  • 你可能不记得我的字了。
    You may not remember me.
  • 你记得他的名字吗?
    Do you remember his name?
  • 他也许记得我的字。
    He might remember my name.
  • 他要记住这个名字。
    he would remember that name.
  • 那个名字很熟。
    That name struck a chord of remembrance.
  • 文人的感情流露便互赠作品,题留念。
    They would then exchange these works of calligraphy for fond remembrance.
  • 年轻时的哈里(他小时候的字)并没有他众多的银幕形象所展现的粗犷、冒险和英雄般的性格。
    Young Harry (as he was referred to as a child) did not share the rugged, adventurous, heroic characteristics that he shares with most of his onscreen characters.
  • 其几何印纹与新石器时代晚期陶器的几何图案一脉相承,但其中的"双f"夔纹,则是这时期区内的著特有纹饰。
    This so-called hard geometric ware is decorated with designs, many of which are reminiscent of the geometric patterns of the late Neolithic period, but with their own distinctive style, including the 'Kui-dragon' or 'double F' pattern so characteristic of the region during this period.
  • 从此我们和他便距离越远,高粱舅这个称,孩子们还能记得,要是真的是见面的时候,也许都会笑问客从何处来了。
    From thence on, we lived far apart from each other. The children can perhaps still remember the nickname " Uncle Gao-liang". But if they were to really meet him, they would probably not recognize him, a scene reminiscent of a line from a Tang poem :"In curious laughter they asked 'Stranger, from whence you come?'."
  • 一九九八至一九九九学年共有97058学生获减免学费,减免总额为3.326亿元。
    In the 1998-99 academic year, 97 058 students were granted fee remissions amounting to $332.6 million.
  • 二零零零至零一学年,共有95321学生获减免学费,减免总额为3.545亿元。
    In the 2000-01 school year, 95321 students were granted fee remissions amounting to $354.5 million.
  • 一九九八至一九九九学年,共有5811学生获发考试费约610万元。
    In the 1998-99 academic year, 5 811 students were granted examination fee remissions amounting to $6.1 million.
  • 二零零零至零一学年,共有10762学生获减免考试费,总额达1,090万元。
    In the 2000-01 school year, 10762 students were granted examination fee remissions amounting to $10.9 million.
  • 我在黑板上看到我的字,肯定有我的汇款。
    I find my name on the blackboard. I must have got a remittance.
  • 卡里欧斯特罗,亚历山德罗1743-1795意大利冒险家,作为魔术师和炼金术士而闻全欧洲
    Italian adventurer who was famous throughout Europe as a magician and alchemist.
  • 随着采用数字识别而改进的安全方法的发展,信息系统的专业人士逃脱了建立在用户身份识别和口令之上的第一代web安全性带来的陷阱和头痛,这些改进的安全方法包括数字证明、对象签和安全的internet邮件。
    With the advent of improved security methods involving digital identification, including digital certification, object signing, and secure Internet mail, IS professionals are dodging the pitfalls and headaches of first-generation Web security built on user IDs and passwords.
  • 官员因收受贿赂而被撤职。
    The official was removed for taking bribes.
  • 多那太罗意大利雕塑家,是文艺复兴风格的先驱者,以其生动自然、形象逼真的人物像著,代表作有青铜雕像大卫象
    Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David.
  • 布鲁内莱斯基,菲利波1377-1446意大利建筑师,其作品在佛罗伦萨文艺复兴时期享有盛。其杰作是佛罗伦萨大教堂的八边形肋骨穹隆
    Italian architect celebrated for his work during the Florentine Renaissance. His greatest achievement is the octagonal ribbed dome of the Florence cathedral.
  • 在收音机出现之前,当一隐士尚有不少好处。
    Before the advent of the radio, there is advantage in is a shut in.
  • 近年来,黎学智教授的“英语词汇逻辑记忆法”的演讲掀起不小的热潮。人们也记住了他的字。
    In the past few years, the book"Logical Memorial Method of English Words", popularized in lecture by Professor Li Xuezhi, has set off a renaissance in English learning. People remember his name.
  • 近年来,黎学智教授的“英语词汇逻辑记忆法”的演讲掀起不小的热潮,人们也记住了他的字。
    In the past few years, the book "Logical Memorial Method of English Words", popularized in lecture by Professor Li Xuezhi, has set off a renaissance in English learning. People remember his name.
  • 科勒乔,安东尼奥·阿莱格林·达1494-1534文艺复兴高潮期意大利画家,以其运用阴暗对照法著。他的作品包括有宗教画,如:平安夜和壁画,例如帕尔马市圣保罗修道院的壁画(1518年)
    Italian High Renaissance painter known for his use of chiaroscuro. Among his works are devotional pictures, including Holy Night, and frescoes, such as those in the convent of San Paolo in Parma(1518).
  • 在收音机出现之前,当一隐士尚有不少好处。
    Before the advent of the radio, there were advantages in being shutin.
  • 在收音机出现之前,当一隐士尚有不少好处。
    Before the advent of the radio, there is advantage in being a shut in.
  • 国家航空航天局也在资助一个为dart(自动会合技术演示)的项目。
    NASA is also funding a program called DART,or Demonstration of Autonomous Rendezvous Technology.
  • 接下来,这个小组希望在2006年发射一颗为astro(自主空间运输机器人操作)的小卫星,在运行轨道的指定地点与nextsat会合,验证这两颗卫星可以对接。
    Then,by2006,this team hopes to launch a smaller satellite,called ASTRO(short for Autonomous Space Transport Robotic Operation),to rendezvous with NextSat in orbit and prove that the two satellites can dock.
  • 1999年他推出了一张为《内心的倾诉》的专辑唱片,专辑里大部分的歌曲都是他充满活力、执着认真的个人独唱,也收录了几首由乐队伴奏的歌曲。
    In 1999 he released Inside Wants Out, an album consisting mostly of solo acoustic renditions of his energetic, earnest songs, as well as several tracks recorded with a full band.
  • ……以两个臭昭著的例子为证,……约翰·凯奇音乐中声狼藉的4分半钟沉默和勒内·马格里特的绘画《形象的背叛》。
    To take two notorious examples, consider from music John Cage’s infamous four and a half minutes of silence and from painting Rene Magritte's The Treason of Images.
  • 当选举临近时,评论员们都非常急于要回家拉关系,以便为取得再提作准备。
    As election approaches members are very impatient to get home and look after their fences--that is to make preparations for a renomination.
  • 卓越的名声;名望
    A distinguished reputation; renown.
  • 他指挥过许多世界著的管弦乐队。
    He has conducted many a world-renown orchestra.