  • 根据新披露的军事文件,五角大楼一再卷入耗资巨大的好莱坞电影的制作,以提供军事合作为交换条件提出改建议,做出改动并偶尔重写历史。
    According to newly released military documents, the Pentagon has repeatedly involved itself in the making of big-budget Hollywood movies -- suggesting amendments, making alterations and occasionally rewriting history in exchange for its military cooperation.
  • 理查德……看到那个快活的道士跪下来祷告。
    Richard…beheld the jovial Friar on his knees, telling his rosary.
  • 尽管在克林顿政权“订”报告的5个月内考科斯委员会一直未“开火”,可是doe秘书长理查森(richandson)和nsc主管伯哥(berger)接下来试图将平衡由中国“间谍”丑闻转到里根—布什政权的努力都迫使考科斯委员会的一些会员将他们所知的一切公之于众。
    But although the Cox Committee held its "fire" during the five months it took the Clinton Administration to "redact" their Report, the subsequent efforts of DOE Secretary Richardson and NSC Staff Director Berger to shift the blame for the PRC "spy scandal to the Reagan-Bush Administrations propelled some Members of the Cox Commission to go public with what they had known all along.
  • 他擅长修理收音机。
    He is adept at fixing radio set.
  • 当电灯保险丝烧断、家具变得摇摇晃晃、水管变得堵塞时,妻子们便会自然而然地认为丈夫总会设法好的。
    When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, wives automatically assume that their husbands will somehow put things right.
  • 网络管理的某些方面,尤其是增加/移动/改,大大地简化了,因为端站的寻址是独立于物理位置的。
    Certain aspects of network management, particularly adds/moves/changes, are greatly simplified, since end station addressing is independent of physical location.
  • 装饰通过添加装饰性的小东西来饰外表;加以润饰,美化
    To enhance in appearance by adding decorative touches; embellish.
  • 补通过给…加上一部分或几部分来
    To mend by adding pieces or a piece to.
  • 一种加入额外的东西进行饰的活动。
    the act of adding extraneous decorations to something.
  • 加些改后的语句到原文里。
    added amendatory phrases to the text.
  • 渲染加入饰或想象的细节
    To add embellishments or fanciful details.
  • 略有理,也当作慈善事业,从那些“肯积阴功”的人家化募几个,出些又狭又薄的路。
    If there was any road work done at all, it was done as an act of charity;a little money was collected from families "wishing to gain merit in the next world", and a few narrow, skimpily paved roads were built.
  • “几年以前,你可以看出谁是城里最有权势的人,因为他的路会得整整齐齐,”此间一位城市规划上诉局的基廷先生说。“现在风水轮流转,最有势力的人住在泥土路上。”
    "Years ago, you could tell who the most politically powerful person in town was because his road would be paved," said Ray Keating, a member if the zoning board of appeals here. "Now it's (=it has) come full circle, and the most powerful live on the dirt roads."
  • 第十四件道路,塘坝
  • 理马路是件肮脏的活计。
    Repairing roads is a dirty job.
  • 车辆检验旨在确保车辆检查维妥善,以提高车辆的安全程度。
    Vehicles are examined to ensure that they are roadworthy and properly maintained.
  • 试图维这辆旧车的困难在于,总要花大本钱才能使它开得动。
    The trouble with trying to maintain an old car is that you're always pouring money down the drain to keep it roadworthy.
  • 用于饰或说明经由通道到通道适配器连接的处理部件,通过这些适配器在处理机之间传递控制信息。参阅tightly-coupled。
    Pertaining to processing units that are connected by means of channel-to-channel adapters that are used to pass control information between the processors.
  • 僧袍和尚、男道士和其它神职人员穿的长袍;表明宗教级别的衣着
    A robe worn by monks, friars, and other clerics; a habit.
  • 有些条例需要作出适应化改,以符合《基本法》和反映香港作为中华人民共和国特别行政区的新地位。
    The ordinances require adaptation to bring them into line with the Basic Law and to reflect Hong Kong's new status as a Special Administrative Region of the PRC.
  • 能适应的容易改动或改来适应情况的;能适应的
    Easily altered or modified to fit conditions; adaptable.
  • 橄榄油如此神奇的力量,是由于它可以大量制作一种叫抗氧化剂的化学物质,它能复由离群的微小颗粒(游离原子团)所引起的细胞损害。
    Olive oil's almost miraculous powers are thanks to the fact that it is very rich in chemicals called anti?oxidants which repair cell damage caused by rogue molecules called free radicals.
  • 计至一九九九年七月,立法会通过了26条条例草案,对多项条文做出适应化改。
    As at July, 26 bills have been passed to adapt various provisions.
  • 整使之适应于社会或经济变化
    To cause to adapt to social or economic change.
  • 约翰·亚当斯于1800年11月1日(亦即他卸任的前几个月)搬进去住时,整个建筑的内部装还未完成。
    And when President John Adams moved in on November 1,1800,just a few months before he would leave office, much of the interior had not been completed.
  • 用压路机把路面轧平;用剪子平篱笆
    Leveled the driveway with a roller; leveled off the hedges with the clippers.
  • 用以饰或说明为某一具体应用问题而专门设计和编写的软件,有别于,例如,应用软件包中的程序或者只读存储器(rom)中的程序。
    Pertaining to software that has been particularly designed and written for an application(as contrasted, for example, to a program from an application package or provided on ROM).
  • 基什尼奥夫苏联欧洲部分西南部一城市,靠近罗马尼亚边境,位于敖德萨西北。它于15世纪早期建立成为一个道院中心。它是摩尔达维亚首府。人口624,000
    A city of southwest European U.S.S.R. near the Romanian border northwest of Odessa. Founded as a monastery center in the early15th century, it is the capital of Moldavia. Population,624, 000.
  • 修理屋顶上的漏缝
    Fixed the leak in the roof.
  • 我们决定仿照我们在西班牙看到的矮平顶房来新房子。
    We've decided to build our new home on the lines of the low flat-roofed houses that we saw in Spain.
  • 石斧类似于短柄小斧的一种工具,用来琢屋顶石板
    A tool similar to a hatchet, used for cutting and dressing roofing slates.
  • 古建筑瓦顶维修技术
    Repair Techniques of Tile Roofs of Ancient Buildings