  • 房间里满了尖叫的小孩子;花园满了初学走路的孩子。
    The room abounded with screaming children; The garden bristled with toddlers.
  • 当街上满了消防车刺耳的啸鸣声时,拉泽娜恍恍惚惚地走回家去了。
    As firetrucks screeched up the street,Razeena walked home in a daze.
  • 当今的流行文化领域里不容易找到像"信念"乐队一样真实可信的成功故事。这里斥着精心制作的辉煌和建筑在媒体天花乱坠的宣传上的行业的不可避免的衰落。
    It's not easy to find a success story as genuine as Creed's in popular culture these days,with all the carefully scripted rises to glory and the falls that inevitably follow careers built on hype.
  • 中国政府恪守保护知识产权有关国际公约及双边协定的真诚立场和分承担国际义务的能力,得到了国际舆论广泛的赞誉和支持。
    The Chinese government's sincerity in its efforts to scrupulously abide by international conventions and bilateral agreements regarding the protection of intellectual property rights, and its capacity to fully implement its international obligations have been appreciated and supported by world opinion.
  • 这个胳膊体形巨大,但易碎。潜水员用自携式水下呼吸器把气球满气,让它缓缓地把胳膊带到水面。
    However huge the arm, it was fragile, and divers filled a balloon with air from a scuba mouthpiece to gently raise it to the surface.
  • 轮船能够补煤炭的海港。
    a seaport where ships can take on supplies of coal.
  • 没有人认为西尔斯的生存吉凶未卜。该公司去年营业额为280亿,非但有盈余,而且头寸裕。
    No one suggests that Sears's survival hangs in the balance; the company, which had sales of $ 28 billion last year, remains profitable and generates huge amounts of cash.
  • 在这个满活力的星球上,蔚蓝的海洋,葱翠的树木以及许多世界著名的建筑使它变得多姿多彩。
    On this vivid planet, it appears colorful with azure blue seawater, lush green plants and many world famous buildings.
  • 囊状物一种中空或气的囊状器官或结构,如某种海草的浮囊或狸藻的特有存水囊
    Any of various hollow or inflated saclike organs or structures, such as the floats of certain seaweeds or the specialized traps of bladderworts.
  • 这里必须分注意:国家银行发行纸币,基本上应该根据国民经济发展的需要,单纯财政的需要只能放在次要的地位。
    In this connection, we should make quite sure that the issuing of notes by the state bank is based primarily on the needs of economic development, and only secondarily on purely fiscal needs.
  • 博伊德企图把一架用过的收音机冒新的卖给克兰。
    Boyd tried to palm off a secondhand radio as a new one on Crane.
  • 满诱惑地对着他笑。
    she smiled at him seductively.
  • 我的心曾满苦恼,我在寻求提名过程中并不主动,也没有全力以赴,更没有给自己一个正确的评价,但这并不说明我低估了提名的价值。
    That my heart has been troubled, that I have not sought this nomination, that I could not seek it in good conscience, that I would not seek it in honest self appraisal, is not to say that I value it the less.
  • 当贵族依旧骄横跋扈时,这个国家满了不满情绪。
    The nation was seething with discontent as the noblemen continued their arrogant ways.
  • 征收用武力或权势夺取(财产);
    To seize(property) by force or authority; confiscate.
  • 公没收(私人财产)来作为公共财物
    To seize(private property) for the public treasury.
  • 法律上逮捕,搜索,或查封的分证据。
    (in law) evidence sufficient to warrant an arrest or search and seizure.
