  • 民主制度和抗日战争
  • 埃塞俄比亚抗意战争
    Ethiopian War of Resistance against Italy
  • 利比亚抗意战争
    Libyan War of Resistance against Italy
  • 越南抗美战争
    Vietnamese War of Resistance against America
  • 越南抗法战争
    Vietnamese War of Resistance against France
  • 埃塞俄比亚第一次抗意战
    Ethiopian First War of Resistance against Italy
  • 埃塞俄比亚第二次抗意战
    Ethiopian Second War of Resistance against Italy
  • 没有向命运抗的明智准备,命运便会显示其威力。
    Fortune shows her power when there is no wise preparation for resisting her.
  • 他们采用请愿、逃亡、抗租抗差,直至武装斗等形式取自己的人身权利。
    They strove for their personal rights by making petitions, fleeing, resisting rent and corvee and even waging armed struggle.
  • 迫害只使他们斗得更加坚决。
    Persecution only rendered them more resolute in their struggle.
  • 当反革命到来时,很少坚决的斗
    When the counter-revolution set in, there was very little resolute struggle.
  • 美国可以置身战之外,只要全国人民意志坚定。
    We can keep out, if we have the resolute national will to do so.
  • 坚决地领导民主革命,是取社会主义胜利的条件。
    Resolute leadership of the democratic revolution is the prerequisite for the victory of socialism.
  •  (二)为保护文物与违法犯罪行为作坚决斗的;
    resolute struggle against criminal acts, in the interest of protecting cultural relics;
  • (3)我们对顽固派作坚决的斗,并能一步一步地取得胜利。
    and (3) that we are resolute in our struggle against the die-hards and steadily win victories.
  • 同时要对农业社会主义的反动性和破坏性作坚决的斗
    Meanwhile, it is necessary to resolutely refute the reactionary, destructive theory of agricultural socialism.
  • 统一域名议解决政策条例
    Rules for Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
  • 所有的论点都可能解决;可解决的吵。
    all disputed points are potentially resolvable; a resolvable quarrel.
  • ·寻求解决贸易端的途径;
    .Seeking to resolve trade disputes;
  • 任何误解都可能酿成一场吵。
    Any misunderstanding can resolve itself into a quarrel.
  • 某一公正方为解决端而举行的谈判。
    negotiation to resolve differences conducted by some impartial party.
  • 他们决定继续斗争。
    They resolved on continuing the struggle.
  • 讨论到后来变成了论。
    The discussion resolved itself into an argument.
  • 使用战争或暴力手段
    Resort to war or violence
  • 为使用同一资源而产生的无法解决的用状态。
    Unresolved contention for the use of a resource.
  • 在实现伟大历史转变的过程中,经过多次重大斗的考验,证明我们党的主流是好的,是有战斗力的,是有能力、有办法解决问题的。
    In the course of realizing this historic change, the Party members have repeatedly withstood the test of major struggles, and most of them have proved to be good, capable people, resourceful and ready to fight.
  • 在很长的一段时间里,广大青少年好好学习,天天向上,爱祖国,爱人民,爱劳动,爱科学,爱护公共财物,英勇机智地同敌人、坏分子作斗,树立了一代新风。
    For a long time, our children and young people studied well and made progress every day. They were filled with love for their motherland, for the people and for labour, science and public property, and they struggled heroically and resourcefully against bad elements and enemies, setting the tone for a new era.
  • 纳米技术与一伙未来学家的联系使其取应有地位的活动增色不少。这群未来学家认为纳米技术是通向技术理想王国的必由之路,它意味着空前繁荣,无污染的工业,甚至人的长生不老也不是不可能的。
    The field's bid for respectability is colored by the association of the word with a caba1 of futurists who foresee nano as a pathway to a technoutopia: unparalleled prosperity, pollution-free industry, even something resembling eternal life.
  • 在西班牙-美国战(1898)战里的一次海军战斗;海军上将杜威领导下的美国舰队战胜西班牙舰队。
    a naval battle in the Spanish-American War (1898); the American fleet under Admiral Dewey defeated the Spanish fleet.
  • 英美关于纽芬兰捕渔权之由美国向英国支付了一笔钱而得以解决。
    The differences between England and American, respecting the Newfoundland fisheries, were settled by America's paying a sum of money to England.
  • 各种所有制经济完全可以在市场竞中发挥各自优势,相互促进,共同发展。
    All sectors of the economy can very well display their respective advantages in market competition and stimulate one another for common development.
  • 若是母校气,风生水起则门庭若市,不但在新生报名日挤满了殷切的父母,平时也不乏热心的家长贡献时间精神,名正言顺攀亲搭戚,其良苦用心令人摇头叹息。
    If one's old school turns out a prestigious institution, it will see large crowds of enthusiastic parents thronging into its gate on registration days. At other times, it will have no lack of volunteers contributing their time and energy to its various programmes, trying to build up the right connections. Their diligence is admirable - and lamentable.