  • 我公司准备按市场价供应一千吨生仁,即期装运。
    We are prepared to offer 1000 tons of groundnut at the market price for immediate shipment.
  • 这麽多--钱不是容易挣的。
    Don't spend so much money doesn't grow on trees, you know.
  • 这儿的花开得最密。
    The flowers grow thickest here.
  • 盆一个用于养的瓦盆
    A pot in which plants are grown.
  • 小气的吝啬给予或费的
    Grudging and petty in giving or spending.
  • 一个人到了越穷困的时候,对于金钱便越视为粪土,我常常奇怪一钱如命的守财奴,为什么要这样刻苦自己,半文钱也不肯
    The poorer one is, the more he looks upon money as dirt. I often wonder why a miser should be so rigid in self-denial, even grudging to spend every single cent for himself.
  • 吝啬的给予或钱吝啬的;小气的
    Giving or spending money grudgingly; niggardly.
  • 以费劲的方式建设着他们的矿谷;紧张的战役;辛苦的劳动;繁重的工作;艰难的进展;在这个计划上费了许多令人筋疲力尽的时间;按照累人的速度。
    worked their arduous way up the mining valley; a grueling campaign; hard labor; heavy work; heavy going; spent many laborious hours on the project; set a punishing pace.
  • 一种普通的珊瑚兰,茎微黄或微红或淡紫褐色,呈松散的总状序,唇瓣白色、有紫色斑点;产自从危地马拉到加拿大的地区。
    common coral root having yellowish- or reddish- or purplish-brown leafless stems bearing loose racemes of similarly colored flowers with white purple-spotted lips; Guatemala to Canada.
  • 你能估计出修理我的车要多少钱吗?
    Can you give a guesstimate of how much it will cost to fix my car?
  • 中国政府坚持“为人民服务、为社会主义服务”的方向和“百齐放、百家争鸣”的方针,以推动和繁荣科学研究和文化艺术的发展。
    In order to promote the development of scientific research and to bring about cultural and artistic prosperity, the Chinese government upholds the guideline of "serving the people and socialism" and the principle of "letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred of schools of thought contend."
  • 式骑术引导马通过一系列由骑手的手腿及重量的轻微动作与变化来完成的复杂操纵的骑术
    The guiding of a horse through a series of complex maneuvers by slight movements of the rider's hands, legs, and weight.
  • 这里没什么新样,只是些改头换面的旧玩意儿。
    There is nothing new here, just the same old idea in a new guise.
  • 一种用于制药、粘合及纺织品印的树胶。
    a gum used in pharmacy, adhesives, and textile printing.
  • 另外,网络专家加卡伯·尼尔森指出,用户甚至必须更多的时间来掌握某个网站组织的特点(风格)、页面设置和搜索引擎。
    In addition, users must spend even more time to master the idiosyncrasies of a particular site's organization, page layout and search engine, Web guru Jakob Nielsen notes.
  • 悬挂在天板上随风飘动的奇形怪状的雕塑品,大家都颇为熟悉。
    Oddly shaped forms that are suspended from the ceiling and move in response to a gust of wind are quite familiar to everybody.
  • 球果单性裸子植物的生殖器,例如针叶树和铁树目植物,一般由覆满鳞片和褶皱的中心轴构成,长螺旋状排列的孢子叶,孢子叶最终成为粉囊或裸露的孢子或种子
    A unisexual reproductive structure of gymnospermous plants such as conifers and cycads, typically consisting of a central axis around which there are scaly, overlapping, spirally arranged sporophylls that develop pollen-bearing sacs or naked ovules or seeds.
  • 丝石竹属植物各种丝石竹属植物中的任何一种,开有白色或粉色的小,包括锥石头
    Any of various plants of the genus Gypsophila, having small white or pink flowers and including baby's breath.
  • 石灰或石膏、沙子和水的混合物,变硬后成为光滑的固体,用来涂墙壁和天板。
    a mixture of lime or gypsum with sand and water; hardens into a smooth solid; used to cover walls and ceilings.
  • 以石膏为核心,外面包一层厚纸板或纤维板的墙板;它用作内墙及天板而无需涂灰泥。
    wallboard with a gypsum plaster core bounded to layers of paper or fiberboard; used instead of plaster or wallboard to make interior walls.
  • 灰泥石灰或石膏、沙子和水的混合物,有时还加入纤维,变硬后成为光滑的固体,用来涂墙壁和天
    A mixture of lime or gypsum, sand, and water, sometimes with fiber added, that hardens to a smooth solid and is used for coating walls and ceilings.
  • 壁炉的木框,描上了仿大理石的纹,炉里通常是没有火的;
    the chimney was of wood painted to represent marble, and habitually without fire.
  • 你顶好把悬到邻居园上的那根枝桠砍掉。
    You'd better hack off that branch that's hanging over the neighbour's gardon.
  • 常春在希腊诗歌和神话中,冥府和死者的对于珀尔塞福涅是神圣的
    In Greek poetry and mythology, the flowers of Hades and the dead, sacred to Persephone.
  • 他每天半小时练钢琴。
    He puts haft an hour's practice in piano playing everyday.
  • 每个美国人都想400美元理发。
    Every American would love to get a $ 400 haircut.
  • 美洲西部一个多毛草本植物属,艳丽。
    genus of western American hairy herbs with showy flowers.
  • 一个广布的草本植物大属,被灰白色毛,具淡白色的苞。
    large widely distributed genus of coarse hairy herbs with whitish involucres.
  • 亮蓝色冠呈放射状的柔软的发状南非草本。
    softly hairy South African herb having flowers with bright blue rays.
  • 东印度的灌木,由于其多毛的叶子和橘红色的而载植。
    East Indian shrub often cultivated for its hairy leaves and orange-red flowers.
  • 有毛裂叶和黄色冠的欧亚多年生草本植物;北美洲野生植物。
    Eurasian perennial herb with hairy divided leaves and yellow flowers; naturalized in North America.
  • 铺有地毯的走廊;铺满鲜的山坡。
    the carpeted hallway; a flower-carpeted hillside.