表示欢迎。如果法案通过,他们必须接受为期三个月的训。
    Meanwhile, many pilots welcomed the requirement that a training program for carrying weapons in the cockpit would begin within three months of the bill's passage.
  • 下一次医学革命将会改变这种状况,因为遗传工程有潜力征服癌症,在心脏里植新血管,阻断肿瘤中血运系统的生长,由干细胞养新器官,甚至还可能重塑引起细胞衰老的原始遗传密码。
    The next medical revolution will change that,because genetic engineering has the potential to conquer cancer,grow new blood vessels in the heart,block the growth of blood vessels in tumors,create new organs from stem cells and perhaps even reset the primeval genetic coding that causes cells to age.
  • 王平:对了,还可以养人的勇敢、机智、集体意识等。
    Wang Ping: Well, It can cultivate people's bravery, tact and col-lective consciousness.
  • 锦紫苏一种东半球唇形科锦紫苏属草本植物,因其多彩的装饰性叶子而被广泛栽
    Any of various Old World herbs of the genus Coleus in the mint family, widely cultivated for their multicolored decorative leaves.
  • 我们要大力在青少年中提倡勤奋学习、遵守纪律、热爱劳动、助人为乐、艰苦奋斗、英勇对敌的革命风尚,把青少年养成为忠于社会主义祖国、忠于无产阶级革命事业、忠于马克思列宁主义毛泽东思想的优秀人才,将来走上工作岗位,成为有很高的政治责任心和集体主义精神,有坚定的革命思想和实事求是、群众路线的工作作风,严守纪律,专心致志地为人民积极工作的劳动者。
    We should strive to inculcate in our young people the revolutionary style of diligent study, observance of discipline, love of labour, pleasure in helping others, defiance of hardships and courage in the face of the enemy. In this way they can become fine and competent people loyal to the socialist motherland, to the proletarian revolutionary cause and to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought. Thus, when they finish their schooling and take up their jobs, they will be workers imbued with a strong sense of political responsibility and collectivism and a firm revolutionary ideology; their style of work will be to seek truth from facts and follow the mass line, and they will observe strict discipline and work wholeheartedly for the people.
  • 格斗者,角斗士一个人,通常指一职业格斗者、俘虏或在古罗马圆形大剧场里的奴隶被训与另一个人或一野兽进行殊死搏斗以供公共消遣
    A person, usually a professional combatant, a captive, or a slave, trained to entertain the public by engaging in mortal combat with another person or a wild animal in the ancient Roman arena.
  • 对中级指挥军官实行军政合训,指挥员与参谋人员同校训,医务和机关政治军官全军统一归口训。
    Middle-level commanding officers will receive integrated military and political training. Commanding and staff officers will receive training in the same institutions, and medical and political officers throughout the PLA will receive unified training.
  • 国防大学主要负责训高级指挥人员、高级参谋人员和高级理论研究人员。国防科学技术大学主要负责养高级科学和工程技术人才与专业指挥人才。
    The former is mainly responsible for the education and training of senior commanding and staff officers and researchers, while the latter is mainly responsible for the education and training of senior scientists and engineers, and specialized commanding officers.
  • 在我举办的一次训班中,有人抱怨运算符的优先顺序太难记了。一名学生推荐用一句话来帮助记忆:“ulceraddictsreallylikecalot”,即“溃疡患者特别喜欢(维生素)c”。
    Upon hearing me complain about the complexity of remembering operator precedence during one of my seminars, a student suggested a mnemonic that is simultaneously a commentary: “Ulcer Addicts Really Like C A lot.
  • 科技成果产业化、市场化进程加快,改变了新疆农业传统生产经营的方式,在保护性栽、灌溉技术、品种改良等方面取得了明显成效,工业企业技术改造提高了企业经济效益,增强了市场竞争实力,科学技术在国民经济发展和社会进步中发挥着重要作用。
    The accelerated industrialization and commercialization of sci-tech research findings have changed Xinjiang’s traditional ways of agricultural production and operation, and notable achievements have been made in protective plant cultivation, irrigation technology and strain improvement. The technological transformation of industrial enterprises has enhanced both their economic efficiency and market competitiveness. Science and technology are playing an important role in the development of the regional economy and social progress.
  • 东印度的一种观赏灌木,常被栽于美国南部。
    ornamental E. Indian shrub commonly planted in southern United States.
  • 与此同时,中国进一步加强了和西亚、非洲、拉美、大洋洲等地区国家及东欧、独联体国家的军事关系,继续向有关发展中国家提供人员训、装备器材、后勤物资、医疗卫生等方面的援助,并积极拓展新的交往领域。
    At the same time, China has further strengthened its military relations with countries in West Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania, as well as those in Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. Chinese armed forces have continued to provide assistance to their counterparts in developing countries in personnel training, equipment, logistical materials, and medical care, and will seek to widen the scope of contacts in the future.
  • 临时市政局与香港艺术中心合办香港独立短片及录像比赛,目的在于鼓励本港电影工作者摄制非商业性的独立短片及录像创作,养市民对电影及录像作为艺术、沟通和表达媒介的兴趣。
    Jointly presented with the Hong Kong Arts Centre, the competition aims to encourage creative non-commercial independent productions of short film and video in Hong Kong and to promote the interest of the public in film and video as artistic, communicative and expressive media.
  • 当学习变成一种负担,要在有限的空间里养足够的兴趣,就变成一项艰巨工程。
    It is an arduous task to get young people keen on the language when there are so many competing interests.
  • 育和支持国内优势品牌,提高国际竞争力。
    We should cultivate and support superior domestic brands and improve the international competitiveness of Chinese products.
  • 香港能否维持竞争力,端赖我们能否育优秀的人才和专业人士,去推动经济持续增长。
    Our competitiveness depends on our ability to produce the manpower and the expertise necessary to sustain economic growth.
  • 然而,这个过程会造成更多的用户训问题以及增加电子邮件通信的复杂性。
    This process, however, creates more user training issues and adds complexity to e-mail communications.
  • 如果你只从事谷类的单种栽,那你就是自找麻烦。
    If you concentrate on grain monoculture, you are looking for trouble.
  • 我们必须携手共进,为育下一代共同努力。
    To achieve this goal, we must stride ahead hand in hand and bring up new generations with concerted efforts.
  • 自一九九四年四月与康体发展局合并的香港体育学院,为12个重点发展体育项目提供支援,包括全职教练、训设施及计划、体能训练、运动科学及医学、其他技术服务和青少年发展计划。
    The Hong Kong Sports Institute, which amalgamated with the Sports Development Board in April 1994, has provided support to the 12 Focus Sports in the form of full-time coaches, training facilities and programmes, strength and conditioning, sports science and medicine, other technical services and junior squad development.
  • 尤其是艺术人才的养,讲究的是良好的气候与土壤。
    A conducive and supportive environment is needed to produce talent in the arts.
  • 这也有助于养一个人的人生观,特别是那种该幽默就幽默一下的人生观。
    it is conducive to a view of life which,in particular,gives humor its due.