  • 文化活动的重点场所是天安门广场、东西长安街、南北中轴线、中华世纪坛、北京标志性建筑的广场、奥林匹克公园以及其他重点公园等,分发挥世界第一大城市广场、第一长街以及独一无二的城市中轴线在首都整体文化形象塑造中的重要作用,推出一批体现中国特色、北京气派的国际性品牌文化活动,提升北京作为中国文化中心和国际交往中心的文化品位。
    Major locations for cultural activities include Tiananmen Square, Chang’an Boulevard, the Central Axis Avenue, the China Millennium Monument, public squares featuring Beijing’s unique architecture, the Olympic Green and other key parks. The world’s largest public square, longest boulevard and sole central axis avenue, all found in Beijing, will be fully utilized to play their important roles in creating and shaping the overall cultural image of the capital city. A string of cultural activities worthy of international acclaim and featuring Chinese features and Beijing style will be presented to help enhance Beijing’s status as a center of cultural development and international exchange in China.
  • 一个摩擦较小且更显关爱的对待伴侣疏忽的办法,就是你自己去做这些事——不是心怀不满或遗憾,而是平静、无私而又满关爱的去做。
    A less abrasive, more loving way to deal with your partner's slip?ups is to simply do the task yourself?not with resentment or regret, but quietly, selflessly and lovingly.
  • 波特先生的三本主要关于经济与企业竞争力的书满注解,既重且厚可做挡门砖,可是大约50万册已经售出。他的录像带教材极为抢手。
    Mr.Porter's three major books on economic and corporate competitiveness are footnote-filled doorstop tomes, but roughly a half a million copies have been sold. His instructional videos sell like hotcakes.
  • 买方和卖方均分掌握房地产信息
    the buyer and seller are well-informed;
  • 这类思考过程在学生脑中产生字与字之间,词与词之间,和概念与概念之间的语义网络(semanticnetwork),实字词和概念的语义,能加强记忆。
    These mental activities will establish in their minds relation among words and concepts --- semantic networks--- and thus strengthening the bonds between language and concepts.
  • 这类思考过程在学生脑中产生字与字之间,词与词之间,和概念与概念之间的语义网络(semanticnetwork),实字词和概念的语义,能加强记忆。
    These mental activities will establish in their minds relation among words and among concepts --- semantic networks--- and thus strengthening the bonds between language and concepts.
  • 场效应晶体管或单极管用于制造p型金属氧化物半导体(pmos)、n型金属氧化物半导体(nmos)和补金属氧化物半导体(cmos)设备。
    Field effect transistors or unipolar transistors are used to manufacture P-type metal-oxide semiconductor (PMOS), N-type metal-oxide semiconductor (NMOS) and complementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) devices.
  • 这些场馆,将分考虑残疾人奥运会的需要,实施无障碍设计。
    These venues will be designed to be fully accessible for the people with disabilities.
  • 他补说,现在就得出饮用葡萄酒或米酒会延缓老人脑功能退化或防止衰老这样的结论,还为时过早。
    It was premature to conclude, he added, that drinking wine or sake slowed the deterioration of brain functions in the elderly, or warded off senility.
  • 但是,既然对词语的含义作了这样的限定,我就打算分利用这种被限定的含义。对不以物质产品作为其直接成果的劳动,只要物质产品的增加是其终极后果,我将不拒绝称其为生产性的。
    But in limiting myself to this sense of the word, I mean to avail myself of the full extent of that restricted acceptation, and I shall not refuse the appellation productive, to labour which yields no material product as its direct result, provided that an increase of material products is its ultimate consequence.
  • 分发扬民主,不断完善迅速反映社情民意的机制,使人民的意愿在政府工作中真正得到体现。
    They should fully promote democracy and constantly work to improve the mechanism for promptly reporting social conditions and popular sentiment so as to truly embody the people's wishes in government work.
  • 满感情的流行歌曲演唱。
    the act of singing popular songs in a sentimental manner.
  • 铭文短诗或满感情的词句,尤指刻于小装饰品上的
    A brief verse or sentimental phrase, especially one inscribed on a trinket.
  • 写感伤故事的男女作者,使报章杂志满了伤感的故事。
    The sob sisters, male and female, have filled the magazines and newspapers with sentimental stories.
  • 然而,这天晚上他却满柔情。这天晚上,他简直成了世上最温情的丈夫、天下最慈爱的父亲。
    But tonight he was sentimental. Tonight he was the husband and father to end all husbands and fathers.