  • 宪法还规定,中华人民共和国是工人阶级领导的、以工联盟为基础的人民民主专政的社会主义国家。这就确定了工人、民和其他劳动者在国家中的主人翁地位,使旧中国处在社会最低层的劳动人民获得法定的民主权利。
    By stating that the People's Republic of China is a socialist state of the people's democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance of workers and peasants, the Constitution has established the status of the workers, peasants and other working people as masters of the country and thus invested the laboring people who were at the bottom rung of the social ladder in old China with lawful democratic rights.
  • 含化肥和杀虫剂的业废物流人海洋;对海洋生物也会造成危害。
    Marine life is also harmed by agricultural waste, chiefly runoff containing chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
  • 农村建筑
    rural building and structure
  • 农村生活方式
    style of rural life
  • 实际上贫穷的村地区。
    virtually moneyless rural regions.
  • 支援农村生产支出
    expenditure for assisting rural production
  • 关于农村政策问题
  • 中国农村社区变迁
    rural community change in China
  • 农村能源生态建设
    Rural Energy and Ecological Construction
  • 乡下人;乡下大家庭;乡间土路;以村为基本的经济。
    rural people; large rural households; unpaved rural roads; an economy that is basically rural.
  • 这是一所农村学校
    This is a rural school.
  • 中国农村经济研究会
    Association of Chinese Rural Construction Research
  • 开拓农村消费市场
    Develop consumer markets in rural areas
  • 业的;村的涉及业或村的问题或事情的
    Relating to agricultural or rural matters.
  • 乡民农村地区的居民
    The inhabitants of a rural region.
  • 农村阶级和阶层
    classes and strata in the rural area
  • 中国村妇女在村改革发展中的进步与贡献
    The Progress and Contributions of the Chinese Rural Women in the Development of Rural Reform
  • 《〈村调查〉的序言和跋》
    Preface and Postscript to‘Rural Surveys’
  • ——村能源建设有了新进展。
    -- Further development of rural energy construction.
  • 黑人选票;农村选票
    The Black vote; the rural vote.
  • 田园诗涉及业和村生活的诗
    A poem concerning farming or rural life.
  • 从事业劳动的地方。
    a rural area where farming is practiced.
  • 四、国土整治与村环境保护
    IV. Territorial Control and Rural Environmental Protection
  • 业或村生活的,与之有关的
    Of or relating to agriculture or rural life.
  • 村地区旧的风俗依然存在
    Old customs that still exist in rural areas.
  • 中国村社会性质论战
    polemic on the nature of Chinese rural community
  • 村经济推动国民经济快速增长
    Rural Economy Promotes Rapid Growth of National Economy
  • 那疾病多见于村地区。
    The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas.
  • 俄国农奴制经济
    serfdom economy in Russia
  • 民在沙皇俄国时代的
    A peasant in czarist Russia.
  • 米尔俄国革命前一种民的村社组织
    A village community of peasant farmers in prerevolutionary Russia.
  • 俄国1861年的奴制改革
    reform of Russian serfdom in 1861