  • 抗荷衣宇航员或喷气机飞行员穿的飞行服,在快速垂直加速中增加身体下部的力以保持脑部血液供应
    A flight garment worn by astronauts and jet pilots that presses on the lower body to maintain the blood supply to the brain during rapid vertical acceleration.
  • 我们坚持贯彻稳定倒一切的方针,十分注意处理好改革发展稳定的关系,在改革取得重大进展、经济加快发展的同时,有力地维护了社会稳定。
    We steadfastly upheld the principle of attaching overriding importance to stability, and took great care to handle the relationships among reform, development and stability. While making giant strides in reform and accelerating economic development, we have made vigorous efforts to safeguard social stability.
  • 在串行传输中,从一种状态(如正电)转换到另一种状态(如负电)的转换过程。
    The switching from one state(e.g., positive voltage) to another(negative) in a serial transmission.
  • 沿着直线线路通过电路的电极的电差加速离子运动。
    ions are accelerated along a linear path by voltage differences on electrodes along the path.
  • 减轻力早晨快速散步能加速大脑中与好情绪相关的化学物质——如血清素的流动。
    Less stress A morning walk at a quick clip enhances the flow of brain chemicals related to positive mood, such as serotonin.
  • 不受限制或迫的个人自由。
    personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression.
  • 没有人希望受迫、被奴役,没有人希望警方半夜造访他们家。
    No people on earth yearn to be oppressed, or aspire to servitude, or eagerly await the midnight knock of the secret police.
  • 这些人对学习毫无兴趣,而且除了伺服系统,配电盘,缩比和凸轮轴便一无所知。
    Learning and knows no studies beyond servo- systems and distributors, compression ratios and camshafts.
  • 在电子学[技术]中,瞬时电及其相应的瞬时电流的乘积。在交流电路中,若电、电流相位正好相差90°,则电路上消耗的功率为零。
    In electronics, the product of an instanta neous voltage and the correspondent instantaneous current. In AC circuits, the power consumed in a circuit will be zero if the voltages and currents are exactly90degrees out of phase with each other.
  • 恨是压抑的怒火。
    Hatred is a settled anger.
  • 用来测量交流功率和磁场强度的一种半导体材料薄片(亦称大圆片),其输出电与通过它的电流及与其垂直的磁场强度的乘积成正比。
    A thin wafer of semiconductor material used for measuring ac power and magnetic fieldstrength. Its output voltage is proportional to the current passing through it times the magnetic field perpendicular to it.
  • 在电子技术中,把交流电转换成低电直流电的一种电路。这种电路的输出是经过调整的,使它的噪声及电波动都很小。
    In electronics, a circuit for converting AC voltage to low voltage DC in such a way that the output is regulated to minimize noise and voltage fluctuation.
  • 电功率单位在交流电路中伏特电产生安培电流时消耗的功率。
    a unit of electrical power in an AC circuit equal to the power dissipated when 1 volt produces a current of 1 ampere.
  • 帝国主义、封建势力和官僚资本主义相勾结对中国人民进行残酷的迫和剥削,把中国推向了亡国灭族的边缘,也把中国妇女推向了前所未有的苦难深渊。
    The cruel oppression and exploitation of the Chinese people by imperialist and feudalist forces as well as bureaucratic capitalism pushed China to the brink of national subjugation and annihilation. It also plunged Chinese women into an abyss of misery never witnessed before.
  • 长此以往,将引发和加重高血或其常见表现形式二号糖尿病。
    Over time, this can provoke the onset or increase the severity of hypertension and Type II diabetes, the more common form of that disease.
  • 第一、中国无产阶级身受三种迫(帝国主义的迫、资产阶级的迫、封建势力的迫),而这些迫的严重性和残酷性,是世界各民族中少见的;因此,他们在革命斗争中,比任何别的阶级来得坚决和彻底。
    First, the Chinese proletariat is more resolute and thoroughgoing in revolutionary struggle than any other class because it is subjected to a threefold oppression (imperialist, bourgeois and feudal) which is marked by a severity and cruelty seldom found in other countries.
  • 立井地压
    ground pressure around shaft
  • 我们希望这些国民党员能够在国民党中迅速形成一种支配的势力,去倒那些不顾民族利益,实际成为日本帝国主义代理人,实际成为亲日汉奸的最坏和最可耻的国民党员——那些侮辱孙中山先生的国民党员,恢复孙中山先生革命的三民主义精神,重振孙中山先生的联俄联共和扶助农工的三大政策,把自己的‘心思才力’去‘贯彻’革命的三民主义和三大政策的‘始终’,‘贯彻’孙中山先生革命遗嘱的‘始终’。
    We hope that they will speedily grow into a dominant force in the Kuomintang and prevail over those wicked and shameless members who have ignored the interests of the nation and virtually become Japanese agents and collaborators -- members who are a disgrace to Dr. Sun Yat-sen's memory -- and we hope that they will thus be able to revive the spirit of Dr. Sun's revolutionary Three People's Principles, reaffirm his Three Great Policies of alliance with Russia, co-operation with the Communist Party and assistance to the peasants and workers, and "work persistently, body and soul" for the realization of the revolutionary Three People's Principles, of the Three Great Policies and of Dr. Sun's revolutionary Testament.
  • 不对...施加压力
    abstention from exerting pressures on
  • 金属弯成形机弯和折叠金属板的机器
    A machine for bending and folding sheet metal.
  • 像海绵一样能吸收液体并在挤时释放出来。
    like a sponge in being able to absorb liquids and yield it back when compressed.
  • (丙)德国的或“真正的”社会主义法国的社会主义和共产主义的文献是在居于统治地位的资产阶级的迫下产生的,并且是同这种统治作斗争的文字表现,这种文献被搬到德国的时候,那里的资产阶级才刚刚开始进行反对封建专制制度的斗争。
    C. German, or "True," Socialism The Socialist and Communist literature of France, a literature that originated under the pressure of a bourgeoisie in power, and that was the expression of the struggle against this power, was introduced into Germany at a time when the bourgeoisie, in that country, had just begun its contest with feudal absolutism.
  • 价格虽低,但此次已决定向大连造船公司购买碎机。
    Price is attractive but this time we make decision to purchase ball mill shell from tallinn shipbuilding.
  • 价格虽低,但此次已决定向大连造船公司购买碎机。
    The price is attractive but this time we made decision to purchase the ball mill shell from Tallinn Shipbuilding.
  • 做…的摘要完成(作品的)缩或节略
    To condense or abridge(a written work).
  • 灯芯绒的绒面上受和磨擦的地方易于结块。
    Mat down in areas subjected to pressure or abrasion.
  • 冲击缩曲线的基本测量方法
    fundamental methods for determining shock-compression curve
  • 过高的一种混乱状态。
    a common disorder in which blood pressure remains abnormally high.
  • 他们行为反常;他的血低得反常。
    they were behaving abnormally; his blood pressure was abnormally low.
  • 低血不正常地低的血
    Abnormally low blood pressure.
  • 高血不正常的升高
    Abnormally elevated blood pressure.
  • 企图用叫喊声倒反对派。
    Try to shout down the opposition