  • 这两个国家政治上分歧殊深,几乎引发战争。
    There is a deep political chasm between the two countries which nearly leads to war.
  • 没有时间跟你闲聊。
    No time to stop and chat.
  • 你有时聊一会儿吗?
    Do you have time for a chat?
  • 伊莉莎白没有时与别的少女们闲聊。
    Elizabeth have no time for small chat with other dame.
  • 一座城堡或乡大房子的女主人。
    the mistress of a chateau or large country house.
  • 在法国逗留期他们参观了一些古城堡。
    They visit some ancient chateaux while they stay in france.
  • 谈心活动有助于造成员工和谐的氛围。
    Heart to heart chats conduce to the establishment of harmonious atmosphere among fellow workers.
  • 读者听其闲谈两小时,如与人一夕畅谈,谈后卷被而卧,明日起来,仍旧办公抄账,做校长出通告,自觉精神百倍,昨晚谈话滋味犹在齿颊
    The readers listen to their chats, which last just about two hours. It is like having a good evening chat, and after that the reader goes to bed, and next morning when he gets up to attend to his duties as a bank clerk or accountant or a school principal posting notices to the students, he feels that the flavor of last night's chat still lingers around his cheeks.
  • 他们之的联络不仅是交谈,扎卡威的组织成员说他们要用毒素杀死俄罗斯人。
    The plotting to which they are linked is not mere chatter. Members of Zarqawi's network say their goal was to kill Russians with toxins.
  • 鸟在树间啁啾地叫
    Birds chattering in the trees.
  • 8.在你们见面之前,不要花太多时在网上聊天。
    8.Don't waste a lot of time cyber chatting before you meet.
  • 我不会把他安排在办公室的。他的专长就是同打字员聊天以及计算着时等待下班。
    I wouldn't have him in the office on the premises. Chatting up the typists and watching the clock is all he is good for.
  • 轿车,大型高级轿车接送旅客的大型轿车,特指由专用司机驾驶的豪华轿车,有时乘客和驾驶座之相隔开
    Any of various large passenger vehicles, especially a luxurious automobile usually driven by a chauffeur and sometimes having a partition separating the passenger compartment from the driver's seat.
  • 少数民族要经过一个长时,通过事实,才能解除历史上大汉族主义造成的他们同汉族的隔阂。
    Only after a long time through examining the facts will we be able to put an end to the historical estrangement between the minority nationalities and the Han nationality caused by Han chauvinism.
  • 在低级旅馆中全是又黑又脏的房
    Rooms in cheap hotels are often dingy.
  • 是否还有更便宜的房?
    Do you have anything cheaper?
  • 你们有没有较便宜的房
    Do you have any cheaper room?
  • 有两张单人床的最便宜的房要多少钱?
    How much do you charge for the cheapest possible twin-room?
  • 最便宜的有两张单人床的房要多少钱?
    How much do you charge for the cheapest posible twin room?
  • 芭堤雅各种价位的旅馆和宾馆可提供12000多客房。尽管算不上是该地区最便宜的旅游景点,但与其他类似的度假景点相比,它的价位还是很具吸引力的。
    Hotels and guesthouses in every price range have more than 12,000 rooms available,and while Pattaya is not the cheapest beach resort in the region,it is competitively priced when compared to similar vacation destinations.
  • 我看看时间。
    I check the time.
  • 退房时间是中午。
    Check-out is at noon.
  • 退房时间是几点?
    What time is check-out?
  • ”他边说边为刚刚在网上订的比萨饼签上了支票日期,在计算机鼠标和支票簿之忙碌。
    '' he asks as he dates a check for a pizza he just ordered online, going between the computer mouse and the checkbook.
  • 格子纵列在国际象棋棋盘或西洋跳棋盘上一列垂直排列或在两名游戏者之的方格
    Any of the rows of squares that run vertically or between players on a playing board in chess or checkers.
  • 是您该退房的时了。
    It's your checking out time.
  • 顺便问一下,什么时结账退房?
    By the way, what's the checkout time here?
  • 他瞬间满脸通红.
    A blush suffused his cheeks.
  • 鼓励的呼喊声一般都不长,但要花费很长时练习才能齐声喊出。
    The cheers are usually not long, but it takes a long time to practice shouting them together.
  • 鲜花总是使房充满生机。
    Flowers always cheer a room up.
  • 我有一个舒适的令人愉快的房
    I have a cozy and cheerful room.
  • 舒适的、令人愉快的房
    A cozy, cheerful room.