Chinese English Sentence:
  • 农夫叙利亚或埃及等阿拉伯国家的农民或农业动者
    A peasant or agricultural laborer in an Arab country, such as Syria or Egypt.
  • 里恩,戴维生于1908英国电影制片人,他的作品包括桂河大桥(1957年)和阿拉伯的伦斯(1962年),两片均获得学院奖
    British filmmaker. His works include The Bridge on the River Kwai(1957) and Lawrence of Arabia(1962), both of which won Academy Awards.
  • 中国这样的底子,人口这样多,耕地这样少,动生产率、财政收支、外贸进出口都不可能一下子大幅度提高,国民收入的增长速度不可能很快。
    Because China has such weak economic foundations, such a huge population and so little arable land, we cannot greatly increase our labour productivity, revenues and expenditures and volume of exports and imports overnight;nor can our national income grow very rapidly.
  • 特征指标或经验公式,如利用值或利用弗德数f厂以预报水库水温结构等。
    Investigation and measurement (such as through investigation of the scope of distribution of terrestrial flora and fauna within the inundated zone to predict the impact on them, the same method is used for prediction of the impact on historic and archaeological sites).
  • 第二十条 凡因进行基本建设和生产建设需要文物勘探、考古发掘的,所需费用和动力由建设单位列入投资计划和动计划,或者报上级计划部门解决。
    Article 20 The expenses and workforce needed for the prospecting for cultural relics and archaeological excavations which have to be carried out because of capital construction or construction for productive purposes shall be included in the investment and labour plans of the construction units or reported to planning departments at higher levels for proper arrangement.
  • 意大利水底考古技术服务处的处长克迪奥·莫克奇贾尼·卡帕诺指挥了这次由私人海运公司进行的挖掘工作。
    Claudio Mocchegiani Carpano, the director of Italy's Technical Service for Undeiwater Archaeology, coordinated the excavation, conducted by a private marine cooperative.
  • 去年12月5日在接受芭芭拉·沃尔特斯的广播采访时,拉承认她和布什私下讨论过沙龙和巴勒斯坦问题。
    In an interview with Barbara Walters broadcast Dec 5, she admitted that she and George talk privately about Ariel Sharon and the Palestinian question.
  • 事实上,只有在已经积累起大量资本以后,才有可能预先向动者支付超出最低限度口粮的报酬,因为付给动者的这种报酬,实际上不是用于生产,而是用于生产性动者的非生产性消费,这就需要有足够充分的生产基金,将其一部分经常用于单纯的享乐。
    In truth, it is only after an abundant capital had already been accumulated, that the practice of paying in advance any remuneration of labour beyond a bare subsistence, could possibly have arisen: since whatever is so paid, is not really applied to production, but to the unproductive consumption of productive labourers, indicating a fund for production sufficiently ample to admit of habitually diverting a part of it to a mere convenience.
  • 多克特罗,埃(德加)·(伦斯)生于1931美国作家。以小说中历史和虚构的完美融合著称,如丹尼尔记(1971年)
    American writer noted for his artful blend of history and fiction in novels such as The Book of Daniel(1971).
  • 老农患有关节炎,但他仍跟别人一样努力动。
    The old peasant laboured under arthritis, yet he still worked as hard as the others.
  • 动者靠自己的资金为生,当自耕农靠自己的土地产品生活或工匠自立门户工作时,他们依然是靠资本为生,也就是靠预先准备好的资金为生。
    When the labourer maintains himself by funds of his own, as when a peasant-farmer or proprietor lives on the produce of his land, or an artisan works on his own account, they are still supported by capital, that is, by funds provided in advance.
  • 计算的项目很多——也许有些人会认为是无限的,因为如果我们把制犁匠的动看作是制造面包所用动的一部分,为什么就不计入制造铁匠所用工具的动,为什么不计入制造这些工具所用工具的动,为什么不追溯这些物品的来源,把一切动都计算在内呢(会有人提出这样的问题的)?
    The items in the calculation are very numerous-as it may seem to some persons, infinitely so; for if, as a part of the labour employed in making bread, we count the labour of the blacksmith who made the plough, why not also (it may be asked) the labour of making the tools used by the blacksmith, and the tools used in making those tools, and so back to the origin of things? But after mounting one or two steps in this ascending scale, we come into a region of factions too minute for calculation.
  • 把这年轻人带上岸并指给他去务市场的路。
    Take the young man ashore with you and show him the way to the labour market.
  • 苦力没有特殊技能的亚洲体力动者
    An unskilled Asian laborer.
  • 对亚洲没有技术的动力蔑称。
    an offensive name for an unskilled Asian laborer.
  • 这件事需要付出辛勤动。
    The matter asks hard work.
  • 因为我很疲,因此很快就睡着了。
    Because I am tired, I fall asleep quickly.
  • 由于旅途累他很快就睡着了。
    He soon fell asleep, exhausted by the journey.
  • 马格洛大娘是个矮老、白胖、臃肿、忙碌不定、终日气喘吁吁的妇人,一则因为她操作勤,再则因为她有气喘病。
    Madame Magloire was a little, fat, white old woman, corpulent and bustling; always out of breath,--in the first place, because of her activity, and in the next, because of her asthma.
  • 哥白尼,尼科斯1473-1543波兰天文学家,他提出地球及其它行星绕太阳运动的日心说,推翻了托勒密的天文学理论即地心体系
    Polish astronomer who advanced the theory that the earth and other planets revolve around the sun, disrupting the Ptolemaic system of astronomy.
  • 中国政府高度重视农村动力的就业问题,结合“城镇化”和“西部大开发”等战略的实施,努力探索城乡统筹就业的新途径,形成了两方面的基本政策。
    Attaching great importance to the employment of the rural labor force, the Chinese government has explored new ways for comprehensive employment planning in urban and rural areas in line with the urbanization and western development strategies. Two basic policies have been worked out.
  • 成本某物的花费,例如时间或动,是为达到某一目的而必需的
    The expenditure of something, such as time or labor, necessary for the attainment of a goal.
  • 放弃徒劳的尝试
    Fling up vain attempt
  • 所有体力动雇员或月薪不超过2万元的非体力动雇员的雇佣合约,均须由工处处长核签。
    All employment contracts involving manual workers, or non-manual employees with monthly wages not exceeding $20,000, must be attested by the Commissioner for Labour.
  • 他的病可归因于累过度。
    His illness is attributable to overwork.
  •  为了加强对罪犯的技术教育,监狱、改场所设有技术教研室、教室、实验室,农业单位设有试验田。
    To augment vocational training for prisoners, prisons and reform-through-labour institutions feature vocational teaching and research facilities, classrooms, laboratories and experimental plots set up by agricultural work units.
  • 以前科学家在进行dna计算实验的时候总是让dna分子自由地漂浮在试管中,但是威斯康星大学研究小组的负责人、化学家埃德·史密斯希望他的方法可以让计算所需的化学湿选步骤自动进行。
    Previous experiments with DNA computing had allowed the DNA to float freely in a test tube, but Lloyd Smith, a chemist and leader of the Wisconsin research team, hopes his method will allow the wet chemical steps required for a calculation to be automated.
  • 劳苦却无所得
    Labored to no avail.
  • 他徒劳无功。
    He laboured hard without avail.
  • 他徒劳无功。
    All his efforts avail him nothing.
  • 他的所有努力都是徒无益的。
    All his efforts were without avail.
  • 我想借些钱,但徒了一番。
    I tried to borrow some money but to little avail.