  • 他不衹是出錢,有時他的下屬會驚地發現他在附近的街道上偷偷摸摸地撿垃圾。
    He doesn't just give money:his staff are sometimes taken aback to see him skulking in the streets nearby,picking up litter.
  • 說瓊了一驚,這是很保守的說法。她其實是完全驚呆了。
    Saying that Joan was taken aback is to put it mildly. She was completely flabbergasted.
  • 得知警方要抓他,他有點驚。
    He was somewhat taken aback by the news that the police intended to arrest him.
  • 警察打算起訴他的消息使他大一驚。
    He was taken aback by the news that the police intended to prosecute him.
  • 了一驚,隨後意識到蛐蛐兒的鳴叫聲已經響起。
    Alan was taken aback but then he became aware that the crickets had started.
  • 美國的盟國對這一個突然的聲明大一驚。
    American allies are rather taken aback by the suddenness of this announcement.
  • 我承認,聽到這情況我有些驚。
    I confess I was somewhat taken aback when I heard that.
  • 他突然改變主張,使他的同事們都大一驚。
    His sudden change of opinion took his colleagues all aback.
  • 她突然尖叫了起來,我為之大一驚。
    I was taken aback when she suddenly screamed.
  • 她挑釁似的言辭使他大一驚
    He was taken aback by her caustic remarks.
  • 聽了這問題,她很驚。
    She was taken aback at the question.
  • 她的直率使他吃驚。
    He was taken aback by her directaess.
  • 你的要求使我大一驚。
    Your request took me aback.
  • 他似乎很吃驚。
    He appeared taken aback.
  • 老王似乎很吃驚。
    Lao Wang seemed taken aback.
  • 王子離婚的消息讓我們感到很驚。
    We were all taken aback by the news of Prince's divorce.
  • 北美洲的蠶蛾;幼蟲森林的樹葉。
    North American silkworm moth; larvae feed on the leaves of forest trees.
  • 體型非常大的黃褐色美洲蠶蛾,每衹後翅上有象大眼斑;幼蟲果樹和遮蔭樹。
    very large yellowish-brown American silkworm moth with large eyespots on hind wings; larvae feed on fruit and shade trees.
  • 她告訴阿巧,這些雪白的蟲子叫做蠶,它們的葉子叫桑葉。
    She told Aqiao that these white worms were called silkworms and the leaves they ate were called mulberry leaves.
  • 聰明的銷售商還通常把能夠配着的物品放在一起出售,例如,餅幹一般擺放在牛奶的旁邊,烤肉用的調料一般放在排骨的上層——因此你會將他們一起買下。
    Savvy sellers also nestle items with something that complements them -- for instance, cookies nex to the milk, barbecue sauce above the spareribs -- so that you'll buy both.
  • 請將銀餐具擺放在桌子上晚飯。
    Place the silverware on the table for dinner.
  • 由於在英國牡蠣上市的季節是在聖詹姆斯節(7月25日)前後,再加上牡蠣外殼與扇貝外殼的相似,因而就産生了一種流行的說法:誰在聖詹姆斯節那天了牡蠣,誰就會永遠不缺錢花。
    As the oyster season in Britain begins round the times of his feast day on July 25, the similarity led to a popular saying that whoever eats oyster on St. James Day will never want for money.
  • 扁平的豆,需要文火慢煮;從來不生
    broad flat beans simmered gently; never eaten raw.
  • 油膩的菜起來很倒胃。
    Fatly food turns my stomach.
  • 但是這個寡婦卻很失望地發現兒子傻乎乎得活像個笨蛋。他似乎衹知道如何飯和睡覺。
    But the widow was very disappointed to find that her son was as idiotic as a simpleton, and seemed to know nothing except how to eat and sleep.
  • 吃簡單的飯菜。
    Take light meals only.
  • 衹吃瘦肉。
    Only eat lean meat.
  • 衹管你能的,但願人傢沒有註意你所剩的東西。
    Simply eat what you left.
  • 請再喝一杯,再一塊蛋糕。
    Have another drink and another of these cakes.
  • 爸爸吃好飯了。
    Father has finished eating.
  • 格比如說,我需要喝酒的時候我就喝威士忌,地地道道的蘇格蘭威士忌,可是飯的時候我習慣喝葡萄酒或者一大杯水,就像大多數西方人那樣;而在中國飯的時候卻上像茅臺(指着他的酒杯)這樣的烈性酒。
    Far in stance, I drink whisky - genuine Scotch whisky when I need a drink, but at dinner I would have sine or just a glass of water as most people do in the West; whereas in China strong alcohol such as Maotai (points at his glass) is served at dinner.
  • 品嚐當地小吃
    Try some local snacks