  • 福音由耶稣及使徒布讲的训言,这是基督教《启示录》的中心
    The proclamation of the redemption preached by Jesus and the Apostles, which is the central content of Christian revelation.
  • 负债证明书的发行和赎回均须以1美元兑7.80港元的兑换汇率在外汇基金帐目以美元结算。同样,发行和回收流通硬币也是按1美元兑7.80港元的固定汇率进行。
    The issuance and redemption of CIs are made against US dollars at the convertibility rate of $7.80 to US$1 for the account of the Exchange Fund.
  • 不要忘了,这个世界穿透一切高墙的东西,它就在我们的心深处,他们无法达到,也接触不到,那就是希望《肖申克的救赎》
    forget that there are … place … in the world that are not made out of stone, there is something … inside … that they can not get to … that is hope 《The Shawshank Redemption》
  • ,因应自愿退休计划而出现的职位调派和职务转变,培训处继续全力提供协助,举办了四百多个研讨会和课程,容包括资讯科技、语文、办公室程序、主管人员辅导技巧和思维改革等,参加人数超过9000人。
    In this regard, the momentum to help redeployment and job transition of staff affected by the VR exercise was sustained during the year. Over 400 seminars/courses on various areas including information technology, languages, office procedures, counselling skills for supervisors and mindset change were offered to more than 9 000 staff.
  • 除了跟踪羊群以帮助重新规划分配牧场之外,这项计划的基本容还包括让饲养的猪多多进行它们喜欢的拱地活动,以及为奶牛制造荫凉地带,让它们在舒适的自然环境里抚育小牛犊。
    Apart from tracking sheep to help redesign fields, the initial phase of the project will encourage pigs to indulge in a bit of satisfying rooting and create shady spots for cows to have their calves in natural comfort.
  • ,九广铁路公司继续改善铁路设施,包括改良讯号系统、修建位于红磡的九龙火车总站、重建工场和车厂,以及在铁路沿线指定地点建造隔音屏障。
    In 1997, the KCRC continued efforts to improve facilities by upgrading signal systems, renovating the Kowloon Station at Hung Hom, redeveloping workshops and depots and building noise barriers at selected locations along the railway.
  • 新市区拓展区的建筑工程及可行性研究,大致上遵照都会计划土地用途的一般模式和指椅垃并与毗邻旧区的重新规划和重建工程互相配合。
    Construction works and feasibility studies on new urban development areas generally follow the broad pattern of land use and guidelines in the Metroplan, and integrate with the replanning and redevelopment of adjoining old areas in a co-ordinated manner.
  • 为鼓励受整体重建计划影响的租户和平房区清拆户自置居所,房屋委员会于一九九八年九月推行重建置业计划,让合资格的申请人在购买居屋或私人参建居屋单位时,可在六年获发按揭还款补助金,总额最高可达162,000元。
    The Mortgage Subsidy Scheme was implemented in September 1998 to promote home ownership among tenants affected by the HKHA's Comprehensive Redevelopment Programme and households affected by Cottage Area clearance exercises. Under the scheme, eligible applicants buying HOS or PSPS flats are given a mortgage subsidy of up to $162,000 over a period of six years.
  • 科教投资的使用要改进,这也是改革的重要容。
    Another important aspect of reform is to redistribute the funds allocated to science and education.
  • 就分配土地的容来说,很多都是假的。
    In most cases land was not truly redistributed.
  • 参加者共享一笔基金,有人死亡时,此项基金再从新在在世的人中分配;可以在一定时期或一直到剩下最后的仅存者。
    an annuity scheme wherein participants share certain benefits and on the death of any participant his benefits are redistributed among the remaining participants; can run for a fixed period of time or until the death of all but one participant.
  • 我们齐心协力,但必须坦白地承认工业中心的人口失衡,我们必须在全国范围重新分配,使土地在最适合的人手中发表挥更大作用。
    Hand in hand with that, we must frankly recognize the overbalance of population in our industrial centers and by engaging on a national scale in a redistribution in an effort to provide better use of the land for those best fitted for the land.
  • 示踪剂一种可用来识别的物质,如一种染剂或放射性同位素,可被引入生物或化学系统并在某过程的行进方向上被跟踪,提供有关过程中事件类型或涉及到的部分或成分的重新配置的信息
    An identifiable substance, such as a dye or a radioactive isotope, that is introduced into a biological or mechanical system and can be followed through the course of a process, providing information on the pattern of events in the process or on the redistribution of the parts or elements involved.
  • 新中国成立以后,各民主党派和工商联推动和帮助各自的成员以及所联系的人们,接受社会主义改造,参加社会主义建设,参加反对国外敌人的斗争,也都作出了宝贵的贡献。
    Since the founding of the People's Republic, all the democratic parties as well as the federations of industry and commerce have made valuable contributions in urging and helping their members and people with whom they have affiliation to accept socialist transformation and to participate in socialist construction and in the fight against enemies at home and abroad.
