  • 那些便宜而俗艳的服使她看上去很丑。
    Those fripperies make her look ugly.
  • 她常戴些低俗的饰品。
    She often wears ornaments of frippery.
  • 浇头食物上面的调料,奶油或饰物
    A sauce, frosting, or garnish for food.
  • 装接一个备用燃料箱
    Cut in a spare fuel tank
  • 桨架,桨叉一种置,通常为舷缘架环上的u型金属环,用于固定船桨和作划桨时的
    A device, usually a U-shaped metal hoop on a swivel in the gunwale, used to hold an oar in place and as a fulcrum in rowing.
  • 这个杯子满了,满了牛奶。
    The cup is full — it is full of milk.
  • 一种控制若干输入-输出通道的操作置。
    A functional unit that controls one or more input-output channels.
  • 属于某一操作置的组成部分的硬件或软件。
    Hardware or software that is part of a functional unit.
  • 在运转的正常状态;一套能工作的刹车置。
    in running (or working) order; a functional set of brakes.
  • 设计成与其它部件一起使用的一种组好的硬件功能部件。
    A packaged functional hardware unit designed for use with other components.
  • 把已调制过的信号恢复为原始信号的一种功能部件,或叫操作置。
    A functional unit that converts a modulated signal into the original signal.
  • 一种把二个具有不同网络体系结构的计算机网联接起来的操作置[功能部件]。
    A functional unit that interconnects two computer networks with different network architectures.
  • 自然的发型;没有饰的白墙壁;功能性建筑那以刻板、无饰为特点的水泥堆。
    a plain hair style; unembellished white walls; functional architecture featuring stark unornamented concrete.
  • 在系统开发过程中,将操作置就位和使用前的准备工作。
    In system development, preparing and placing a functional unit in position for use.
  • 将信号转变成适合于传输的被调制信号的一种操作置。
    A functional unit that converts a signal into a modulated signal suitable for transmission.
  • 由一个或多个处理器及其内部存储器组成的一种功能部件[操作置]。
    A functional unit that consists of one or more processors and their internal storage.
  • 通常根据时间来记录事件或物理状态的一种功能部件[操作置]。
    A functional unit that records events and physical conditions, usually with respect to time.
  • 要做到这么低的价格的关键是低成本、高集成的cpu,它包含了这种置的大部分功能。
    The key to achieving such a low price is a low-cost, highly integrated CPU that contains most of the device's functionality.
  • 网关的功能可以用多种不同的方法包实现:专用设备、话音产品的插卡和局域网服务器的软件。
    Gateway functionality can be packaged in a number of different ways: dedicated devices, add-on cards for voice products and software for local-area network servers.
  • 它更象录像机,它只限于内的功能,oracle公司建议,用户将经常像更换录像机那样用有新功能的置代替旧的internet置。
    It will be more like a VCR, which is limited to its built-in functionality.Every so often, users will replace the Internet device with one that has new functions, just as they replace their VCRs, Oracle suggests.
  • 我们要加大开支,帮助各州和各社区培训英勇善战的警察和消防队员,改善他们的备条件。
    We will increase funding to help states and communities train and equip our heroic police and firefighters.
  • 他的服颜色鲜艳,不适宜在葬礼上穿。
    His bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral.
  • 这个房间是用红色和棕色饰的暖色调。
    The room was furnished in warm reds and browns.
  • 穿裙或者用裙来饰。
    wearing or furnished with a petticoat.
  • 有门帘、帷幔或者被门帘、帷幔所遮蔽。
    furnished or concealed with curtains or draperies.
  • 有钮扣或者像钮扣一样的东西饰或者扣紧。
    furnished or closed with buttons or something buttonlike.
  • 我们房子配备家具的风格是19世纪德国饰风格。
    We furnished the house in the Biedermeyer style.
  • 工作站为一个工作者备了设备和家俱一个区域,如在办公室里,经常包括计算机或计算机终端
    An area, as in an office, outfitted with equipment and furnishings for one worker, often including a computer or computer terminal.
  • 一件被弄弯的在一个尖顶或者山形墙的边缘使用的叶形的饰品。
    an ornament of curved foliage used at the edge of a spire or gable.
  • 山墙封檐板常做饰性雕刻的木板,与三角屋顶突出来的边相连
    A board, often ornately carved, attached along the projecting edge of a gable roof.
  • 在一个尖顶或者山形墙顶上的饰品;通常由德国的叶状锂构成。
    an ornament at the top of a spire or gable; usually a foliated fleur-de-lis.
  • 小玩意叫不出名目或没有名目的小置或小玩意儿
    An unnamed or nameless gadget or trinket.