  • 张信教授为了进一步证实香港是一个国际大都会,又引述最近美国研究人员遴选了香港为世界十大都会之一,期望文化委员会能带领香港更上一层楼。
    Prof Chang went on to confirm Hong Kong's stature as a major cosmopolitan centre, citing a recent study conducted in the United States which ranked the city among the "top 10" in the world. The Culture and Heritage Commission, he expected, would help Hong Kong attain even higher excellence in arts and culture.
  • 在很久很久以前,人类文明开始的时候,人们就开始饲养牲畜了。
    A long, long time ago, at the very beginning of civilized life people began to keep cattle.
  • 老板和女朋友吵了一架,所以秘书提到取消订货单的事,说得真不是时候。
    The secretary dropped a clanger when she mentioned the cancel of the order to her boss who had just had a quarrel with his girlfriend.
  • 一看见闪电就听见雷声。
    Scarcely had I seen the lightning when I heard a clap of thunder.
  • clarion的新型车载个人电脑与微软软件一起投放市场,这是第一批多功能的集成装置,它能查看你的电子邮件,能从电子通讯记录本中找出所要的电话号码。
    And Clarion's new AutoPC, just launched with Microsoft software, is the first device that integrates many functions, like checking your E-mail and plucking a telephone number from an electronic address book.
  • 我建议开始爬山的人使用拐杖。
    When climbing a mountain I advise beginners to use a staff.
  • 覆有金砂粉末的布。
    cloth covered with powdered emery.
  • 由她主演的第一部影片是《笑,小丑,笑》,那年她才15岁,影片中的男主角是伦·查内。
    Her first leading role was in Laugh,Clown,Laugh,opposite Lon Chaney, when she was just 15.
  • 覆有金砂粉末或沙的硬纸。
    stiff paper coated with powdered emery or sand.
  • 我们听说布朗昨晚打牌时做了手脚——这进一步败坏了他自己的名声。
    We have just heard that Brown cheated at cards last night--another nail in his coffin.
  • 真凑巧!我听了那音乐会回来。
    What a coincidence! I've just come back from that concert.
  • 真凑巧!我听了那音乐会回来。
    What a coincidence! I have just come back from that concert.
  • 这时,那位神通广大的无名氏,正如我们那个亲爱的老高乃依①所言,化狂风暴雨为风平浪静的人物,也谦逊地早已退回到那根柱子的阴影里去;假如不是前排观众中有两位姑娘注意到他才同朱庇特米歇尔·吉博纳对话,硬把他从沉默中拉出来,兴许他还像原先那样无人看得见,一动也不动,无声无息。
    Meanwhile the unknown personage who had so magically transformed the storm into a calm, had modestly re-entered the penumbra of his pillar, where doubtless he would have remained, unseen, unheard, and motionless as before, had he not been lured out of it by two young women who, seated in the first row of spectators, had witnessed his colloquy with Michel Giborne—Jupiter.
  • 哥伦布巧在天亮前踏上美洲海岸。
    Columbus set foot on the shores of America just before daybreak.
  • 他的性格是与柔的结合。
    His character is a combination of strength and kindness.
  • 想起如何解答这个问题。
    The solution of the problem has just come to me.
  • 我们碰到了一位多年不见的老朋友。
    We've just come across an old friend we haven't seen for ages.
  • 十年以前,恐龙开始以十万年来未有的声势卷土重来。人人都惊异到底什么吸引了孩子很简单,恐龙既大,又丑,而且是爬虫。如果你巧是六岁,这三个字(大,丑,虫)的意思就是“我爱你”。我知道,因为我也曾经六岁过。为一条伊瓜那,我什么都肯做。
    Ten years ago, when dinosaurs began to make their greatest comeback in 100,000 years, everyone wondered what the appeal was for kids. It was simple. Big. Ugly. Reptiles. Three little words that mean "I love you." If you happen to be 6. I know, because I was 6 once, and I would have killed for an iguana.
  • 来,我将很高兴带你去各处走一走。
    You are a new comer; I’ll be very glad to show you all round.
  • 一到,她就开始抱怨起来。
    H-had he arrived when she started complaining.
  • 一到,她就开始抱怨。
    Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.
  • 前不久下课的英国教头霍顿,率领中国球队卧薪尝胆,浴血奋战,也经过了媒体的一阵阵赞扬和谴责后,难逃老施先赢后输的命运,执教2000年的中国足球世界杯亚洲预选赛落败,只好下课了。
    The British coach Bobby Houghton, who also had to go not long ago, has led the Chinese team in undergoing self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen themselves to succeed in fighting fierce battles. Having undergone the media's showers of praises and condemnation, he was unable to escape the destiny of first winning and then losing of Old Shi. He had to finish his class since the Chinese team he coached failed in the primary qualification of the 2000 World Cup.
  • 4月7日,该公司的新产品ez系列"蓝色恒星"番茄酱正式登场,好赶上春夏番茄酱热卖的季节。
    The company unveiled Heinz EZ Squirt "Stellar Blue" on Monday, just in time for spring and summer - hot seasons for condiments.
  • 属于任何山龙眼种的热带非洲灌木,有交替的硬的叶子和密集的象圆锥细胞的多彩的花。
    any tropical African shrub of the genus Protea having alternate rigid leaves and dense colorful flower heads resembling cones.
  • 接到电报通知,从纽约来的代表无法按时到达日本出席会议,因为下大雪机场关闭了。
    I've just received a telex informing me that the delegation from New York can't come to Japan in time for the confer ence becaurse the airport is closed due to heavy snow.
  • 我个人为此的奋斗才开始,我将一如既往地倡导它们。
    My fight for those principles has just begun, I shall advocate them in the future as ardently and as confidently as I have in the past.
  • 刚果政府呢?
    Will the Congo government?
  • 刚果共和国
    The Republic of the Congo
  • 果民主共和国果民主共和国的
    Democratic Republic of the Congo(the)
  • 果所使用的基本货币单位。
    the basic unit of money in the Congo.
  • 果共和国的土著或居民。
    a native or inhabitant of the Republic of Congo.
  • 1971年果(金)采用了扎伊尔这个新名字。
    In 1971 the Congo(Kinshasa)adopted the new name of Zaire.