  • 近年来,中国积极扩大需,增加进口,保持了经济持续快速健康发展的势头。
    In recent years in particular, China has redoubled its efforts to expand domestic demand and imports, and it has managed to maintain the momentum of a sustained, rapid and sound economic development.
  • 这一2.0版的特性为第三方团体提供了有力的支持,这些第三方团体包括那些为特定标识系统提供认证的团体,或者是提供一个特定分类法的团体,对于后者而言,可能对该分类法的使用具有策略上的控制,比如仅能使用一组特定的分类值空间,比如只能让联盟或协会成员使用该分类法。
    This Version 2.0 feature makes it possible for a third party, who perhaps specializes in identity verification or provides a specialized classification that is restricted in use to either specific value sets or as applicable to specific members of a group or affiliation with an organization.
  • 贝达得:通过各种加工设备,脆簿鲜嫩的叶子体积缩小,紧接着放入干燥器烘制,之后进行分等挑选,最后的成品就是装入小袋出售的松脆小叶片。
    The tea is reduced from being a green, brittle leaf, and it is put through various machines which reduce its size.It is then fired in a tea dryer, and then sorted, and the finished product is what people see in their packet, a small brittle fragment.
  • 与阻止或减少身体肾上腺素分泌相关的。
    relating to blocking or reducing adrenergic effects in the body.
  • 这些可靠的系统始终都具有通过诸如嵌于系统中的冗余度和存储器保护等标准特性而实现的高可恢复性。
    These stalwart computers have always had plenty of resiliency built into the system through standard features such as redundancy and memory protection.
  • 此技术通过消除对同一容的冗余访问能减少公司网络上的流量。
    The technology can reduce traffic on the corporate network by eliminating redundant access to the same content.
  • 一家药品跨国公司减少了多余的研究,因为研究人员动态地被告知公司已有的相关知识或先例的知识。
    A multinational pharmaceutical company cut out redundant research now that researchers are dynamically alerted to relevant or precedent knowledge that exists in house.
  • 罗伯特在一家公司工作20年后被裁减了,但他毫不气馁,一个星期又找到了工作。
    Robert was made redundant after twenty years with the same firm, but he took it on the chin and found another job within week.
  • 礁(尤指墨西哥湾)海岸以外的低岛或礁;珊瑚礁
    A low offshore island or reef, especially in the Gulf of Mexico; a cay.
  • 哈里能在不到1分钟把美国历届总统的名字都背出来。
    Harry can reel off the names of all the Presidents of the United States in less than a minute.
  • 另一些则说坏天气会引起季节性情绪紊乱——如心冷漠,所以在持续几个月的坏天气里,学生的学业比平时要糟糕。
    Others say bad weather triggers a Seasonal Affective Disorder(SAD) like apathy in them, so they're worse students in the crappy weather months.
  • 如果中国导弹设计者没有设计适于tridentii“重返大气层飞行器”部运行的弹头的需求,即便获取了losalamos设计者的有关信息,也无意义。
    Admittedly, it was not easy for Los Alamos to build a warhead that would fit inside the sharply conical Trident II reentry vehicle. But if the PRC bomb designer doesn't have a requirement to design a warhead that will fit inside a Trident II reentry vehicle, then the information -- even if obtained -- or how Los Alamos designers did it would be a solution to a problem he doesn't have.
  • 恢复法律和秩序;在地区恢复和平。
    restore law and order; reestablish peace in the region.
  • 瓦裁军谈判会议应在防止外空军备竞赛方面发挥重要作用,应立即重新设立防止外空军备竞赛特委会,谈判缔结一项旨在防止外空武器化和防止外空军备竞赛的新的国际法律文书。
    The Conference on Disarmament in Geneva has an important role to play in this respect. It should immediately reestablish the Ad Hoc Committee to negotiate a new international legal instrument on the prevention of the militarization of or an arms race in outer space.
  • 瓦裁军谈判会议应在防止外空军备竞赛方面发挥重要作用,应立即重新设立防止外空军备竞赛特委会,谈判缔结一项旨在防止外空武器化和防止外空军备竞赛的新的国际法律文书。
    The Conference on Disarmament in Geneva has an important role to play in this respect. It should immediately reestablish the Ad Hoc Committee with a mandate to negotiate a new international legal instrument on the prevention of the militarization of or an arms race in outer space.
  • 代理期贵公司销售不良,反映出你方没有尽力而为,故代理权可能会重新考虑。
    Your agency may be reexamine as your sale during period unjustly your effort and activity.
  • 代理期贵公司销售不良,反映出你方没有尽力而为,故代理权可能会重新考虑。
    Your agency may is reexamine as your sale during period unjustly your effort and activity.
  • 首先,裁判鸣哨后,发球球员有8秒钟时间准备,而且在这8秒他只要已经起跳,都不算发球违例。
    First, after the ref blows his/her whistle, the server then has 8 seconds to contact the ball. And it won't be called a fault as long as he's jumped up within the 8 seconds.